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Chapter 649

At this time in the cemetery, Chen Fei looked at the black wolf, who was not far away from the front,shivering. He hummed coldly and said, "it's just a little lesson!"

As he spoke, Chen Fei breathed energy into the bodies of several students. And then they woke up.

Just wake up, almost everyone, can not help but make a scream. Then, when they saw the scenearound them, they were relieved.

"Little brother, stop it, quick."

"No, don't fight!"

"No, don't fight. We know it's wrong!"

But their fists can't fall on Chen Fei at all. On the contrary, Chen Fei smashed them with one punch andone foot, which made them black and blue. He cried and fell to the ground with his head in his arms,begging.

Chen's fists fell down and surrounded him.

Seeing this, the man on duty sneered and said, "boy, it's very arrogant! Brothers, let's go together. If wedon't teach this boy a lesson, he doesn't know our strength at all. "

"But now it seems that you are not staff at all. It's just a bunch of hooligans. If that's the case, go to hell!" Chen Fei a fierce drink, eyes fierce stare in front of several people.

Looking at their arrogance, Chen Fei shook his head and said in a cold voice: "originally, we thoughtyou were staff members and wanted to give you a good response."


"As far as you can go, as far as you can go, now!"

"Don't let me do it, or I'll kill you."

"Boy, get out of here now!"

A few people frighten toward Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan stare to come over.

Speaking, the man on duty waved his hand and immediately called five or six uniformed men on duty.

In the face of Chen Fei's question, the man on duty couldn't help changing his expression. Then hisface sank completely and said in a cold voice: "I don't know what you're talking about? Leave now,otherwise, don't blame us for being rude. "

"I paid you the salary. Let you manage the work of the cemetery, but you don't care about the insult tothe dead in the cemetery, and even obstruct our reaction! Is that how you work? "

Hearing this, Chen Fei sneered and said, "work? Do you have the face to say "work"

The man on duty looked at the young man blocking the window, with an unhappy look on his face, andsaid, "you are making trouble, disturbing our work."

At this time, a big hand pops out and grabs the window directly. In a cold voice, he says to the man onduty: "before the matter is solved, I advise you to give a good answer."

Said, the man on duty to close the window, ignore Lin Qiuhan.

The man on duty was stunned for a few seconds and then said, "I don't know what you're talking about!If it's OK, don't disturb our work. "

"What's the relationship?" Lin Qiuhan's face sank and he said in a cold voice, "my father's grave wasdestroyed and insulted by them. What do you think it has to do with me?"

The man on duty smelled the speech, his face showed a look of malice, and said: "I said it all, I don'tknow, why do you ask so many questions. Besides, what does it have to do with you? "

Lin Qiuhan wanted to ask, but the other side's attitude made her more and more dissatisfied, and hervoice became low. "They made so much noise, and even pulled the wire in the cemetery. How can younot know such a thing? "

Hearing this, the man on duty's face changed slightly and his eyes twinkled. But then he waved hishand and said, "I don't know what kind of students or bands there are. There's nothing wrong withthem."

Lin Qiuhan said in a voice: "I want to ask if you know that a group of students engaged in bands in thecemetery and destroyed many tombs."

"What's the problem?" The middle-aged man on duty scratched and didn't care.

Such attitude, can't help but let Lin Qiuhan frown, but she still quietly said: "Hello, I have a question toask you."

The middle-aged man on duty was awakened and opened his eyes. Then he looked impatiently andsaid, "what are you doing?"

Lin Qiuhan couldn't help thinking of something. He went forward, knocked on the window of the dutyroom and said, "Hello!"

When they came to the gate of Ningyuan, they saw several uniformed staff sitting lazily in the dutyroom dozing off.

After the worship, Lin Qiuhan and Chen Fei clean up the incense wax paper money in front of the tomb,and then turn to leave.

Chen Fei also saluted his deceased father-in-law.

Finally, Lin Qiuhan kneels in front of the grave and kowtows three times to Lin Zhidong.

Then Lin Qiuhan came to his father's grave and carefully cleaned up the weeds and garbage aroundthe grave. Then he lit a candle and burned a stack of paper money for Lin Zhidong in the curlingsmoke.

Lin Qiuhan looks at Chen Fei, and then at the back of the black wolf. There is a color of doubt in hiseyes. However, she did not ask, because she knew that her husband seemed to have some unusualmeans. It's enough to scare these people away.In this way, Chen Fei scares them, so that they have aheart of awe and respect for others.

The horror scene they saw just now is not really ghost land, but a kind of illusion created by Chen Feiby using his true yuan breath.

At the moment, Chen Fei, watching the black wolf group escape from the invisible figure, then turnsaround and looks at Lin Qiuhan, saying: "wife, drive them away. Don't be angry any more. "

In the cemetery, occasionally some other people saw this group of people look so strange. They shooktheir heads and said, "this cemetery is not strictly managed. How can some lunatics come in?"

A group of people, such as crazy crazy ran out, even their favorite band instruments, now also allignore. He rushed out of the cemetery.


"Don't eat me, don't kill me, help

"I saw the ghost!"

"Ghost, ghost!"

However, at the thought of the terrible scene just now, they shivered all over and could no longercontrol their fear. They ran towards the entrance of the cemetery.


Chen Fei didn't mean to stop, and continued to beat them.

The arrogant man on duty was beaten the most. His eyes were so red and swollen that there was onlyone line left. His whole head became a red and swollen pig's head. He grunted, "you, you dare to moveme. I tell you, I'm following brother Hong. If you beat me, brother Hong won't let you go. "

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