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Chapter 380


Chapter 380

Seeing Momo Soo and Quin Lin walking into the room, Fade Chen could only think to himself, "Don'ttalk nonsense please, little girl!" Fade started to cook as he was thinking about this. He had put in a lotof effort to cook this time. He prepared the dishes that Momo, the little goblin, had requested. Fadebecame even more focused and he continued with the preparation of the dishes. The catfish soup,stewed pig with peanuts, white fungus and the papayas that she specifically bought were all preparedcarefully.

After over an hour of cooking, Fade was done. He had a full table of dishes. After laying out the table,he announced to the room, "The meal is ready, let’s eat." Then, Fade saw Momo hopping out of Quin’sroom. His wife was walking behind her, looking unaffected. Seeing this, Fade finally heaved a sigh ofrelief. Momo probably didn’t spout any nonsense. Quin went to the kitchen to help Fade lay out thedishes. Momo approached Fade with a mischievous look. She whispered, "Don’t worry, brother-in-law. Ididn’t mention the incident where you peeped at my boobs and stalked me when I was bathing. Don’tworry!" Hearing this, Fade felt anxious. He glared at Momo, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, andsaid, "Those are all accidents. Do you know what an accident means ? I didn’t do it on purpose. It wasjust an accident." " Really ? If it was an accident, that means that it was no big deal," The little beautysaid. She held her chin as if she was contemplating something. "Well, in that case, I’ll have a chat withsister later and mention all these things to her,"she said. Fade felt that his head was about to explode.He quickly covered Momo’s mouth and said, "Little girl, stop spouting nonsense." Momo said with abuzzing voice, Brother-in-law, if you don’t let go of me, my sister will come over soon." Fade took a lookand noticed that Quin was coming over with the dishes. When she saw Fade and Mono together, shenaturally asked, "What’s wrong?" Fade shook his head and said, "It’s nothing!" "There is something!"

Momo purposely said. Fade was scared and he shrunk his neck. Then, the little girl added, "I justwanted to have a taste of the dishes.

But brother-in-law won’t let me eat them." Fade felt as if his heart was on a roller coaster, going up anddown rapidly. Wiping his cold sweat, he smiled and said, "Well, I was asking her to bring the rice.""Momo, go wash your hands. Come and eat after you’re

done." Quin said. Momo turned her head and blinked at Fade.

Then, she jumped over joyfully to wash her hands. Quin put down the plate, gave Fade a strange lookand said, "Are you very hot? Why are you sweating so much ?" Fade shook his head promptly. "No no,I’m not hot. I’m not hot." The food was served and the three of them sat down. Looking at the table fullof dishes, Momo and Quin both looked surprised. "Brother-in-law, do you really know how to cook?""From the appearance, they look good. However, we still don’t know the taste of these dishes yet."Fade said confidently, "The taste of the dishes is definitely good. You’ll know once you try them!" Asthey chatted, Fade took the initiative to serve Quin some dishes. Momo was more proactive and sheserved herself a small bowl of catfish soup right away. After taking her first bite, her large round eyeswidened even further. As she chewed on the fish, she nodded non-stop. "Yummy, it’s really yummy.Brother-in-law, you’re amazing! You’re actually a really good cook!" Meanwhile, Quin also took a bite ofthe dish that Fade had served her. She looked surprised. She would not have expected Fade to be sotalented at cooking," If it’s good, then please eat more!" Fade said. She smiled and served them morefood. He watched happily as they ate the food. The little goblin, Momo, was indulging herself. She wasgobbling down all of the food boldly. She ate the food from the dishes that she had requested in biggulps, whilst mumbling," Eat more, it must grow bigger, even bigger!" Quin who was sitting on theopposite was left speechless. Whatever she had taught her earlier was now all forgotten. After helpingthemselves generously, the food on the table was all eaten up. They drank all the soup as well. Momoleaned back on the sofa clumsily. She lifted her top and patted her little round belly. Even Quin, whorarely ate much, burped.

Immediately, she was blushing in embarrassment. Momo rubbed her belly and looked at Fade, saying,"Brother in-law, it’s all your fault. You’ve caused my belly to swell!" Fade, who was washing up thedishes, almost fainted when he heard this. Quin quickly scolded her as well. "Don’t spout nonsense,Momo. Watch your words!" " What words ? I said that the dishes my brother-in-law prepared are sodelicious that my belly swelled. There is no other meaning!" Momo said. After a pause, she looked atQuin with a look of realization and said, "Oh, I see that’s what you mean, sister? Don’t worry, myswelling belly is not from pregnancy, I just had too much food." Seeing how Quin was looking moreserious and starting to lecture her again, Momo said mischievously, "Sister, brother in-law and yourselfhave been married for so long. Why is there no news from your belly yet? Do you guys not want a baby? Quin did not expect Momo to suddenly mention this, and she blushed instantly. Sure enough, shehad forgotten the fact that she was going to lecture Momo. She then waved her hand and said, "Let’snot talk about this. How’s your learning progress, Momo?" Momo pouted and said, "Sister, the way youchanged the topic was so awkward." Quin’s cheeks were flushed and she could not speak a word.Fade was coming out with a plate in his hand and he tried to lessen the tension in the atmosphere."Ding ding ding, desserts are now served!"he said. Sure enough, when it came to food, Momo gotdistracted immediately. When she saw the steaming hot plate, she sniffed hard, with her face filled withanticipation. She asked, "Brother-in-law, what is this?" Fade smiled mysteriously and said, "You willknow when you eat it." Then, Fade handed a small spoon to each of them. Momo grabbed a spoon andwalked over. Immediately, she saw the golden color on the plate. It smelled amazing, and the plate wasfilled with a strong milky fragrance. Instantly, Momo transformed into a greedy little munchkin. Shereached out her spoon and scooped up a spoonful of tofu-like paste. She looked at it a bit, and thensniffed it with her tiny nose before putting it in her mouth. After chewing it gently, Momo's eyeswidened, and her mouth stopped moving. Her throat rolled around a little, and the food slid downstraight into her stomach. Seeing how Momo was reacting, Quin's curiosity was piqued. She looked atMomo and asked, "What do you think of it, Momo ? How does it taste ?" Momo had a blank stare for amoment as if she was savoring the dessert. Then, her eyes suddenly lit up as she said, "So smooth, sotender! I want some more!" After that, she dug out another spoonful and stuffed it into her mouth..novelbin

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