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Chapter 482

At this time, in the ward, director Zheng, who had just yelled at President Lin, turned pale, fell down andleaned on the back of his back.

Chen Fei immediately holds director Zheng, plunges into a silver needle, starts to run the breath ofinner yuan, and enters director Zheng's body to stabilize his weak body. At the same time, the voicereminded: "director Zheng, your body is very weak, you can't be angry now."

Director Zheng, with a weak face, laughed at Chen Fei and said, "I know, but the doctors in the firstmunicipal hospital are too much. This time it's me. They still treat me like this. If ordinary people, I can'timagine their attitude. "

At the moment, Chen Fei and Tao Ling, who have already sat in the restaurant, naturally don't knowwhat happened in the hospital.

He gritted his teeth and slammed his cell phone to the ground, shouting angrily: "Tao Ling, you cheapwoman. Willing to take advantage of that smelly boy, he didn't accept me. I'm no better than him. "

At the moment, Lin Yaofei, who had just come over from the cold ground, finally returned to his office.Looking at all kinds of videos and photos sent out by the hospital group, his face suddenly looked veryugly.


"Didn't I hear that Dr. Lin is pursuing Dr. Tao? Didn't you succeed? "

"Ah, my goddess, how could someone have taken the lead! I'm not reconciled

"I didn't expect that doctor Tao, an iceberg beauty, was taken down."

"Really, I saw it all. The man looks quite young and handsome. He walks side by side with doctor Taoand talks and laughs

"Have you heard that doctor Tao has a boyfriend for a flower in our hospital?"

At the same time, rumors with photos and videos spread quickly in the city.

When they walked out of the hospital, the little nurse in the hospital looked at the two people who wereintimate and joking. They all widened their eyes one by one, with an incredible expression on theirfaces.

"Come on, let's go out for dinner now!" With that, Tao Ling took Chen Fei's arm and took him out of thehospital.

"As long as you have time, Doctor Chen, I can do it at any time," Tao said

Hearing this, Chen Fei could not help laughing and said, "in that case, doctor Tao will treat me to moremeals in the future."

Tao Ling said, "if you want to have dinner, I should invite you to have dinner. After all, you helped me alot today. First it's Mr. Liu's business, then it's Lin Yaofei's entanglement, and finally it's director Zheng'sillness. I'm worried that a meal is not enough. "

Looking at Tao Ling's trusting eyes, Chen Fei was stunned. Then he laughed and said, "thank you foryour trust. Well, it's getting late. In return for doctor Tao's trust, I'll treat you to a meal! "

After a pause, doctor Tao looked up at Chen Fei with firm and sincere eyes and said, "besides, Ibelieve you."

"To tell you the truth, of course I've thought about that. However, director Zheng was in critical conditionat that time, and I had no more choices. "novelbin

Chen Fei was stunned and then said with a smile: "you're not sure. You just supported me so strongly.Doctor Tao, you are really not afraid of problems. You should take the responsibility then! "

Tao Ling glared at Chen Fei and said, "you think everyone has the same heart as you. After all, it'sdirector Zheng, and it's a disease that has not been diagnosed by many experts in our hospital. Whocan be 100% sure?"

Seeing this, Chen Fei said with a smile: "doctor Tao, I didn't expect that you were so nervous aboutyour bold behavior just now."

Seeing off director Zheng, Tao Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Her tense whole bodycollapsed and leaned against the wall. Almost no one fell down and sat on the ground.

In this case, he didn't refuse anything. After a word of thanks, he put away his business card and saidgoodbye to Director Zheng.

Chen Fei knows that it is director Zheng's kindness to help himself.

Later, the man took a business card and handed it to Chen Fei, saying it was left by director Zheng. IfChen Fei encounters any difficulties in the future, he can call director Zheng for help.

Before leaving, director Zheng suddenly thought of something, called a man, charged some.

Subsequently, the two quickly went through the relevant procedures, ready to take director Zheng totransfer. After all, they have absolutely no trust in the Municipal First People's court.

Director Zheng immediately reported their safety, and then explained that Chen Fei and Tao Ling hadsaved themselves. They bowed to Chen Fei and Tao Ling in gratitude.

Then, two people with worried faces came in and rushed to Director Zheng's bedside.

It seems that director Zheng's position in the organization is not low and is highly valued.

At this time, two eager looking men came out of the ward. Behind them, they were followed by two flatheaded youths dressed in black suits. Chen Fei just looked at them and knew that the strength of thetwo men was good, basically from the strength of the initial stage of Xuanji. They should bebodyguards.

Chen Fei smiles and says nothing more.Director Zheng was full of gratitude and said, "thank you, Dr.Chen. If it wasn't for you this time, I'm afraid I'd be here."

Chen Fei pulled out the silver needle, helped director Zheng to lie down, and said, "director Zheng, Ijust used the genuine Qi of traditional Chinese medicine to dredge the blocked heart and blood vesselsfor you, and your condition is no longer so critical. However, the repair of heart valve perforation stillneeds a certain period of rest

Tao Ling said politely, but she didn't dare.

Director Zheng looked at the two and sighed, "it's not very useful to have officials like me. I think thatwith doctors like Dr. Chen and Dr. Tao, our medical career can be saved."

Chen Fei also said: "if everyone has director Zheng, you have such a heart, everything will be better."

Tao Ling immediately said, "director Zheng, you have said very well that medical affairs really need tobe changed."

After a sigh, director Zheng sighed and said, "it's boring to talk to you about this. I'm sorry

Director Zheng is worthy of being a high-ranking official in the provincial capital. His thinking angle isquite different from that of ordinary people.

"As a member of the provincial health department, I must put an end to this kind of thing. Otherwise,our medical cause will only get worse and worse, and there will be no prospects for development. "

They chose a mid-range restaurant near the hospital, ordered a few dishes, and then ate.

While eating and chatting, Tao Ling naturally became interested in Chen Fei's superb medical skills, soshe talked about medical related matters. Chen Fei doesn't hide his secrets. When he encountersrelevant problems, he says them without reservation.

As a result, the meal became a medical exchange meeting between them. Finally, after eating for morethan an hour, I left.

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