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Chapter 636

Chen Fei said in a deep voice, "I've already said that they started first. I'm just fighting back in self-defense."

The captain heard the words and sneered: "ha ha, it's just sophistry. Take it away!

During the conversation, they gathered around and were about to fight against Chen Fei. Thosechicken coop heads, who had been knocked down on the ground, got up from the ground, gritted theirteeth, looked at this side, gritted their teeth and said in a voice: "Damn, grab it, grab it all. If you dare toattack us, I will teach you a good lesson. "

As soon as the words came out, the chicken nest head was shocked. He seemed to think ofsomething. He murmured: "yes, I'm Xu Shao's person. Now I'm Xu Shao's person. I'm a big man. I'mnot afraid. I don't --"

just as the expression of the chicken nest head was flashing, the team leader came over, patted thechicken nest head on the shoulder and said: "you're Xu Shao's person now, don't you Anyone canmove you. "

After all, before him, the status and Hou Dong gap is too big, is not a level of existence. Therefore,facing Hou Dong at the moment, he inevitably lacks some confidence.

But at the moment, Hou Dong directly points out his identity, which reminds the chicken nest head ofthe low breath days before, and his expression flickers unconsciously.

And the henhouse head was just a group of followers of the black dog. Some time ago, because XuShao entered Long'an City, by chance, jiwotou won Xu Shao's favor, was promoted by Xu Shao, andbecame Xu Shao's valet, and his status rose. He also has a certain position in Long'an city and istreated respectfully at ordinary times.

This black dog was originally a gangster with some influence in the underground world of Long'an city.Of course, his influence is for ordinary people. Compared with people of Hou Dong's level, black dog isnot worth mentioning at all.

Smell speech, chicken nest head can't help but face a change, expression some strange.

Hou Dong coldly looked at the chicken's nest head in front of him and said, "you used to follow theblack dog. When did the black dog dare to be so bold in Long'an city?"

Because Wei Jinlong often travels outside, Wei Tian also marches into the provincial capital. So manyof the businesses of Longteng group in longan city are managed by Hou Dong. At this time, Hou Dongseems to be a big man in the underground world of Long'an city.

Yes, this skinny man is no other than Hou Dong, one of the original four heavenly kings under WeiJinlong.

But in the middle of the speech, the expression on his face froze. He looked at the thin man in front ofhim in shock and horror and said, "monkey, Monkey King, how are you here?"

"Damn, who do you dare to talk to me like this, Laozi?" the rooster yelled.

But at this time, the thin and weak man gave a cold hum, raised his head to look at them, and saidharshly, "Mr. Chen, when you go out, do you want your opinion?"

Between the two of them, they are going to surround Chen Fei.

Seeing this, the head of the chicken nest and the team leader looked cold and said in a cold voice, "doyou want to go? Have you asked our opinion? "

With that, Chen Fei got into the car and started it.

Chen Fei nodded, then glanced at the people next to him and said in a voice, "I have something else todo. You can solve the problem here."

The man just got out of the car, then rushed to Chen Fei quickly and said respectfully, "Mr. Chen, youare back!"

At this point, in the team, the leading door opens. A short, thin man in his thirties got out of the car.

Even the cockpit head and the team leader, who were arrogant, could not help frowning when they sawthe scene and muttered, "what's the matter? Who's here? "

Because the road was sealed, the road ahead was completely empty. These cars are running side byside with a roar. The roaring momentum is shocking and makes people tremble.

People can't help but turn to look in the past, and then they see more than a dozen cars roaringtowards this side.

Just as they mocked, there was a roar of cars.

Team leader also cold voice way: "break the rules is break the rules, you call who also useless."

Seeing this, the head of the chicken nest looked at Chen Fei sarcastically and said, "ha ha, tenminutes. When I was on the phone just now, didn't I feel proud? Now, it's time. There's no way. "

Soon, ten minutes is coming. Chen Fei looks at his watch and his eyes are frozen.

In the voice of the public, the passage of time.


"I'm afraid it will take several more hours for the road to be closed this time."

"Young man, still too young."

"He'll come to no good end fighting with a local snake."

"This young man is still too impulsive!"

Seeing this, the drivers and passers-by could not help feeling.

Finish saying, chicken nest head made a wink to captain. The team leader and his party immediatelybacked down. Instead of fighting against Chen Fei, they formed a circle around him and blocked ChenFei's way.

After watching the phone, Chen Fei sneered and said, "what's the matter? so what? I'd like to see. Whocan you call? ""Yes, Mr. Chen. I'll deal with it right away." The other end of the phone respondsrespectfully, and then Chen Fei hangs up.novelbin

Chen Fei ignored their sarcasm, quickly finished the call and said, "yes, that's what happened. Now, mycar is blocked. I want to leave in ten minutes


"Ha ha, an outsider, dare to come to our city of Long'an, arrogant, looking for dead things."

"I'd like to see who you can call?"

"Oh, you're calling people!"

Seeing this, the other side was not afraid at all, but sneered.

While speaking, Chen Fei took out his mobile phone and began to make a call.

"Yes? Your words are the rules. I really don't know when a small team leader will have such rights! "Chen Fei cold voice quality asks a way, "I pour is to see, who gives you so big power?"

The captain sneered: "rules? I tell you, what I say is the biggest rule. "

Seeing this, Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and he yelled: "are you really not talking about any rules? Howdare you seal roads and arrest people? "

At the moment, not only Chen Fei, but also Lin Qiuhan in the car is surrounded by people.

He said, "I've been away from black dog for a long time. Now, I'm Xu Shao's man. It's Xu Shao's orderto close the road today! "

"Xu Shao! Command Hou Dong looked cold and said, "I don't care about Xu. Do you think I'm afraid ofhim?"

"Mr. Chen is going to leave. Make way for me now!" Hou Dong snapped.

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