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Chapter 382


Chapter 382novelbin

Early in the morning the next day, Fade Chen went out with the two women with two huge bags. If Fadehadn’t mentioned that they have everything in the villa, Momo Soo would have even taken all the bowlsand pots with her. Fade drove toward the villa. The villa was about 5 0 kilometers away from the centerof Long City, and it was built on an obscure hill. It was originally built for vacation by a wealthy old man,but after his death, his children did not have time to come to the villa, and they did not want to waste iteither. Therefore, they simply turned the villa into a hotel, receiving tourists on normal days and earningsome money for maintenance, Since the goal of the villa was not for profit, there was no publicity at all.Only some acquaintances within the circle shared about it. Fade knew of this place from Caesar Du.The car arrived at the foot of the hill. The villa was on top of the hill. Compared with other attractionswhich were bustling with people and packed, there were not many tourists here. However, the sceneryof the hills was extremely breathtaking. There were lush green trees, and they could hear the sound offlowing streams nearby to. The scenery was undeniably as good as those popular attractions, Fadecarried the bags and walked to the villa on top of the hill with the two ladies. Occasionally, some localvillagers could be seen selling local specialties on the roadside. Momo was curious about everything.She would look around and ask around. When they reached the top of the hill, Fade was alreadycarrying another large bag, When they reached the entrance of the villa, there were even fewer peoplethere. After all, the price for one of the rooms here was not cheap, and not a lot of people could affordto stay there. Fade, Quin and Momo obviously were not worried about money. They had alreadybooked three rooms, so they went into the villa with their bags. The villa was indeed built by the rich fortheir own use, Every part of the villa was well-designed and the materials used were all high in quality.All the decorations inside were very sophisticated too. The wealthy people who stayed here in the pastwere certainly cultured. After leaving their luggage in the room, the three of them walked around thevilla. The area was not very big, so it only took them a while to walk one round. Behind the villa was a

small courtyard, in which there were exquisite bridges,flowing streams, ornate pavilions, monumentsand stones. The style was rich in oriental elements. Being immersed in that environment, anyone wouldfeel calm.

Quin was obviously in a much better mood, and she had a faint smile on her lips. Fade was relieved. Itwas definitely the right decision to bring his wife for a trip. At noon, lunch was served in the villa. Thefood was relatively plain, and there was not much meat either. However, the chef was obviously amaster. The vegetarian dishes were delicious and Momo had a good appetite again. She was so full inthe end that her stomach was quite bloated. After lunch, they took a walk around to help with thedigestion of the food. The three of them went to the hot springs of the villa. The hot springs here weredifferent than the ones that Fade and Momo had been to before. The hot spring water was transmittedusing pipes into separate bathrooms so the guests could enjoy their baths individually. Of course, therewere also rooms for couples. However, Fade did not dare to ask his wife for this. He took his clothesand went to take a bath on his own. The water from the hot springs was not bad, but not amazingeither. Fade took a casual bath, then he put on his clothes and came out. Quin and Momo were not asfast. They were still enjoying their baths in their section, so Fade came out and wandered aroundalone. As he strolled around , Fade came to the back of a building without realizing it. It wassurrounded by lush trees and all kinds of wild flowers. The scenery there was pretty good. Just as Fadewas enjoying the scenery under the mountain breeze, he heard a strange noise all of a sudden. Hesoon caught a glimpse of a figure coming from the bush. Fade immediately frowned and tried to hidebehind some trees. Then, he looked in the direction of the figure through the cracks between theleaves. The figure was that of a young man in his twenties. He was dressed casually and he had ahood over his head. He looked around, then he sneaked through the bushes and moved toward thevilla. Fade became anxious when he witnessed this. He said to himself, "A thief?" The figure walked tothe back of the building. Instead of climbing up the wall, he stared at it and kept on going, as if he waslooking for something on the wall. After walking for a few meters, he seemed to have found something.He took out a wire in his hand, stretched it to the wall, and began to take action. Fade was a little far

away, so he couldn’t see what he was doing at first. But when that guy finally took out half a brick, Faderealized that this guy was trying to dig a hole. "Why dig a hole? Does he want to break through the walland then get in ? But that is not necessary. There are many other entrances in this villa, and it’s alsoeasy to get in "Fade thought to himself. Just as Fade was feeling puzzled, he suddenly rememberedthe floor plan of the villa. He said to himself, "This wall happens to be the place where the hot springbathroom is located. So this guy is not here to steal things, but to take a peek inside." At the thoughtthat Quin and Momo were still bathing, Fade became anxious and he immediately rushed over. "Damnit, this guy wants to peep at my wife taking a bath!" The voyeur took out the brick cautiously. He wasabout to put it down and enjoy the view. However, he felt a strong wind blowing on his side, and he sawa figure rushing over. Caught off guard, he was directly kicked down to the ground by his opponent.The voyeur grimaced in pain, but he did not dare to make a sound. He glared at Fade and shouted in adeep voice, "What are you doing?" Fade glanced at the brick that had been taken out and stared at thevoyeur angrily "What do you think I’m doing? The voyeur was stunned, and then he smiled and said,"Brother, since we are interested in the same thing, I won’t hide anything. Let’s watch this together. Iknow that there are two beautiful women in there right now. They are absolute beauties. It’s worth it towatch them here."" Brother, I have dug out a hole. I ’ll let you have the first look. Brother, I’m such agood friend, ain’t 1 ?" The voyeur stood up and said this with an expression like they were closefriends.

However, Fade slapped him and shouted, "You are spouting nonsense. That’s my wife inside. You wantto look at my wife. " Pah!" He hit the voyeur a few times, and his head became swollen. The voyeurquickly begged for mercy,saying, "Big brother, big brother, I am wrong. I didn’t know that it’s your wife. IfI knew, I would never take a peek. Really, big brother, this is my first time. I have to beg for mercy fromyou. Please let me go!" " Damn it! Can you be so skillful if this was your first time ? And you specificallyinquired whether there were beauties inside." Fade said. He slapped him once again, which caused theswelling to become even worse. The voyeur curled up on the ground and begged for mercy, with hishead buried in his arms..

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