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Chapter 365

Chapter 365

While they were talking, the tattooed boss of the hotel rolleduphis sleeves and approached Fade Chenin an aggressive manner. The followers behind him also surrounded Fade with fierce looks. Afterstretching his muscles, the tattooed man threatened, "Boy, I'll give you one last chance. Pay me themoney and get out of here, or." "There's no need for such words!" Fade interrupted the tattooed man ina cold voice. Before the man could react, Fadepunched him in the face. That guy was struck by Fade'sfist andhis nose was immediately broken. His face was coveredwithblood and he fell down. Thetattooed man wiped his face. Whenhesaw the blood all over his hands, he was furious and shouted,"Goforward now. Beat him up." In an instant, seven or eight gangstersrushed toward Fade. Thetattooed man got up fromthe groundandglared at Fade angrily. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damnit,howdare you hit me? I want you to know what it means..." Beforethe

boss could finish his words, he saw the scene in front of himandwas completely dumbfounded. Theseven or eight gangstershehad commanded were gathered around Fade at this moment, but they wereno match for Fade at all. They had not even touchedFade, and they were struck by Fade with a punchand a kick. Theyhad no strength to fight back at all. A series of screams wereheard with a heavy crash.In less than ten seconds, the bosssawthat his few men were all beaten by Fade. All ofthemwerelyingon the ground, groaning and twisting in pain. As for Fade, heclapped his hands as helooked calm. It seemed easy for himtodeal with these people. Suddenly, the tattooed man knewthathewas confronted with a powerful man. His face turned pale andshowed an expression of fear. Fadewalked over and slappedtheboss's face. He said coldly, "Now, are you willing to givemeanexplanation?" The hotel owner was on the verge of crying. Hedidn't dare to say no. He quicklynodded and said, "Yes, I will." "Go ahead!" Fade said coldly. The boss immediately toldhimthestory onhow he had cooperated with Brother Mantis to arrangefor escorts in the hotel. After hearing this, Fade'sface turnedcoldand he said, "Who is this Brother Mantis?" The boss's expressionchanged slightly whenhe heard Brother Mantis's name. Hesaid, "He's the boss of this area. Basically, he's in charge of all

themotels and hotels around here. He has more than a hundredsubordinates. He's very powerful."Fade frowned slightly, pondered the matter for a moment, and continued to ask, "InFumaTown, arethere anymore big bosses who are influential?" Speaking of this, the boss suddenly acted like he wascountingrare treasures. He said, "In addition to Brother Mantis, thereisBoss Wolf in the northwesternpart of town. He is an oldgangsterof Fuma Town. He is not very powerful but he has very deeproots

here. Ordinary people will not dare to provoke him." "In thenortheastern part of town, Big Sis Ma'sfamily owned a butcher'sshop, which counts as her husband's territory. Previously, her husband hadpassed away and his territory was coveted byothers. Big Sis Ma rushed directly to that person's homewith a butcher'sknife in her hand, which shocked everyone who was eyeingherterritory. Now she hasbecome the boss of the Northeasternareain town." Then, he mentioned some other names. Thebosssighedand said, "Although these people are famous, they are at most onthe same level as BrotherMantis. They are in charge of their ownterritories. If you ask who is the most influential personintown, itis Big Brother Gu." "Big Brother Gu! What's his background?Tell me about him," Fade said. The bosssaid, "Big Brother Guwas originally named Fairman Gu. He first ventured out of townand traveledaround for more than ten years. He learnedsomemartial arts skills. After he came back five years ago,he wasinvincible in Fuma Town and became the most powerful master intown. After defeatingeveryone, Big Brother Gu immediatelycollaborated with some partners and opened the firstsupermarketin town." "In the following years, Big Brother Gu's businessgrewbigger. He was alsoinvolved in all kinds of businesses, suchasmotels, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and constructionofbuildings. Big Brother Gu's connections were also very wide, andhe knew a lot about the businessmenand masters outside thetown. He also made many friends locally. Big Brother Gualsohasfriends in thetown's bureaucracy." "Other so-called important people, such as Brother Mantis and Big Sis Ma, areactuallyworking for Big Brother Gu. Big Brother Gu is the real bossof Fuma Town." The tattooed bosssaid. He seemed excited andopento conversation. Fade immediately asked, "Did Big Brother Gu

order these people to do these businesses in the hotel?" Thetattooed boss shook his head and said,"No, these businesseshave nothing to do with Big Brother Gu. They are all arrangedbythe bosses of

different territories Generally, Big Brother Gudoesnot care about these small businesses. When BigBrother Gufirstreturned, he would still do some shady businesses. But later, hemade a fortune. Manypeople became his acquaintances, sohecarried out his business transactions in a legal manner. Hewouldnot be involved in these shady businesses." "After all, Big BrotherGu is now a famousbusinessman in our town and a representative of the business world. Even when it cametotheinvestigation and research of the investment teamin regardstothe tourist resort of Fuma Mountain,the officials called BigBrother Gu to deal with this matter. They wanted himto welcomethe businessmenwho were involved." Fade nodded to indicatehisunderstanding of the division of forces in Fuma Town.At thistime, there was a loud commotion outside the hotel. The young gangsterwho had been beatenbadly by Fade just now had returnedwithabloody nose and a swollen face. Beside him stood athinmaninagreen shirt. The tattooed man's expression changed as soonashesaw the man. He lookedat him with respect and fear andshouted, "Brother Mantis!" "This is Brother Mantis!" Fade looked atthethinman and narrowed his eyes. He could sense the man's strength.This Brother Mantis could beconsidered a martial- artsexpert. He possessed the strength of the early stage of the Yellow-Level. ToFade, this was not worth mentioning. However, in this small town, he was considered an expert. Thus,he wasable to suppress so many people and become the boss of thisarea. Behind Brother Mantis,there were about 50 or 60 gangsters. They came over aggressively. Brother Mantis sized up thenovelbin

situation inside the hotel. His gaze landed on Fade and he saidcoldly, "You were the one who beat upmy follower just now?" Fade said coldly, "Yes, that was me. I also asked himto gobackand call his Bossto come over. So you are Brother Mantis?"I'mMantis Tang," Brother Mantis said. His eyes darkened ashelooked at Fade with a hint of anger. Fade glanced at himandsaid, "Since you're the boss, come andkneel down and apologizetome!" "What did you say?"Brother Mantis said. The expressiononhis faceturned cold. His eyes became fierce as he glaredat Fade. The gangsters behind him also began to stirafter hearing what hesaid. "F*ck, where did this silly boy come from? Howdare hespeak to BrotherMantis in such a manner?" "You're lookingfordeath. You're an ungrateful bastard." "Brother Mantishatesarrogant people the most. This guy is dead.".

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