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Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Lazzaro Zhan nodded slightly, then he raised his head and looked at Casper Zhu, saying, "ChieftainZhu, I’ll give you some time to think about this matter so that you can make a final decision. I hope youwon’t let me down!" Upon hearing his words, Casper’s expression softened a little, but he still could notconceal the sorrow on his face. At this time, Lazzaro turned his eyes toward the rest of the people. Heallowed these people to salute him and present gifts to him on the stage. A few more people went up tothe stage one after another, leaving only a dozen martial- arts practitioners behind. Casper was themost prominent person among those who did not go on stage. Seeing that Casper had no intention ofgoing on stage, Lazzaro snorted and then glanced at Nickel Xu. Nickel understood the hint. He stoodup and said in a clear voice, "Far Peace Martial Arts Center wants to show our loyalty to Flamebird andpresent a great gift to our commander." Hearing this, everyone could not help but look at Nickelcuriously. They all looked at him to see what the gift was. Under everyone’s gazes, Nickel clapped hishands. Then, four subordinates came forward with an item similar to a sedan chair. After putting thesedan chair on the rostrum, the four subordinates opened the sedan chair, and then a figure covered inred cloth appeared. Seeing this figure, everyone was shocked. "Is this a great gift? A living person?""What on earth is Nickel doing? It’s strange to bring a person here as a gift!" "Judging by the figure, thisperson seems to be a woman. Does Nickel want to flatter Lazzaro by sending a beauty to him ?""There’s no need to make such a big fuss. Wouldn’t it be better to send her to Lazzaro’s room insecret?" While the crowd was discussing this matter, Nickel clapped his hands and said, "Bring herhere!" Four men lifted the woman inside the red cloth in front of Nickel, and then Nickel pulled off thewoman’s hood, revealing a beautiful face. It was a woman in her late twenties. Her face was delicate,beautiful, and she was attractive at first glance. When the other people on the stage saw this, theireyes could not help but light up and they all began to whisper. "What a beauty! Nickel is so bold!" "Nowonder Nickel said that this stunning beauty was a great gift!" "This time, Nickel has done well in frontof the commander. In the future, he will have a stable position in Flamebird." "Why didn’t I think ofsending a beauty! I didn’t have such an idea!" Nickel smiled and looked at the crowd who was amazed.

Then, he said, "This woman is the great gift that I am giving to the commander. She is a great gift notonly due to her appearance, but also due to her identity." When it came to her identity, everyonecouldn’t help but be curious again and they began to guess the identity of this woman. Just aseveryone on the stage was discussing this matter curiously, Fade Chen and Jimmy Wei, who werestanding below the stage, saw the woman’s face. Their expressions changed drastically and their facesfell. This woman was none other than Lily Wei. Some time ago, due to the matter of the blind date, Lilychose to take a vacation to relax. She also said that she would go to South Hanover City for a tour andlook for her father to reminisce about the past. Unexpectedly, she had fallen into Nickel’s hands. "SisterLily!" "Lily!" Fade and

Jimmy’s expression were dark and gloomy. At this time, Nickel did not notice that both theirexpressions had changed. He continued to introduce her with a smile,saying, "This woman’s name isLily. Everyone here may not be familiar with this name, but if another city is mentioned, it will ring a bell.This woman belongs to Fade." When Fade’s name was mentioned, all the martial art practitionerspresent were very excited. "Fade, the new top master in Long City!" "He is the legendary youthful EarthLevel master who had defeated Francesca Sun." "Earth Level Master? He’s just bragging. I think atmost he is at the peak of the Black level." Some people were intuitive and they rememberedsomething. Their expressions changed, and they looked at Lazzaro and Horatio." Horatio’s son,Quintus Zhan, was crippled by Fade!" "Horatio and Lazzaro have a good relationship. Looks likeLazzaro is going to avenge his nephew this time." " Nickel’s intention is clear! He wanted to send thisbeauty to the commander and also send a threatening message to the commander’s enemies!" Aseveryone exclaimed in surprise, Lazzaro said in a deep voice, "You must have heard how Quintus wascrippled by Fade. I won’t let go of this matter since Quintus was bullied in such a manner. He is after alla member of the Zhan family." "Fade’s woman today, is just an example. want everyone to know whatthe result will be if you go against me and Flamebird ! After the deafening cry, Lazzaro looked at Lilyand he narrowed his eyes, revealing a cold expression. Then, he waved his hand and shouted, " Stripher! Today, I would like to see what’s so special about this woman, who belongs to the most powerful

person in Long city. Haha!" While speaking, a few of his subordinates pounced on Lily like wolves andtigers. Lily’s pretty face became pale with fear, and her body trembled, The people around them all haddifferent expressions. Some of them had lustful expressions on their faces, and they licked theirtongues and stared at her. Some had sympathy written on their faces and they turned their headsaway, unwilling to look at her. Some people shook their heads and sighed secretly. They felt thatLazzaro’s actions were crossing the line. With the sound of ripping, the red cloth around Lily was torn.The hungry gazes of the surrounding people, who were like wolves, fell on Lily. Their gazes were likespikes that intended to pierce Lily’s body. "Let’s do this!" The corner of Lazzaro’s mouth revealed a coldsmile as he spoke, At this critical moment, a cold voice could be heard suddenly. "A group of powerfulmen bullying an innocent woman. Don’t you feel ashamed of yourselves ?" The voice came from belowthe stage, and then a thin figure walked to the rostrum. The voice caught everyone’s attention. It was ayoung man in his early twenties, who looked delicate. "Who are you ? How dare you talk nonsensehere ?" "Get out!" "Casper, take good care of your people!" Lazzaro glanced at Fade in disdain. Hewaved his hand and said, "Break two of his limbs and throw him out!" "Yes!" The two men walkedtoward Fade with cold expressions, each holding a thick wooden stick. Their expressions were cruel."Brat, you" The two men had just opened their mouths. However, before they could get close, Faderaised his eyebrows slightly and waved his hand to release a gust of powerful energy, which knockedthem over directly. They fell down, spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted. Fade continued to moveforward with cold eyes. Lazzaro was shocked by this move. He looked at Fade and said coldly, "Whoare you?" Fade looked at Lazzaro and said coldly, "You want to take revenge on me, but you don’tknow who I am ?".novelbin

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