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Chapter 572

"Zhang Ying would not have thought that his boyfriend should know such a big man!"

"It's too late for those old men to lose their boyfriends."

"Come on, that's her choice, and we don't want to say anything more."

"Damn, can you drive? Dare to hit my car!" Han Shao rushes over and scolds angrily.

Surprised two people, quickly stop the car, then angrily opened the door, directly get off the car.

Two people caught off guard, head Bang hit the window glass, suddenly a big red envelope, issued ascream. Fortunately at this time the speed is not fast, the two talents did not have greater danger.

In an instant, the huge impact inertia poured into the sports car, throwing Han Shao and Zhangyingmeng, who were excited and wanton, to the window glass.

Then, when the other side's sports car suddenly braked again to force Chen Fei, Chen Fei didn't slowdown at all this time, and even stepped on the accelerator and hit their car butt directly.

Seeing this, Chen Fei was angry and cold in his eyes. He said to Liang pan, "fasten your seat belt!"

At the moment, Zhang Ying is very proud. She smiles with the blue haired young man beside her, andexcitedly makes all kinds of insulting gestures to Chen Fei and Liang pan. At the same time, the bluesports car also deliberately twists and brakes in front of Chen Fei's car, forcing Chen Fei's car.

Climbing up, Liang Helian and the second officer in the car are in the same seat.

At this time, the top of the sports car was put away, and the two inside turned to Chen Fei and put uptheir middle finger.

"Damn it," Chen Fei said angrily, with a look of anger in his eyes.

Chen Fei's car slowed down. As a result, the sports car in front of him also slowed down. He evenmade a sudden brake in front of Chen Fei's car, forcing Chen Fei to make a sudden brake.

Hold the car, Chen Fei can't help but frown. Looking at the sports car in front of him, he can't helpthinking of Songshao a few days ago. He can't help but say angrily, "Damn, I've met this boring dragracing. I'm rich and young. I don't know where to go to kill people and kill people on this road."

Chen Fei was originally chatting with Liang pan in the car, but he was surprised by the suddendeparture of the car. He quickly swung the steering wheel to avoid the sports car in front of him.

A burst of rapid engine sound, blue sports car suddenly rushed to the front, and then hit the steeringwheel, directly toward Chen Fei their car.

Han Shao a listen to his little baby unexpectedly suffered such a big grievance, suddenly angry, a stepon the accelerator, directly toward Chen Fei their car chase up, "Damn, bully to my woman head up,looking for dead things."

Zhang Ying then tearfully told what happened in the luxury goods store just now. Of course, she didn'tmention the relationship between herself and Liang pan. She just said that the two guests had a crushon her. After they failed to take advantage of her, she deliberately made trouble for herself, and as aresult, she lost all her jobs.

"Well, they dare to bully my baby. What's the matter?" Han Shao asked with a frown.

Zhang Ying pointed to the car and said, "those two people just bullied me!"

Han Shao is aware that Zhang Ying's eyes are changing, so he can't help asking: "little baby, why areyou suddenly unhappy?"

But when Zhang Ying is excited, suddenly, her eyes catch a glimpse of a black Volkswagen in front ofher, and her eyes change. Because the two people in the car are Chen Fei and Liang pan.

At the thought of this, Zhang Ying can't help but feel excited and want to shout.

With Han Shao as a rich young woman, Zhang Ying doesn't care about her job, Chen Fei or bald oldman.

Seeing this, Zhang Ying is even more happy in her heart. At this time, she completely forgot aboutbeing expelled and beaten in the face by Chen Fei.

The sports car roared away, attracting the envy of passers-by. Many people took photos with theirmobile phones.

"Come on, I'll take you for a ride." With that, Han Shao opens the car door, enters the sports car withZhang Ying, and then starts the car with a bang.

Han Shao hugs Zhang Ying, grabs Zhang Ying and says with a smile, "little baby, I'm very impressedwith your Kung Fu in bed. How can I forget you?"

Seeing this, Zhang Ying speeds up her steps and rushes directly to Han Shao's arms. She sayssweetly, "Han Shao, I haven't contacted others for a long time. I thought you forgot me!"

Soon, she found Han Shao on a commercial street. Han Shao, with blue hair and fashionable dress, isleaning against a blue sports car with sunglasses. He is very fashionable and attracts the attention ofmany passers-by.novelbin

Think of this, Zhang Ying more excited, immediately North Korea and South Korea less position tocatch up with the past.

Hang up the phone, Zhang Yingxin couldn't help jumping up, smiling, "it's really lucky that Han Shaowants me to be his lover. Well, Han is light and handsome, and his family property is also very good.When he is with him, he is much better than liang pan and those bald old men. "What did the other endof the phone say? The smile on Zhang Ying's face suddenly became more and more prosperous, like ablooming flower, "OK, Han Shao, I'm nearby, I'll come right away."

When Zhang Ying murmured, a phone call came in. Zhang Ying looked at the number and wasimmediately happy. Then she quickly connected the phone, "Han Shao, I'm Xiao Ying."

So, Zhang Ying took out her mobile phone, looked at the numbers inside, and murmured: "do you wantto go to those bosses and have a visit with them? We should be able to make a lot of money. But I'mafraid they'll get tired of it after a few times. What should I do then? "

Want to face, Zhang Ying can't help but have some panic. After all, without her job, she doesn't havethe savings to live a bright life.

Now, she lost her job because of Liang pan.

Thinking of the scene just now, Zhang Ying can't help but be angry and surprised. After all, she hadnever thought that Liang pan, whom she looked down upon, would have a day to brag in front of her.

Just as the clerks were sighing, Zhang Ying, who was driven out of the store, was also full of anger andreluctance.


Zhang Ying also glared at Liang pan and said, "do you know who Han Shao is? How dare you bumpinto Han Shao? I don't think you can afford it."

"Damn, get out of the car and kneel down to apologize!" Han Shao slaps the car cover and shoutsangrily at Chen Fei and Liang pan.

Chen Fei coldly opens the door and walks to Han Shao and Zhang Ying.

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