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Chapter 362

Chapter 362

The trees were dense and the mountains were steep. Quin Lin’s physical strength was limited, so shecouldn’t move fast when walking in this kind of terrain. After a while, she began to pant, and many partsof her clothes became dirty. Even her hands and feet were stained with dirt and blood. Seeing this,Fade Chen said, "Quin, I’ll carry you on my back!" Quin shook her head and her white teeth,saying,"There’s no need for that. I can still walk." As she said this, she deliberately quickened her pace toshow that she could still proceed forward. Seeing this, Fade couldn’t help but shake his head andslowed down to follow his wife. His wife was capable and was good in many things, but she was toostrong-willed. At this time, she still didn’t want to show her weaknesses in front of him. After walking foranother ten minutes, the surrounding forest grew thicker and the mountain path became even moredifficult to walk on. Quin’s speed slowed down once again. Fade did not ask this time. He walked toQuin’s side and stretched out one arm to grab her back, while he held Quin’s legs with the other arm.Then, he lifted Quin into his arms. Quin was startled by Fade’s actions. "What are you doing? Put medown. can walk on my own," she said." Don’t pretend to be strong, I’ll carry you all the way!" Fade said.His large hand pressed against his wife’s voluptuous thigh, and he felt an unusual soothing sensationand elasticity. Then, he took a step and bounced like a lively rabbit, moving swiftly through the forest.Fade moved quickly, and the sound of wind could be heard as he made his way. The surrounding treesalso seemed to be left behind as he darted forward like a shadow. The excitement caused by his rapidspeed caused Quin to experience an unprecedented pleasure. Her cheeks became flushed, and herwhole body was completely glued to Fade’s chest. She could feel Fade’s powerful heartbeat, and awarm sensation surged in her heart. Of course, Fade also held her hands and caressed her hands fromtime to time, causing her to feel aroused. In this way, Fade carried Quin all the way through the forest.His speed was twice as fast as the car they were on just now. Half an hour later, they were close to theedge of the forest. Looking through the cracks of the trees, they spotted buildings and people from asmall town. "We’re here!" Fade said. With a smile on his face, Fade carried Quin and headed towardthe direction of that small town. Quin lay in Fade’s arms like it was her usual habit to do so. As a result,

she felt that her surroundings were suddenly brighter. Only then did she discover that she had alreadyemerged from the woods. When she arrived at the edge of the town, she heard voices of some peoplearound her. Immediately, Quin’s pretty face turned red. She said quickly "put me down now". Fadeembraced his wife tightly in his arms and said, "Why do you want to get down now?

I’m not tired at all." Quin punched Fade’s chest gently a few times, and she urged him to put her downas she blushed." Put me down. It will not be a good situation if someone sees us like this,"she said"What’s wrong with our situation? You’re my wife. It’s normal for me to carry you," Fade said. However,he put his wife down with a smile. As soon as Quin landed on the ground, her legs gave way and shealmost collapsed on the ground. Fortunately, Fade caught her just in time and helped her to stabilizeherself. Quin steadied herself and tidied up her messy clothes. She coughed softly and said, "You canlet go of me now. I can walk on my own." Fade pinched her with his large hand and said, "It’s alright,Quin. I’ll hold you like this." "There’s no need for that. I can walk on my own," Quin said. She blushedas she pushed Fade’s amorous hands away. Then, she quickened her pace and took a few strides.Fade rubbed his hands reluctantly and followed his wife into the town The town was not big, and it wasnot very prosperous. However, due to the development of tourist resorts and investment projects atFuma mountain, there were quite a few outsiders in town. The arrival of Fade and Quin did not seemspecial at all. However, the town had a problem. There weren’t enough hotels in town. The hotels ofhigher quality had long been booked by the investment team consisting of businessmen who wereinvolved in the investigation and research here. The remaining small inns were also almost full. Somehotels, which were obviously seedy, had vacant rooms, but the environment was not appropriate forthem. Fade did not want his wife to live in that kind of place. Hence, after searching the town, he finallyspent triple the amount of the usual price and booked a guest room in a medium-sized hotel The guestroom’s environment was relatively decent. It was basically at the level of an ordinary city’s bed andbreakfast, but the amenities were a little low in quality. Fade and Quin were not planning to stay toolong, so they naturally did not care much about these issues. By the time they arrived at the small town,it was already evening. Quin was exhausted, and she had no choice but to begin the search for Jeremy

Lin the next day. Thus, after dinner, the two of them did not have any extra time. They went straightback to their room and prepared to wash up before taking a rest. His wife was very tired, so Fadenaturally asked her to take a bath first. Quin took her clothes and towel into the bathroom. Then, shestepped into the shower, and began to wash herself. Fade looked at the warm yellow light in thebathroom and the graceful figure reflected by the light. Suddenly, he felt a burning desire and his mindbegan to run wild. He couldn’t help but think of some nocturnal activities. Just as Fade’s imaginationwas running wild, Quin suddenly let out a scream in the bathroom. Fade came to his senses instantly.He bounced up and rushed to the bathroom. He pushed the bathroom door open and asked, "Honey,what’s wrong?" Quin, who was drenched all over, did not expect Fade to come in. She was stunned atthat moment. Then, she came to her senses and realized that she was naked in front of him.Immediately, her face turned red, and she quickly grabbed the towel to cover herself. However, thetowel in this small hotel was smaller in size, and not a standard bath towel. It only covered a limitedarea. Her skin, which was white as snow, and the magnificent scenery, were exposed. Fade could nothelp but stare at this beautiful scenery. He could not move his eyes away at all. When Quin saw this,she became even more embarrassed. Her face was red from shame. She quickly pulled up the towel toblock the important parts of her body. At the same time, she shouted, "You, you, go out quickly,now!"Fade wiped his nose, which was rather warm, and said, "Quin, I’m worried about you. What happenedjust now when you screamed ?" Quin shook her head and said," Nothing, nothing at all. It was just amouse that had jumped out. I was scared." "A mouse, that isn’t good. I can’t leave you here. If it bitesyou, my wife, and leave ugly scars behind that will be bad," Fade said earnestly. He did not leave, butmoved further into the bathroom instead. "Quin, I’m here to catch the mouse for you,"he said. "There’sno need for that. The mouse has already left. Don’t enter." Quin shouted. She had just said this whenshe saw a fat mouse crawling over along the pipes. Instantly, Quin was so frightened that she let outyet another scream. She loosened her hands and the towel fell off naturally. The beautiful sceneryreappeared once more. Fade rushed over with his bright eyes, hugged his wife, patted her back andcomforted her. He said, "Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m going to catch the mouse. My wife, don’tbe afraid!" He could feel his wife’s tender skin and his palm was touching her graceful curves. At this

moment, Fade’s heart was about to soar. Looking at the little mouse who was sneaking toward thewindow sill, he blinked his eyes and smiled. "Little fellow, since you have done me a favor, I won’t killyou. Go away now!"he whispered..novelbin

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