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Chapter 617

In all kinds of comments, the people of the Yue family came over with a dignified manner. When theirteam approached Chen Fei, Chen Fei couldn't help shrinking his eyes.

Because he saw the figures of Yu Qingmei and Yu Qin in the Yue's team. They were escorted by twoYue family members, one left and one right, and followed Yue Qiaoyu.

If you look from the position, the two can be said to be in a good position. However, from Yu Qingmei'sdrooping eyebrows at the moment, Chen Fei can't see any excitement. Instead, his eyebrows are full ofsadness.

Chen Fei and the two people know that they have a clear stomach, but the others around them are at aloss when they see this.

After seeing Chen Fei's small movements, they arched their hands again and then turned around towalk towards the island in the middle of the lake in a boat.

Hearing their voices, Chen Fei couldn't help smiling, nodded gently, and then waved his hand to signalthat they didn't need to do this.

"Zhuo Dongquan has met the master. Thank you for your help to lingyunzong!"

"He Yongshan has met the master. Thank you for sparing your life last time!"

But when they got on the boat, they didn't leave as the other warriors did. Instead, they turned aroundand bowed to the people on the bank.

Originally, among so many guests, the two were not conspicuous, and there was nothing special aboutthem.

Sanhe Zong and Lingyun Zong are all Xuan level forces, which are equal to the strength of the sunfamily. This time, they also sent people as guests.

"Lingyunzong, zhuodongquan!"

"Sanhezong, he Yongshan!"

Just as the crowd was shouting, two more figures jumped into the boat.

Many of these famous martial artists did not belong to the five provinces of this martial arts conference.They all came to participate as guests.


"It seems that this five provincial martial arts conference will be wonderful!"

"I didn't expect that the Jiang family also appeared. This time, the sun family was full of face. Theyinvited so many martial arts guests from other provinces to join us."

"Pingyan beauty also appeared, she is still the same beauty ah, it is my dream fairy sister."

"Dong Jiang, I didn't expect Dong Jiang to come, but he hasn't appeared in more than ten years!"

The warriors on the shore, listening to these names, were excited again.

A small boat, with a name, after the big boat, toward the island in the middle of the lake.


"Jiangnan, Jiang family!"

"Jiangnan rain, flat smoke!"

"Linghu sword, Dongjiang!"

Among the people on the shore, there were many figures flying out. After they stepped on the boat,they seemed like flying swords and glided along the boat towards the island in the middle of the lake.

After several of the largest cruise ships left, some smaller ones appeared on the shore.

Among the comments, all the people of the great martial arts forces boarded their own cruise ships,and the cruise ships also gathered towards the island in the middle of the lake.


"If it's not master Chen, who can get such respect from Master Sun?"

"It's possible, but master Chen should be on the cruise ship on this occasion."

"Is it the legendary master Chen?"

"It's really amazing who can get the bow of Master Sun."

"I think I read it right. I saw it, too."

"Mr. Sun was bowing to someone just now? Am I right? "

For a moment, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd, which created a small mystery for the martialarts conference.novelbin

This behavior made people curious. What did sun Fengqin want to say at that time? Who did she calland bow to.

Sun Fengqin was stunned, then nodded, bowed respectfully in the direction of Chen Fei, and thenstepped into the cruise ship.

Chen Fei understood her meaning and knew that she wanted to ask herself to board the ship.However, Chen Fei didn't want to board the boat now, so he waved to sun Fengqin and indicated thathe was free.

when Chen Fengfei bowed to the audience, he bowed to them with a warm voice.

As soon as the sun family, who has local advantages, appeared on the scene, there was a burst ofwarm cheers and shouts, and people kept shouting to the sun family. After all, this competition ofmartial arts and Taoism is also equivalent to a competition of martial arts and Taoism personages fromfive provinces. If the sun family can achieve good results, the warriors in the provincial capital will behappy and excited.

Then came the host of the martial arts conference, the provincial capital Sun family.

Chen Fei didn't think so, and directly responded with the same gesture.

In the team, Chang Zhi, pale and gloomy, stares at Chen Fei fiercely with a strong hatred in his eyes.When he passes by Chen Fei, he makes a threatening gesture to Chen Fei.The Yue family boarded theboat and entered the lake. Behind them was the team of pili gate.

Smell speech, Yu Qingmei beautiful eyes, can't help but appear watery, a mist, mouth moved, want tosay something. But without opening her mouth, she was covered by Yu Qin and pulled her to speed upand set foot on the boat.

Chen Fei nodded, then clenched his fist to Yu Qingmei and said firmly, "sister Qingmei, no matter whathappens, I won't let them hurt you."

Seeing this, Yu Qingmei couldn't help but show his anxious face. He quickly waved to Chen Fei andsaid in a low voice, "I'm ok. Don't be impulsive."

Yue Qiaoyu's eyes contracted fiercely for a moment, and his steps stopped for a moment, and he gaveout a dull hum.

All of a sudden, Chen Fei's eyes slightly coagulated and made a hand gesture to Yue Qiaoyu.

However, Yue Qiaoyu also heard Chen Fei's voice at this time. He looked at him with a cold look in hiseyes. He shot at Chen Fei fiercely. His lips moved and didn't make a sound, but Chen Fei still saw hismeaning, "you're dead!"

Hearing Chen Fei's voice, Yu Qingmei looks up, and her eyes fall on Chen Fei. She can't help but showa look of surprise and can't help laughing.

All of a sudden, Chen Fei could not help frowning, and then called out, "sister Qingmei!"

They don't know how he Yongshan and Zhuo Dongquan, the two Xuan level masters, bow to thewarrior on the bank to express their gratitude.

You know, the people who can help them, their strength and influence, at least one point is not vulgar.As long as there is one of these two points, it's not a problem to get on a cruise ship and get close tothe island in the middle of the lake. How can you stay on the shore and watch from a distance withordinary warriors.

So, they don't know who they are worshiping!

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