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Chapter 455

But just as Chen Fei was about to move forward, at this time, the security guards and bodyguards whowere holding the cordon suddenly waved their rubber sticks and yelled fiercely, "get out of the way, allof you get out of the way!"

Security guards drove fans and passers-by and opened up a road.

Immediately, the assistant agent quickly took song Yaling to leave. Photographers, lighting division,these staff, also left. It seems that the shooting is over.

"Chinese medicine!" The woman with short hair looked at Chen Fei and said, "what's Chinese medicinedoing here? Can Chinese medicine treat this kind of injury? Not to mention, at your age, you haven'tgraduated from university. What's the standard of traditional Chinese medicine? "

"I am a traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture treatment is a normal thing." Chen Fei explained in adeep voice.

"Save people? Stab your head with such a long silver needle. Are you saving people or harming them?" The woman with short hair snapped.

Passers-by around the woman at this time also a burst of pointing and comments, obviouslydissatisfied with her behavior to stop Chen Fei save people.

"I'm saving people. Don't delay me." Chen Feidao.

The woman with short hair rushes over, grabs Chen Fei's wrist and stares at him.

But the woman with short hair saw this, and her voice became more severe. She rushed over andyelled, "I told you to stop, didn't you hear me?"

"Er --" Chen Fei gently frowned, then lowered his head, ready to continue the needle.

When Chen Fei heard the sound, his hand stopped. Looking up, I saw a 26-7-year-old woman withshort hair and a pair of black framed glasses on her face. She quickly walked this way.

Seeing that the silver needle was about to hit the old man's head, at this moment, a woman's shrillvoice came, "what are you doing? Stop it!"

Then, holding the silver needle, Chen Fei turns to the position of the old man's head. His eyes arefocused, and he has to put the needle on the old man's head.

The silver needle was burned by the blue flame, and the disinfection was finished quickly.

Chen Fei took Erguotou with his left hand, pinched it with his thumb and forefinger, and broke thebottle. Then, Chen Fei poured Erguotou on the silver needle, cleaned it, lit a lighter and burned thesilver needle.

Passers-by a busy, soon, someone from the roadside store brought a bottle of high Erguotou and alighter, handed to Chen Fei.

In less than a minute, Chen Fei released his hand and took out a pair of silver needles that he carriedwith him. Shout to passers-by: "who has liquor and lighter, give it to me quickly."

Chen Fei didn't have so many worries. He rushed directly to the old man, leaned down and quicklyobserved the old man's condition. Then he grasped the old man's wrist and felt his pulse.

So, the onlookers on the scene surrounded the inside and outside for three layers, but they were onlyin a hurry, and no one could do anything.

There were many onlookers around the old man, but none of them helped. After all, this kind ofaccident is not a professional, ordinary people dare not do it casually. Besides, in today's society, thereare a lot of things that have been wrongly done to save people. We are worried, and we dare not doanything at the moment.

Chen Fei hears speech, can stop a pace only, toward the comatose old man that is hit to run quickly.

Looking at the Mercedes Benz that is about to leave the pedestrian street, Chen Fei wants to rush tostop the car. But at this time, people issued a cry of surprise, "no, the old man is in a coma. Come andsave people!"

"Hit and run Chen Fei's heart moved and his expression cooled down.novelbin

In the front, a black Benz left quickly. It was the car that song Yaling had just taken.

Chen Fei pushed aside the crowd and rushed over quickly. At a glance, I saw an old man lying on theground on the pedestrian street in front of me. Blood oozed from the back of his head and dyed thefloor tiles red.

In the whirring sound, there was a sharp engine roar, and then a passer-by's exclamation andswearing.


"The car is running. Come on, stop it!"

"No, it's bleeding. Is there a doctor? Come and help

"Stop them, come on, don't let them run away."

"There's a collision. Come on, stop the car!"

And at this time, suddenly in front of a scream, and then someone screamed up.

Not interested in watching these boring things, Chen Fei pushed away the crowd and was ready toleave.

Chen Fei looked at the brain powder that was so red that he couldn't help shaking his head andsighing. If nothing else is said, the behavior of the brain powder makes the passer-by feel disgusted atSong Yaling.

Passers-by and brain powder into a group, the scene was a little busy chaos.


"What are you and why do you call my Yaling?"

"It's your luck to bump into you!"

"My family Yaling is a big star. Let alone driving here, even driving to the Forbidden City is a matter ofcourse."

"Who asked you to stand in front of us and not give way? I blame my Yaling for driving toohard!"Passers-by dissatisfied, some brain powder smell speech, suddenly one by one fiercely rushed

to protect song Yaling, and they argued.


"I almost hit it. I was so fast!"

"Stars can do something special. What is it?"

"This is a pedestrian street. Cars can't come up here!"

"Why are you driving so hard? You almost hit someone!"

Some passers-by see this, can not help but frown up.

When the car started, it didn't slow down and rushed forward. The fans and passers-by in front of thecrowd were startled. They gave way in a hurry and let the car leave.

Originally, motor vehicles were not allowed to drive up this commercial street. But song Yaling, a star, isobviously a special case.

The fans are very enthusiastic, but song Yaling's attitude is very cold. She glances at the crowd withher sunglasses. Then she speeds up, gets into a black Mercedes Benz and asks the driver to driveaway.


"Look here, Yaling."

"Yaling, I've been a fan of you for 15 years."

"Yaling, sign for me!"

"Song Yaling, I love you!"

When fans saw that song Yaling was going to leave, they were naturally very reluctant. They crowdedbeside the cordon, waving their mobile phones and signature books, and yelled one by one.

Chen Fei looked at the more pale old man on the ground, frowned discontentedly, and said, "you areblocking me from saving people. Do you know that you are killing people?"

"If you prick needles at random, it's killing people." "I'm the director of internal medicine of the firstmunicipal hospital. This kind of traffic accident injury, is not the traditional Chinese medicine can treat,you do not make trouble, quickly get out of the way

The passer-by, who was dissatisfied with the woman, heard that the woman was actually the director ofinternal medicine of the first municipal hospital. His face suddenly changed and he looked over.

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