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Chapter 418

Chapter 418novelbin

After listening to Casper Zhu’s introduction, Fade Chen was sure that Quintus Zhan was a member ofthis Zhan Family in South Hanover City. Previously, Fade had taught Quintus a lesson. The foreignWarriors had entered South Hanover City and challenged local warriors everywhere. The Zhan Familywas holding a martial- arts contest at this moment as well. They forced everyone to participate. Also,the military and police forces seemed to be involved and taking actions in this matter. Fade and theothers started to deduce that Flamebird’s expedition to China was related to the Zhan Family. After all,the Zhan family had a military background. Jaycie Zhu stood beside her father and said with a worriedexpression, "Dad, what should we do now? The martial arts center is a mess. If the Zhan family putspressure on us, I’m afraid that our center will not be able to operate anymore." Casper’s expressionfroze, and it turned unpleasant. Finally, he nodded and said, "I have to go on this trip." "But, dad, if theyhave evil intentions, you will be in danger," Jaycie said anxiously, Casper shook his head and said,"The Zhan Family has given me this invitation. If I don’t go, the Eternal Pride Martial- Arts Center willdefinitely shut down. But if I go now, maybe we will still have a chance to survive. Hence, I must acceptthis invitation." Jaycie knew that her father’s words made sense, but she still felt worried. At this point,Fade said, "I’ll go with Chieftain Zhu!" Casper was stunned, and then he looked at Fade in surprise.With a look of disbelief, he said, "Mr. Chen, this is a matter of the martial- arts center. I troubled you justnow, and now-" Fade waved his hand and said, "Chieftain Zhu, you are too courteous. I have decidedto go, not just on behalf of the Eternal Pride Martial Arts Center, but also because I have my own plans.Casper still bowed to Fade and thanked him. Upon hearing this, Jimmy Wei also stood up and said, "Inthat case, let’s go together!" "Brother Wei, this-" Casper looked at Jimmy. Jimmy laughed and said,"Brother Zhu, there’s no need to persuade me otherwise. I ventured out into the world because Iwanted to broaden my knowledge and make contact with the other martial arts practitioners. Since thisis a martial arts contest, there must be a lot of martial arts practitioners coming. I can’t miss such anopportunity." Upon hearing this, Casper felt warm in his heart. Although Jimmy had given manyexcuses, the most important reason for his decision was definitely to help Casper and the Eternal Pride

Martial Arts Center. Hence, Casper bowed again to thank him. The discussion about the Zhan Family’smartial arts contest was temporarily over. The next round of questioning was even more severe forThompson. This guy was a coward, so he told them everything about Flamebird, including thearrangements of the relevant personnel, the secret communication codes and signals However,Thompson did not know the real reason for Flamebird entering South Hanover City. There was no moreuseful information from Thompson Hence, Casper locked up Thompson in a place he found at themartial-arts center, and he drove Fletcher Bi and Master Bi away. Finally, he started preparing for theMartial Arts Contest In the evening, after making arrangements for Fade and Jimmy in the guestrooms, Casper then went back to his room. His daughter, Jaycie, came to him with a cup of tea andsaid rather anxiously, "Dad, you look tired. Let me massage your shoulders !" Casper chuckled and satdown to enjoy his daughter’s service. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face. "My daughter still caresabout me! It’s so nice to feel that,"he said. Jaycie smiled, and at the same time, she was a littleconfused. She asked Casper, "Dad, I know that you have been under a lot of pressure recently. We arealso indebted to Uncle Wei’s help. However, you seem to be very kind to Fade. You are more respectfulto him than Uncle Wei, and even a little bit flattering toward him. Why is this so ?" When it came toFade, Casper’s expression suddenly became serious. He quickly gestured to his daughter to keepquiet and said nervously, "Jaycie, keep your voice down. If Mr. Chen hears us talking about him behindhis back, he may become angry." Jaycie looked at her father’s nervous expression and was even morepuzzled. She said, "Dad, do you need to be so nervous? I know that Fade is extremely powerful, andthat he had defeated the bald foreigner who was at the middle stage of the black level. However, youdon’t have to be so humble. After all, our Zhu family is still considered a powerful martial-arts family."Casper shook his head and said, "I am not humble, but I respect Mr. Chen a lot." "Respect?" Jayciewas puzzled. "He’s still so young. Even if he’s powerful, it’s still a little too much to use the word’respect’, isn’t it?" No,it isn’t too much at all," Casper replied. He quickly waved his hand, and thensighed. "Jaycie, the reason why you are saying this is because you don’t know Mr. Chen, and you don’tknow his real identity. If you knew it, you will definitely understand my way of doing things." "Mr. Chen’strue identity?" Jaycie frowned in puzzlement. "Could it be that Fade is a son of a rich and powerful

family, or a descendant of a prominent and mighty family?" Casper sighed with emotion and said, "Mr.Chen’s status was achieved by his own strength, instead of depending on others." "By his ownstrength? Is Fade a famous martial arts master?" Jaycie made a guess. "However, I have never heardof such a martial- arts master in South Hanover City!"she added. Casper said, "Of course you didn’thear of him in South Hanover City, Mr. Chen’s reputation is well-known in the whole of Long City.""What? The whole of Long City? Dad, you’re exaggerating!" Jaycie didn’t believe him. Casper looked athis daughter and said, "Don’t doubt my words. Let me tell you, Fade,or Mr. Chen, is the current topmaster in Long City." "What? The top expert in Long City is Fade? How old is he? How, how is thispossible? Dad, I think you made a mistake," Jaycie said. She was extremely surprised. Casper made agesture to his daughter to keep quiet and said, "Keep your voice down. I can assure you that I’mabsolutely right." "Before Mr. Chen became famous in Long City, he was in Bay City. At that time, hehad a nickname called Lunatic Chen. Are you aware of this name ?" Casper asked. Jaycie noddedquickly and said, "I’m quite familiar with the name Lunatic Chen. The name is not only well-known inBay City, but also in South Hanover City ." Casper said, "That’s right. Your Uncle Wei comes from BayCity, and he is one of Fade’s subordinates." "What? Uncle Wei is only one of Fade’s subordinates ?"Jaycie found it hard to believe. Casper said, "You don’t know how many people wished to be Fade’ssubordinate now, but they still don’t have a chance. Uncle Wei is proud of his identity now!" "What’smore, without your Uncle Wei’s help, how could a master like Fade come to assist me, since I am astranger to him?" Listening to her father’s words, Jaycie felt a sense of shock and disbelief. Shethought that Fade’s strength and identity were amazing, but she didn’t expect that he was soextraordinary Jaycie could not describe how she felt when she thought of the scene on the train whereshe had rejected him. She had thought that he was trying to strike up a conversation with her..

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