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Chapter 359

Chapter 359novelbin

In the seats opposite Fade Chen and Quin Lin, a couple who were in their mid-twenties became evenmore excited. They cried out in exhilaration as they took out their expensive cameras and videoequipment and began to take pictures and videos However, at this time, the car suddenly braked and itcame to a complete halt. Many people who were taking pictures fell forward suddenly as they did notanticipate this. Some of their cell phones and cameras were broken as well. Many people collapsed onthe ground as well. These people immediately began to complain and curse about this situation. Fadewas a master of the martial arts, and he was highly skilled. He quickly supported himself with the seatin front of him and hugged his wife at the same time, so that she would avoid falling down. But becauseof this sudden halt, his wife woke up in shock. Just as Quin, who was still groggy, was about to askwhat was going on, the car door opened with a loud crash. Then, four men with black velvet capsrushed in fiercely. They held daggers, hammers and other weapons in their hands. One of them rushedup and threatened the driver into submission. The other three walked to the back of the car andshouted angrily, "Sit down and don’t move. Take out all your valuables now." Seeing this, all thepassengers in the car were in a state of panic. They didn’t expect to meet robbers in this situation.They became extremely nervous. Someone in the car wanted to call the police secretly, but the robberswere obviously experienced. One of the robbers grabbed the cell phone and smashed it into pieceswith his hammer. At the same time, he threatened in a fierce tone, "If you dare to move again, the nextthing that I’ll smash is your head." Now, everyone was scared and did not dare to move. They couldonly sit still on the spot, trembling with fear. Fade furrowed his brows slightly and hugged Quin, whowas trembling all over. He was thinking quickly on how he could help out in this situation. It was not anissue for Fade to take down these four robbers.

However, he was not sure if these four robbers were related to the people who had kidnapped JeremyLin. Also, he wondered if they had done this on purpose so that his wife and himself would stepforward. With these doubts in his heart, Fade didn’t make any move. He shrank his head and

pretended to be scared. At this time, the robbers had already taken out the bag that they had preparedand began to collect the treasures of the passengers in the car. The robbers did not miss out on anyvaluables at all. All the cell phones, cameras, purses and jewelries were taken and placed into the bag.Most of the people in the car were outsiders, and they obviously valued their own safety more thanmoney. They cooperated with them and handed over all their valuable items. The robbers looked at thefull bag and seemed pleased. Obviously, they had earned a lot today. Soon, they came to the youngcouple opposite Fade and Quin, urging them to hand over their belongings. The young man lookedanxious and he promptly gave them his wallet, cell phone, and camera. The burly robber saw the thickpile of money in his wallet and laughed immediately. "Hey, I didn’t expect to meet such a rich mantoday. Not bad, not bad at all!"he said. As he spoke, the burly robber slapped the young man’s faceseveral times with the side of his dagger. The young man was so frightened that he started to tremble.He said in a quivering voice," I, have given you all of my valuable items. Please don’t hurt me. If youstill want more money, I can call my family. As long as you don’t hurt me, I can pay you as much as youwant." Well, this guy was obviously a fool who was afraid of death. Otherwise, why would he haverevealed his family background at a time like this. Fortunately, this group of robbers were quiteprofessional They smiled and said, "Kid, we are robbers, not kidnappers or blackmailers. Anyway, wewill remember you." The young man immediately let out an awkward laugh and didn’t say anything. Atthis time, the robber urged the girl next to the young man to hand in her valuables. The girl handedover her things reluctantly. When she finally handed over the camera, she said, "Can I take out thestorage card in the camera? There are a lot of photos in it and I didn’t make any backup copies. I don’twant to... "Young girl! We are robbers, not businessmen. Hand over all your things now!" A robberbehind her said. He grabbed the camera and stuffed it into the bag. At this moment, the burly robber,who was holding a dagger, could not help but chuckle." I didn’t expect to meet two weird people duringthis robbery. One is so timid that he handed over the money so willingly. The other one is bold andignorant, and she even tried to bargain with us. Interesting, very interesting indeed." Hearing this, theyoung man was so frightened that he shuddered and shrank back in fear. The girl, however, sighed andlooked at the camera thrown into the sack with a regretful expression on her face. After collecting the

money from this young couple, the robbers naturally turned to Fade and Quin. Fade held Quin in hisarms and took the initiative to take out his wallet and cell phone, The robber nodded and packed up histhings. He was ready to go forward and collect the items of the next passenger. But at this moment, theburly robber, who was holding a dagger, looked at Quin who was in Fade’s arms. He said, "What’swrong with her? Pull off the clothes that are covering her." Fade was holding Quin in his arms and hehad covered her head with his clothes. Fade explained, "This is my wife. She’s ill and can’t be exposedto sunlight." However, the burly robber did not want to listen to his explanation. Instead, he stretchedout his hand and said, "She is ill ? Even so, i’ll need to search her body." As he spoke, the robberextended his hands toward Quin Fade immediately moved his body sideways to block the robber’smovements. The robber’s eyes darkened and he shouted, "You are looking for death!" Then, the robberripped off the clothes wrapped over Quin’s head. Immediately, Quin’s delicate and beautiful faceappeared in front of everyone. The robber couldn’t help but be stunned, and he looked at Quin insurprise. He licked his lips and said with a smile," No wonder you won’t allow me to search her. Yourwife is so beautiful!" "Hey, this girl has a pretty face and a nice figure. She is really not bad. She is evenmore beautiful than the celebrities on TV"he said. As he spoke, the burly robber’s eyes shone with lust.The other robbers also came over at this moment. When they saw Quin’s appearance, their eyesimmediately lit up, Even many passengers were amazed at Quin’s beauty. Obviously, they did notexpect such a beautiful woman to sit in the same car with them. A robber laughed and said, "Boss, letus bring her down and have some fun with her." "We can’t miss the chance to have fun with such abeautiful girl! Boss!"" Boss, you can have fun with her first. After that, we’ll take turns." "Hey, it’s worthhaving fun with a girl like her, even if it is just once in a lifetime." As they spoke in such a foul manner,the robber with the dagger smiled and pointed the dagger at Fade." Kid, let us have fun with your wife,and we won’t rob your money, he said. Fade’s eyes sank, and there was a cold glint in his eyes. Hewas about to make a move..

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