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Chapter 603

It has to be said that under Wei Tian's strict requirements and Chen Fei's advice from time to time, thestrength of the students in the martial arts school has improved significantly.

In the twinkling of an eye, we have been walking for more than ten kilometers, but they are still orderlyand energetic. Even Liang pan, a complete newcomer with no foundation, was sweating, but he keptup with the team and did not fall behind.

All the way from the city to the suburbs, the surrounding scenery gradually changed from high-risebuildings to rural forests. The air was a little fresh. People could not help but take a hard breath, andtheir fatigue seemed to disappear with the fresh air.

In case of emergency, they can only send a distress signal to the management of the scenic spot.

At the same time, the vice captain behind the captain was also brought by the captain, then fell down,was cut blood vessels by branches, a lot of blood flow.

As a result, the tragedy happened, because the sky was dark, the mountain road was rugged, thegrass was thick, and the road was very difficult. In addition, the team leader was in a hurry to get on theroad. As a result, he stepped on the air and fell into the gully beside the mountain road, breaking hisleg.

But because of the competition with other teams, the captain of this team took advantage of the night tolet everyone move on.

As a result, when they started climbing, they found that the actual situation was much morecomplicated than they thought. Along the way, they encountered a lot of problems, a variety of smalltroubles also followed, so that unprofessional they feel unbearable.

Since it's an exploration, we can't take the route developed in the scenic area. So a group of themchose this remote mountain road and wanted to explore and challenge themselves to climb to the topof the mountain.

This time, they are going to have another competition, but almost all the exploration sites in theprovincial capital have been played by them. Therefore, this time, it is proposed that an outdoorclimbing competition be held in laolongshan.

It turned out that these people were from an outdoor sports club in the provincial capital, because theyloved all kinds of outdoor adventure activities. They usually get together to do a variety of activities andteam competitions.

The men in assault suits, hearing the question, spoke quickly and told their story.

Seeing this, Chen Fei and Liang pan marched down the gully and asked, "what's the matter?"

There are two figures lying in the gully. At this time, they are constantly moaning, which is very painful.


"Just the two of you? What about the rest of the rescue team? "

"Someone in our team was injured and broke his leg. Someone's blood vessel has been cut, and nowthe bleeding is very serious. "

"Are you from the scenic area? Help us. "

Then, several people came up from the gully, almost rushed to Chen Fei's side, shouting.

When it comes to the sound, the busy people are surprised. They turn around and see Chen Fei andLiang pan. They suddenly look happy. They even say, "here we are. It's great. Here we are at last. Weare saved. "

Chen Fei asked, "what are your problems?"novelbin

Soon, they saw several figures in assault suits carrying something in a gully. At the same time, therewas a sound of wailing and groaning coming out from inside.

So Chen Fei and Liang pan marched quickly in the past.

They slowed down, and soon saw a few hundred meters in front of them. There was a flash of light,and there were voices of some people talking.

In this way, in less than ten minutes, Chen Fei and Liang Pan had reached the position Liang panpointed to.

Considering that someone might be in danger, Chen Fei simply grabbed Liang pan and walked quickly.

Chen Fei immediately wakes up Wei Tian and gives him an order. Then he takes his equipment andgoes up the mountain with Liang pan.

Liang Pan's face brightened up and said, "thank you, Mr. Chen."

Chen Fei understood what Liang pan meant and nodded: "OK, I'll go and have a look with you."

Liang pan nodded and said, "I think so. This mountain road is rugged and difficult to walk, and now it'sNovember, and the weather is getting cooler. If someone is trapped on the mountain, it must be verydifficult to get there at night. So I want to see it. "

Smell speech, Chen Fei for one meal, way: "you mean, there are people in danger on the mountain."

Liang Pan said: "I just got up to go to the toilet. It seems that I saw a light flash somewhere on themountain, and there was a cry for help."

"It's all right. You said, "what's the situation?" Chen Fei asked.

Liang pan looked at Chen Fei with embarrassment and said, "Mr. Chen, I didn't mean to wake you up.It's just that I found something

Chen Fei looked at Liang pan and asked, "Liang pan, what can I do for you?"

So they rested. Until after midnight, Liang pan came to Chen Fei's tent and woke him up.

Chen Fei checked the safety of the people, then found a tent and began to rest.

Because of the preparation in advance, although many students are only camping for the first time,they are still decent. Finally, before it was completely dark, a group of people finally settled in.The teamthen stopped and began to camp.

In this way, it was already dark when people were just halfway up the mountain.

Chen Fei is watching the whole process. If there is no danger, he will not appear.

The undeveloped mountain road is very winding, plus the dense rebirth of weeds and variousbranches, making the journey more and more difficult.

At the beginning, the crowd was moving smoothly. However, as the team entered the mountain forest,there was no road left, and the speed slowed down obviously.

After some advice, the team marched again.

Of course, besides exercise, the emphasis on safety is indispensable.

That's why the martial arts school chose this route as the training for the students.

Here, the team stopped, because the route of the martial arts school is not the conventional route thathas been developed in the scenic area, but a dangerous route with few people, which is much moredifficult than the ordinary route.

After a long journey, they came to the foot of laolongshan.

But maybe it's because it's too remote here, or no one in the management of the scenic spot hasnoticed their call for help. So a few hours later, no rescuers arrived.

When they were almost desperate, they were on the verge of despair. Chen Fei and Liang panappeared, which surprised them.

No wonder they were so excited when they saw Chen Fei and Liang climbing over just now, and theysurrounded them.

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