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Chapter 577

"Hello, my name is Zhu LAN, a reporter." The girl outstretched her right hand to Chen Fei.

"Reporter?" Chen Fei slightly Leng for a while, then stretched out his right hand, and the girl gentlygrasped, and then looked at each other.

Seeing Chen Fei's doubts, Zhu LAN takes out her mobile phone, clicks on a video and shows it toChen Fei: "this is a jumping incident that happened in the autumn group building a few hours ago. Atthat time, at the critical moment, a hero rescued the man who jumped from the building. That hero, isthat you? Can you give me an interview? "

His eyes swept, fell to the direction of Zhu LAN, and then yelled: "it's her, the female reporter. Get herand call me

"What are you looking at? Get out of here!" The leading gangster yells at Chen Fei at the door, andthen rushes directly into the coffee shop.

Just as Chen Fei was about to leave the cafe, suddenly, a group of fierce thugs with sticks camequickly towards him.

Chen Fei goes out of the coffee shop, Zhu LAN sits back, then takes out his laptop and starts to sortout the interview information just now.

For the generous reporter, Chen Fei is also a good impression, gently nodded, and then turned toleave.

Zhu LAN agreed to Chen Fei's request and held out her hand to Chen Fei with a smile, saying: "I wantto thank you for two points. First, thank you for your interview. Second, from my personal point of view,I thank you for saving a life. "

Chen Fei tells Zhu Lan that it's OK to report the interview, but he has to hide his identity. All the picturesand videos are mosaic, and his name is also pseudonym. Of course, in order to publicize the effect, theuniform logo of the martial arts school should be revealed.

Chen Fei all for Zhu Lan said once, Zhu LAN while recording, while fast recording. About half an hourlater, the interview was over.

The content of the interview is nothing more than the cause and effect of the event, Chen Fei'spsychological state of saving people at that time, and the display of Chen Fei's personal ability anddeeds.

There were not many people in the coffee shop. They found a window seat, ordered two Mocha, satdown and began to interview each other.

Before long, Zhu LAN found a coffee shop, and then they came to the coffee shop together.

Then, Zhu LAN opened the map of her mobile phone and explained: "just a moment, I'm not a local. I'lllook for a nearby coffee shop."

"All right!" Chen Fei nodded.

Zhu LAN turned her eyes and said, "it's not convenient on the main road. Let's find a coffee shop tointerview! Well, it's my treat

Chen Fei immediately speechless, did not expect that he so easily on the set. Then, with a long sigh,he said, "come on, what do you want to interview me with?"

"It's you Zhu Lan's eyes suddenly shine, excited and looking forward to staring at Chen Fei, eyes turn,showing a touch of cunning aura, "in fact, you just the phone, I did not hear clearly, some things, Iguess, did not expect you to admit it!"

"I can't help but admit it," sighed Chen

Chen Fei was stunned, and Zhu Lan said: "I've heard it all. It's your martial arts school. You're the onewho saved people. People in your martial arts school also said, "thank that reporter!"

At this time, Zhu LAN stares at her big eyes, purses her mouth, and stands in front of Chen Fei. WhenChen Fei hangs up, she blinks her eyes and says, "I heard you. I heard your phone."

After hearing this, Chen Fei did not know what to say. He looked up at the girl with short hair in front ofhim.

"The martial arts school is on fire this time. I really want to thank Feige. How about you and theunknown reporter?" Wei Tian said excitedly.

"A lot of people who sign up are watching the video, Feige your great skills, and then follow the uniformclues to sign up."

"The person who uploaded it seems to be a reporter and has a lot of fans. So it has attracted a lot ofpeople's attention. Now it has been uploaded on Weibo, and the video is very popular. "

Wei Tian quickly explained: "Feige, didn't you go to save the person who jumped off the building in yourcompany? When you were in a hurry, you went out in the uniform of our martial arts school. And thescene at that time was photographed and spread to the Internet. "

"Me?" Chen Fei is puzzled.

Wei Tian said: "no, it's not our own propaganda, it's Feige you."

Hearing this, Chen Fei could not help but be surprised and asked: "so hot? Have you done anypublicity? "

Wei Tian said excitedly: "brother Fei, you just left. A lot of people have called to inquire about signingup for martial arts. Now, the website and telephone number of the martial arts school are going toexplode. Now more than 50 people have signed up, and the number is still growing. "

"Fire, what's the fire?" Chen Feidao.

Immediately, Wei Tian called excitedly and said, "brother Fei, our martial arts school is on fire!"

But at this time, Chen Fei's mobile phone rang. Chen Fei looks at the number and it's Wei Tian, soChen Fei gets through.With that, Chen Fei got out of the car and was ready to walk away.

Chen Fei is really not interested in these. He can't help shaking his head and saying, "I'm sorry!"

When Zhu LAN saw that Chen Fei insisted on going, she could not help but be a little anxious. Sheopened her arms and stopped Chen Fei's bicycle. She said quickly, "if you want to charge a certain fee,I can also pay for it. Besides, I think your clothes should be from a certain martial arts school. I have

hundreds of thousands of fans on the Internet. If you agree to accept my interview, I can help youpublicize the martial arts school. "

Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not the one you're looking for."novelbin

However, Zhu LAN did not give up. She came after her quickly and said, "if you are worried that I am aliar, I can show you my press card. What's more, I won't charge you any fees. I just want to interviewyou and help publicize this kind of heroic deeds. "

With that, Chen Fei is about to leave by bike.

When Chen Fei saw the video, it was really the scene of Liang pan jumping from a building. Naturally,the person he photographed was himself. However, Chen Fei didn't want to make such trouble, so hewaved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, you've got the wrong person! I'm not the hero you call me. "

While talking, the gangsters rushed to Zhu LAN.

Zhu LAN hears the movement of this side, complexion one side, quickly and neatly stand up, skillfullyturn around and run.

But just after two steps, she thought of the laptop on her desk and turned around randomly to clean itup. But such a delay, gangsters have come after, Zhu LAN will be surrounded.

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