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Chapter 372

Chapter 372

The black figure said, "The real Jeremy Lin was only brought herefor one time, and that was a weekago. At that time, we tookaphoto and took him away immediately. The rest of the time, wewere justwaiting here for someone to find us" "What? Jeremyhaslong been gone?" Fade said. He lookedsurprised and thensaidina deep voice, "Then, what's the purpose of all of you here?" "1, I don't know.We are just his minions. We listen to the ordersof our superiors and wait here. The longer we delaythis, the better," the black figure said. "Delaying the people who are here, anddelaying me. Why isthis..." Fade frowned and thought about thepurpose of these guys. Suddenly, he realized something.Theyhadsent a picture of Jeremy to Quin Lin, informing her that Quinmustget here within three days.Obviously, their target was Quin, not him. Fade started to tremble when he thought about this."Ohmywife, my wife, will you be in danger?"he thought to himself. "Mywife is now in town and isprotected by Big Brother Gu's people. Plus, she has the Sacred Figs amulet with Ice Silk that Igaveher,so she should be quite safe" Fade thought in his heart. Right then, Wade and the rest of theguys had arrived, panting. Whenthey saw the two black figures, they asked out of curiosity, "Mr. Chen,are they the people you're looking for?" Fade shookhishead, and he was about to speak. However,right at this moment, he realized something, and a bulb lit up in his mind. The superiorof these guyshad ordered them to delay the people who werehereat the village, and their target was Quin. Thereseemed tobeacontradiction in this matter. Under normal circumstances, Quin

would definitely come to this place to look for her elder brotherafter finding these clues. However, thesetwo men wantedtoholdoff the people who had come over, so they were supposedtodelayQuin, yet theirtarget was also Quin. Therefore, this was obviously not logical There was only one explanation forthiswhole situation. The other party was able to confirmthat theperson coming to this small village wassomeone else, andnot Quin. Therefore, they had to delay the person who was hereandthen get hold oftheir real target, Quin. Thinking of this, Fade, whofelt relieved from the tense situation, became nervousagain. At the same time, his thoughts were spinning rapidly. If his opponentwas able to confirm thatnovelbin

Quin was not coming to this small village, then they must have some other tricks up their sleeves,whichthey were waiting to reveal. Recalling the encounters of hiswifeand himself, Fade becameworried. He could only thinkof oneperson... Big Brother Gu. All their clues were given by BigBrother Gu.Old Man and Wade were also the people sent byBigBrother Gu. In addition to that, when Quin said thatshe wantedtojoin the search, it was Big Brother Gu who said that it wastoodangerous for her and askedQuin to stay behind. So withall these facts, Big Brother Gu certainly knew the man behindthis, orhehimself could even be the man behind this. Quin was supposed to be protected by Big Brother Gu'speople at thistime. At the thought of this, Fade's heart skipped a beat and he becameeven moreconcerned. He immediately took out his cell phoneanddialed his wife's number. The sound from theother end indicatedthat the phone was off, and Fade's heart sank once again. Hebecame even moreworried. He gritted his teeth and saidfiercely, "Fairman Gu, it will be good if nothing happened to mywife. Otherwise, I'll tear you into pieces." In the meantime, Wadehad

come over with his men. He didn't notice the strange lookonFade's face and he asked, "Mr. Chen,would you like to lookaround near this place again? I." Before he could finish hissentence, Fade'scountenance suddenly changed. He staredat Wade coldly and replied, "Tell me, what task did BigBrother Guarrange for you?" Hearing Fades sudden question, Wade wasverysurprised. He instinctivelywanted to fight back, but he calmeddown and said with a smirk, "Mr. Chen, I was given the taskofprotecting your safety! Why are you asking this question?" "Tell the truth!" Fade shouted coldly, with aflash of fierce anger inhiseyes. Wade was shocked and a strange light flashed in hiseyes. "Mr. Chen,you know all about this mission! I'mreally tellingthetruth!" Fade snorted. He grabbed Wade's neck, andspoke inacold voice, "Tell me, why did Fairman Gu ask you to followmehere?" "Mr. Chen, 1, I didn't.."Wade kept on denying. Fade'seyeswere full of hatred, and he squeezed hard on Wade's neck,causinga creaking sound. His head began to turn red fromthe pressure, his skin turned red, and thenpurple-red. Blood started tofill hiseyes. Wade could sense the arrival of death right then, andhecouldn'tstand it anymore. He shouted in horror, "Mr. Chen, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything." Fade let go ofWade, andhethrewhim on the ground. Then, Fade glared at himand said, "Tell methen!" Wade reached

out to feel his neck and said in a hurry, "BigBrother Gu gave me the task of delaying you as much aspossible. I should delay Mr. Chen for some time here." "Delaying me again!" Fade felt a sense of fear.He had confirmed his earlier guesses. Their target was his wife, Quin. That was why they wereconstantly trying to find ways to delay him here. Thinkingof this, Fade couldn't help but become anxiousand impatient. He couldn'tcare about these guys anymore. He launched out a stronggust of

energy and knocked out everyone on the spot. Then, he launchedhimself like a swift shadow andrushed quickly down the mountain. At this moment in the conference roomon the topfloorof The GrandRoyal Hotel in the center of Fuma Town, FairmanGuwas sitting right in the middle, with a happy smileon hisface. Observing the discussions that investors were having aroundhim, his smile became evenmore pronounced. Lifting up his wrist andlooking at the time on his watch, Fairman thought to himself,"It'sbeen three-plus hours. Quin has been taken away by them, andmy task is completed." "As long as Iget the reward they promised, I will no longer need to live in this small town anymore. I'mgoingto thebig cities, be it Long City or Capital City," Fairmanthoughtto himself. He was extremely excited.Thinking of his future, hecouldn't help but smile even wider. As for the investigationteamswho werearguing with each other in front of him, Fairmancouldn't care less about them. They were just afewsmall merchants. It was really ridiculous watching howthey werefighting to death for such a smallproject When it was almost time, Fairman clapped his hands to calm everyone down. Then,heannounced, "The time is up. Now, please submit your final quotations. The investigation teamsbecame nervous after hearinghis announcement. After all, there were about seven to eight teams whowere participating in the bidding this time, andtheywere all good. Any carelessness in the quotationscould meanlosing their chance to the other teams. "Chief Huang, youshouldgo first!" Fairman called.Chief Huang nodded, and he wasabout to stand up to speak. Right at this moment, there was aloudcrash, and the thick wooden door of the conference roomwas kickedwide open. Then, an angryvoice, like a wave, rushed in. "Fairman, come here at once!".

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