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Chapter 349

Chapter 349

Francesca Sun, who was screaming madly, looked at the warm jade pendant in Fade Chen’s hand,with the pattern of the mountain peaks and the long sword on it. She suddenly became stunned andher voice trembled. She said, "This, this is the symbol of the Tianwu Clan. It’s the symbol of the TianwuClan, one of the four great forces of the Heaven Level. You, you are.." Francesca looked at Fade, full ofdisbelief. It was already shocking that her former master was a disciple of the Wushuang Tower, andnow, the person in front of her was actually from one of the four major forces of the Heaven Level, adisciple of the Tianwu Clan. This caused Francesca to feel as though she had been struck by lightning.Her whole body became completely stiff on the spot and she was greatly shocked. Fade put away thejade pendant and looked at her coldly. He then spoke in an icy tone, "Now, I will give you anotherchance to be my slave." "Your slave,... Francesca wanted to say something. Fade sighed coldly andsaid," I’m not as kind as that woman back then. This time, you will be a real slave.novelbin

You must do whatever I ask you to. You can’t go against me. If I ask you to die, you must die." "Ofcourse, you can choose not to be my slave. Then, you will die now! In my eyes, a person at your levelis just an ant," Fade said. He looked down on her with a disdainful expression "I, I agree to be yourslave!" Francesca said. Her face suddenly turned pale. She hesitated for a moment. When she lookedat Fade’s cold expression, she suddenly trembled and nodded in agreement. After she agreed, shecouldn’t help but feel more at ease. She thought of the previous scenes when she was with her formermaster Thinking back now, she thought that her former master at that time was obviously very kind toher. There were no commands and orders from her at all. She spoke softly and showered her withsome benefits from time to time. However, Francesca had thought that her status was higher than thatand she couldn’t stand the humiliation of being shouted at. When she discovered that Fade was also adisciple of one of the four Heaven-Level forces, she felt that being a slave to a Heaven-level force’sdisciple was not that unacceptable after all. Francesca didn’t know how lucky she was previously untilthere was a comparison between both her masters. Fade nodded his head slightly after Francesca

agreed to him, and a ray of light from his fingertips was placed into her head." I have inserted someenergy into your brain. If you go against me, you will know the consequences,"he said. After that,Francesca felt that her head was warm, as if it was going to burn. She was so scared that she trembledall over. She quickly knelt on the ground and said repeatedly, "I don’t dare, I really don’t dare to. In thefuture, I will listen to Mr. Chen’s orders, and I won’t go against you." "Okay, get up!" Fade said. Henodded, as he had his own plans in his heart. The reason why he had spared Francesca’s life wasbecause her strength had reached the peak of the Black Level. Before that she was at the late stage ofthe black level. A martial artist with this strength could be regarded as a great master. Although Fade’sstrength was powerful, he could not split into two persons to take care of so many things. Therefore,keeping a master like Francesca could help protect some of his relatives and friends. Together withMaster Xie, who was at the peak of the Yellow Level, Fade now had two subordinates beside him. Itwas enough for him to deal with most situations. As Fade and Francesca were talking on the island inthe middle of the lake, the crowd around Green Peace Lake started chattering loudly at this moment.They were pointing at the island and discussing about this matter. "What’s going on, it’s been almostten minutes now. Why is there no movement?" "Who won? The fog is so thick that I can’t see anythingat all!" "It must have been Old Sun who had won! Didn’t you see the dense icicles and the last icedragon just now. How could Fade escape?" "If Old Sun won, why hasn’t there been any movementafter so long?" "Perhaps, Old Sun has her own plans. We shouldn’t make wild guesses." "Anyway, thisbattle is worth witnessing. I’ve seen Old Sun’s powerful strength." Among the noisy crowd, thegambling stall was particularly crowded. Logan Huo, Naomi Ying, and all the other youngsters walkedto Old Mr. Hu’s stall one by one and said with a smile, "Old Mr. Hu, the result is clear now. You can giveus our reward now!" "Yes, Old Mr. Hu, even if you continue to delay, there will also be no change in theresult. Return us the money!" Old Mr. Hu touched the sweat on his forehead and almost cried out in hisheart. He had lost a lot of money this time. However, he still said, "The fog is too heavy. The situationon the island in the middle of the lake can’t be determined clearly. I’m not sure about the result." "OldMr. Hu, there is no need to think so much. If you delay for more than ten minutes, the result will notchange. There is no need to think!" Many people encouraged Old Mr. Hu to give out their reward. But

since Old Mr. Hu insisted on waiting, everyone just chattered, laughed and stopped urging him. Afterall, the reward was entering their bags for sure, so they didn’t have to worry about it. After they stoppedpestering Old Mr. Hu, everyone’s attention was on Jimmy Wei, and they couldn’t help but speak in amocking tone. "This brother, you didn’t listen to my advice at the beginning, and now you will regret it!""That’s a hundred million yuan. It’s wasted now. Brother, you must be sad!" "Brother, in my opinion, youshouldn’t bet on these things. Don’t gamble anymore next time." Jimmy said calmly, "The result is notout yet. Why are all of you in such a hurry to say all this ?" " Brother, don’t lie to yourself. In this case, isthere any possibility for the result to change ? Haha!" Just as everyone was discussing this, a figuresuddenly walked out of the crowd and headed directly to the island in the middle of the lake. Everyonewas shocked and gazed at the figure. The man was in his sixties, with long hair and a beard. He worelong robes with three silver lines embroidered on his chest. After seeing this symbol, many peoplesuddenly felt excited in their hearts. They were shocked as they said, "That, that’s the symbol of the’Three River Clan!" "Why is someone from the Three River Clan’ here? Moreover, he is heading towardthe island in the middle of the lake. What is he doing?" "You don’t know what happened! When Fade,orLunatic Chen, showed his power in Bay City, he killed Elder Saga He’s former senior brother of theThird River Clan. Later, he killed the disciple of the Third River Clan, Yacob Cui. The Third River Clan isa Black-level force. How would they let this matter go? They must be here for revenge! If I’m not wrong,this must be Saga, or Elder He, of the Third River Clan." "Yes, that is Saga. I’ve seen him before. He’san elder of the Third River Clan and his strength is at the Middle-stage of the Black-Level!" "What isElder He going to do on the island in the middle of the lake? Is he going to seek revenge ?" "Haha, thatFade must be dead. Not to mention Elder Sun, now there is another Elder He. Even if he has wings, itwill be difficult for him to escape!" "That boy is doomed. He offended so many masters of the martialarts, and he is seeking death!".

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