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Chapter 445

Embracing the excited wife, I feel the soft body of my wife and the fragrance.

Chen Fei suddenly felt a burst of intoxication, arms can't help but slightly increased some strength, hiswife in his arms, close to his body.

So close, Chen Fei's body heat and some special reactions, also passed on to Lin Qiuhan.

"Mom said to you that Superman is not my brother The little girl looks upright, pouts her little mouth andstares at Wu Meng.

On the other side, Wu Meng was stunned, and then her cheek turned red. She came quickly and madea Shhh gesture to the little fish. Then some sorry to Chen Fei said: "Xiaochen, Xiaoyu is young, somenonsense, you don't care."

Chen Fei didn't expect the little girl to talk about this, and he was stunned.

The little girl nodded solemnly and said, "I miss Superman brother very much, and my mother alsomiss Superman brother very much. She often said at home, "Superman brother is good. Supermanbrother is very powerful. If I had such a father as Superman brother, it would be great."

"Yes, I haven't seen little fish for a long time. I miss you so much." Chen Fei smiles and pinches thelittle girl's round face and says with a smile, "do you want to miss me, little fish?"

As soon as she saw Chen Fei, the little girl ran over with a smile and threw herself into Chen Fei'sarms. She said, "Superman, you're here. I haven't seen you for a long time

Chen Fei drives to the address reported by Wu Meng. Half an hour later, he came to the bustlingcommercial street in the center of Longjiang city and found Wu Meng and Wu Xiaoyu in a largeshopping mall.

Wu Meng reported the address immediately, then hung up the phone.

"Oh, with the fish, no problem. Where are you, sister dream? I'll find you. " Chen Feidao.

Wu Meng said: "Xiaoyu and I have come to the provincial capital. But I have something to do, so I wantyou to help me with the fish. "

"Well, I have time. Sister Meng, what can I do for you? " Chen Fei asked.

Wu Meng on the other end of the phone said with a smile: "since Xiao Chen said so, I'm not polite. Doyou have time now, Xiao Chen? "

Chen Fei laughed, "dream elder sister, and I you are so polite to do what, say what disturb don'tdisturb."

"Superman brother, it's my mother who's looking for you." Wu Xiaoyu milk voice milk airway, then thephone that came a mature and slightly charming voice, "Xiao Chen, sorry to disturb you."

Chen Fei said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, call Superman brother. What can I do for you?"

"Hee hee, brother Superman, you guessed right, it's little fish." On the other end of the line is WuXiaoyu, a little girl.

This address, this tender voice, Chen Fei how can not know, "of course, I know, is it a little fish?"

As soon as Chen Feigang got through, there came a milky voice from his mobile phone, "brotherSuperman, do you know who I am?"novelbin

Just as Chen Fei was about to find a place for lunch, a phone call came to his mobile phone.

Chen Fei cooperated with the researchers all morning, basically determined the formula, and then leftthe company.

The next day, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan went to the company early in the morning. They told thecompany's researchers about the formula they had tested last night, and then they made furtherdeployment and improvement to develop new products.

"Yes, sir Chen Fei is in full bloom and has a big meal with Lin Qiuhan.

Smell speech, Lin Qiuhan can't help but pretty face a red, stare Chen Fei one eye, way: "don't say,eat."

After all, Chen Fei said with a smile, "it's just your wife's contribution."

When Lin Qiuhan saw a variety of dishes and smelled the fragrance, he couldn't help but brighten hiseyes. "It's too fragrant."

After a while of busy work, Chen Fei came out of the kitchen with a few dishes with complete color,aroma and flavor, and put them on the table. Then he called Lin Qiuhan and said, "wife, the dishes areready."

While talking, Chen Fei rushes into the kitchen and dumps all his wife's dark dishes. Then he getsbusy.

As a result, as soon as his voice fell, he felt a chill coming from behind, which made him shiver. Heimmediately changed his tongue and said, "cough, this dish is still good. It's just a little defective. Letme embellish it a little."

"It's a strange craft! It's a dark dish Chen Fei could not help but make complaints about it.

Lin Qiuhan, now also can't help blushing, a little embarrassed, said: "I haven't done it these days, I'm alittle rusty."

See, Chen Fei immediately want to cry without tears, "wife, this is your meal!"

In the hot water in the pot, an uncut sparerib accompanied by several uncut radishes kept gurgling.

In the kitchen, there are pieces of dishes and bowls on the ground, and in the frying pan, a piece ofdark food is emitting black smoke, and you can't see what it is!

"Wife, how do you --" Chen Fei quickly stepped forward, and then saw his wife coughing with tearsrushing out of the kitchen.Just when Chen Fei had a wonderful fantasy, he smelled a burning smell. Assoon as his eyes turned, he saw a stream of smoke floating out of the kitchen. At the same time, therewas a "crackling" sound of things falling and breaking, and Lin Qiuhan's cry of surprise from time totime.

After a while of washing, Chen Fei whistled and muttered, "my wife has changed a lot today! Cook forme and let me take a bath. Later, I can taste my wife's double delicious food. Hey, hey

"Take a bath!" As soon as Chen Fei's eyes brighten, he can't help thinking of some pictures in his mind.Then he whistles to the bathroom.

She quickly shook her head, blocked Chen Fei out of the kitchen and said, "no, today, I'll just cook. Youtake a shower first, and I'll do it after that. "

Lin Qiuhan feels Chen Fei's hot body. He feels a little soft in his heart. In my mind, I can't help but comeup with some intimate pictures, which make her blush.

Chen Fei quickly followed him and said, "wife, I'll do it with you."

Excited to the extreme, Lin Qiuhan didn't notice it at first, but after he calmed down slightly, he suddenlyfelt a burning straight and straight, and his face flushed. Then he lowered his head and quickly pushedChen Fei away, shyly saying: "I, I'm going to cook."

Wu Meng's cheeks were ruddy, and she didn't dare to look up at Chen Fei. She could only stare atXiaoyu.

Chen Fei looks down at Wu Meng shyly, like a ripe peach. At this time, he has a touch of coyness,which makes people feel uneasy.

"Cough, dream elder sister, when do you have something to do, I come to take small fish!" Chen Feicoughed and then opened the topic.

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