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Chapter 473

Song Yaling came to Xu Shan's body, and comforted him in a soft voice. "Mr. Xu, don't be angry. Becareful that you will be angry. Huo Dongwei is an old woman. Weitian entertainment is just a smallcompany. It's no big deal. They can't be anything. They're not our rivals at Anya entertainment. "

Hearing the speech, Xu Shan showed a fierce color in his eyes and said: "Huo Dongwei, Weitianentertainment, I want you to be unable to stand up in the entertainment circle!"

"Yes, it must be!" Song Yaling quickly echoed.

Song Yaling couldn't help but be surprised. She secretly said that she didn't seem to have any newsrecently, so she rushed into the room and turned on the computer to check.

Song Yaling, who has just left Anya entertainment company and returned home, has not yet enteredthe house when she received a short message from her agent, saying that the news about her on theInternet has exploded.

After such a comparison, Huo Dongwei and song Yaling immediately seem to face each other directly.All of a sudden, it caused a more heated discussion.

Moreover, not long ago, song Yaling just announced her endorsement of the cosmetics to be launchedby Ningyuan group. Now, Huo Dongwei has become the spokesman of the new products of autumngroup. Moreover, the products of both sides are aimed at the existence of high-end.

As a result, netizens were surprised to find. Huo Dongwei signed the original contract to sign songYaling's Weitian entertainment, while song Yaling signed Huo Dongwei's original Anya entertainment.

In all kinds of discussions, things related to song Yaling were immediately picked out.

Someone secretly picked up the inside story behind it and analyzed why Huo Dongwei was able to winthe full support of the two major companies and was so popular.novelbin

Some people analyze Huo Dongwei's past works and look forward to her future performance.

Therefore, Huo Dongwei, who has been silent for a long time, seems to be passing out. Unexpectedly,with the announcement of these two news, all kinds of news poured out one after another.

And the new product even launched a spokesperson, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

You know, autumn group's cosmetics belong to the high-end level in the provincial capital, and theproduct quality and reputation are absolutely first-class in the circle. Now, the company is going tolaunch new products, which naturally attract the attention of many old customers.

When people are talking about Weitian entertainment signing Huo Dongwei for 100 million yuan.Almost at the same time, autumn group announced on the Internet that the company is about to launcha series of new cosmetics, and the spokesperson of this series of cosmetics is Huo Dongwei.


Of course, some people say that Weitian entertainment is in a hurry to go to a doctor, because songYaling, who was originally determined, has not signed the contract, so now she has to find someone toreplace her, so she has to increase the price.

Some people say that although Huo Dongwei's popularity has dropped a little, the quality of her worksis not low, and the price is also valuable.

Some people say that Huo Dongwei is out of breath now and is not worth so much. Weitianentertainment is losing money.

All kinds of ideas have emerged.

Sure enough, after the 100 million yuan signing money came out. It immediately caused a heateddiscussion on the Internet.

As a result, the 50 million yuan originally planned to be spent on the termination money has not beenspent at all, so Huang pangzi simply counted the money into Huo Dongwei's signing money. First, giveHuo Dongwei more benefits to win people's hearts; second, the huge signing fee of 100 million yuancan also be used as a publicity gimmick.

First of all, Weitian entertainment announced the signing of Huo Dongwei, and the signing fee is thesame as song Yaling, which is 100 million yuan. Originally, the signing fee agreed by both parties inadvance was 50 million.

Then, the relevant publicity, immediately follow up, quickly released on the Internet.

A burst of speechless, the party returned to the Weitian entertainment. Huang Wei has alreadyprepared the related matters and quickly signed the contract with Huo Dongwei.

Huo Dongwei smell speech, looked forward, immediately also found that he was too excited, can't helpbut pretty face scarlet, quickly lowered her head.

Seeing the lawyer's appearance, Chen Fei coughed softly with a hot cheek.

At this time, the lawyer driving in front of him sat upright and looked straight ahead. He didn't dare tolook back for fear of seeing something he shouldn't.

Chen Fei felt a burst of warmth and fragrance coming towards him, and his mood could not helpdrifting.

Huo Dongwei can't help but feel excited. She pours at Chen Fei, hugs him and kisses him on his face.She says enthusiastically, "thank you so much, Xiao Chen."

Chen Fei said with a smile, "sister Wei, you are free now."

She held the contract in front of her chest, looked at Chen Fei with a smile and said, "Xiao Chen, Ididn't expect that I really successfully terminated the contract. And, and it didn't cost a cent. "

Huo Dongwei with the contract, excited and read several times, feel still some untrue.

At this time, Anya entertainment company outside.

Walking outside, the company's employees immediately cast a strange look. However, song Yalingdidn't care about these things for a long time. She didn't say much and left directly.

Song Yaling didn't expect that Xu Shan's attitude towards herself suddenly became so cold, and shewas stunned. She originally wanted to persuade a few words, but as soon as she saw Xu Shan's coldeyes, she didn't dare to say more, so she had to go out obediently.Thinking about this, Xu Shan feltdisgusted and displeased with song Yaling. He reached out to push her away and said in a cold voice,"go out and do something."

But Xu Shan had no interest at all. On the contrary, he thought of song Yaling's appearance. In theheart is a burst of anger, "if not for this woman's sarcasm, I might have signed the contract directly.". Inthat case, we won't lose 50 million. "

At the thought of this, Xu Shan felt that his heart was about to bleed. At this time, song Yaling lingeredon him, and the whole person pasted it up.

Now think again, if at the beginning, directly agree to the other party's termination conditions, get the 50million termination money, that's a good thing!

At that time, in order to give vent and save face, he deliberately made it difficult to say that he did notagree to terminate the contract. As a result, I didn't expect that when I turned back, I not only let theother party successfully terminate the contract, but also didn't get a cent of the termination money. Itcan be said that I lost my wife and folded my arms, and I was defeated to the ground.

The anger in Xu Shan's heart was slightly suppressed, but at the moment, when he thought about thetermination of the contract, he felt a great pain in his heart.

Soon, she learned about the relevant situation, and learned that her hot search was attracted by HuoDongwei.

Looking at a piece of news on the Internet, especially Huo Dongwei's 100 million yuan contractpayment, and the endorsement of a big company like Qiuqiu group, song Yaling couldn't help feelingsour, "these are all mine. My - "

the more she thought about it, the more upset she was. She couldn't help it. So she logged on to hermicroblog and sent a message directly," don't rub my heat with some guys who have passed away.This face is really ugly! "

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