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Chapter 400


Chapter 400

Wellington Du didn’t expect Lily Wei to reject him. The muscles on his face trembled slightly, but he stilldidn’t give up. He continued, "Lily, you really don’t want to accept this gift?" "This, this is not good-" Lilywas a little embarrassed. Auntie Cao, who was next to her, quickly spoke up for her son at this momentand said, "Lily, it’s nothing. Although this necklace is expensive, Wellington can afford it. Besides, this isalso a gift that Wellington has carefully prepared. Lily, you don’t have to think so much." Listening to hismother’s words, Wellington had an affectionate expression on his face. He held the necklace with bothhands as he approached Lily and he tried to help Lily put on the necklace Moreover, Wellington wasstanding right in front of Lily. When he approached her, his body was getting closer and closer, almosttouching her. He lowered his head slightly and moved closer to her lips. He wanted to kiss her directlyin this romantic atmosphere. Lily frowned slightly and wanted to push Wellington away. But thinking ofthe relationship between her mother and Auntie Cao, she was a little hesitant. Just as Lily washesitating, Wellington came over with the necklace and pressed his lips down. At this critical moment,there was a quick flash of a figure and someone directly appeared between Lily and Wellington.Wellington initially had deep affection in his eyes. He looked down at Lily’s delicate face and was readyto kiss her. He suddenly felt dazed, and then a man’s face appeared. Wellington was shocked. His lips,which were about to come over, were drawn back quickly. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.At this time, he fixed his eyes and saw clearly that the man in front of him was Fade. Wellingtongnashed his teeth, and his face was full of resentment. He stared at Fade and shouted in a deep voice,"What are you going to do ?" Fade, with an innocent look on his face, took the Platinum Star necklacefrom Wellington’s hand and said, "Your necklace is nice." While talking, Fade grabbed the delicatenecklace with his greasy large hands. He turned it over clumsily, placing it on his neck a few times, andeven said to Lily with a smile, "Sister Lily, how about I wear this necklace? Does it look good on me ?"Seeing Fade’s reaction, Lily knew that he came forward on purpose to help her out. Immediately, she

was amused and moved by this. She could only give Fade a knowing look. This look causedWellington’s heart to burn with a raging fire of jealousy, and he was furious. "Your dirty hands shouldn’ttouch my necklace." Wellington said. He reached out angrily and took the necklace back from Fade. Helooked at the greasy hand print on the necklace and was very angry. He glared at Fade and said, "You,how dare you"" I'm just taking a look at your necklace. If you don’t want to show it to me, just say it. I'llgive it back to you. Why are you so angry ?" Fade said. Wellington was so angry that he couldexplode." Do you know how precious my necklace is ? The designer Miguel designed it himself. It'sworth more than two million yuan. If it is broken, can you afford to pay for it ?"he asked. "It's just twomillion, and that is just a small amount of money!" Fade said lightly. "You're still bragging, I-" Wellingtonwas so angry that he couldn't speak clearly at this moment. Auntie Cao snorted coldly. She stood upand spoke up for her son. "Fade, you've gone too far. How can you grab such a precious necklace?Not to mention breaking it, you can't afford to pay for it even if it's slightly damaged. Do you know that?""It's just a necklace, isn't it Even if it's broken, I can compensate for it," Fade said calmly. "Compensatefor it? You think anyone can get jewelry designed by Designer Miguel? Someone low-class like you hasno money. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it." Wellington shouted." Low-class ?"Fade said. His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he snorted. "Since you said so, I really want to see if Ican afford this necklace." Wellington was stunned, then he clenched his necklace and said," I'm notshort of money. Don't try to buy my necklace." "Ha ha!" Fade laughed. Then, he called a waitress andwhispered to her. The waitress nodded and went out respectfully. Seeing this, Wellington looked atFade as if he was a fool and said with a smile. "You asked the waitress to buy a necklace for you!Haha, this is too funny. She will buy a necklace worth ten dollars for you." Fade did not pay attention toWellington's sarcasm and mockery at all. Instead, he smiled at Lily and said, "Sister Lily, I came in ahurry and didn't prepare any gift. Wait a minute, I’ll give you a surprise." Seeing this, Wellington wasinfuriated. Auntie Cao’s expression was gloomy. She said to Madam Wei," Madam Wei, I think Lilyshould be more cautious when making friends. Some people don’t have money and morality. There isno benefit for her to be with such a person." Wellington also echoed, "He is a loser who only knowshow to brag. He is not a match for Lily." Madam Wei knew Fade’s real identity, so she didn’t care aboutnovelbin

their words. She couldn’t help sighing when she saw Fade and her daughter talking and laughing.Before long, there was a knock at the door of the private room. Fade asked the person to come in.Then, the waitress came in. Wellington immediately laughed and mocked," Haha, the waitress cameback after buying a necklace for you. I would like to see what kind of quality the necklace has!" Thewaitress did not walk up to them at all. Instead, she turned aside and made a gesture of greeting."Chief Tai, Mr. Chen is inside,"she said. Then, they saw a middle-aged man with a pair of gold rimmedglasses walking in. As soon as Wellington saw the man, he was shocked. He stood up and saidrespectfully, "Chief Tai, what, what are you doing here? Yes, because l-" Without waiting for Wellingtonto finish, Chief Tai glanced at him. Then, he quickly walked to Fade, bowed and said respectfully,"Hello, Mr. Chen!" Seeing this, Wellington and Auntie Cao were both stunned. They frowned slightlyand looked at this scene with doubts all over their faces. "Chief Tai, you, he-" Chief Tai ignored him andtook out a small gift box with a respectful expression. He handed it to Fade and said, "Mr. Chen, I’vebrought the things you wanted." Fade nodded, opened the gift box, and then took out an exquisitenecklace. As soon as this necklace was taken out, everyone’s eyes lit up. The sparkling light, thesimple shape, the delicate details all exuded a unique and noble aura..

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