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Chapter 346

Chapter 346

The people outside could not see the situation on the island clearly. At this moment on the island,Francesca Sun looked very serious. She didn’t expect that she had underestimated Fade Chen’sstrength. Her ultimate move was actually destroyed by Fade. Moreover, the raging flames just nowactually gave her a sense of danger. Suddenly, Francesca’s eyes narrowed slightly, and there was anunprecedented sense of seriousness emanating from her body At this moment, she stared at Fadebehind the mist and whispered, "It seems that I have to get serious!" Then, Francesca clenched herhand and crushed the walking stick in her hand. Then, a crooked branch appeared in her hand. Thebranch was only half the length of an arm. It was twisted and shriveled, looking like an ordinary drybranch. But at the top of the branch, there were two leaves that seemed to be carved from ice, andthey seemed clear as crystal on the top of the dry branch. Francesca stared at the dry branch in herhand and muttered, "This branch was given to me by her. I thought that I had no chance to use itanymore. Unexpectedly, I still have a chance to use it today." Then, she stared at Fade and said in acold voice," If you can make me use this branch, you deserve to die." While speaking, Francescagenerated a stream of inner energy from her palm, and the energy rushed into the branch. Suddenly,the crystal-like leaves on the top of the branch began to shine, blooming with gleams of glitteringtranslucent light, like a magic wand from the movies. Then, Francesca pressed hard with her palm anda strong stream of energy was poured into the branch. The two leaves started shining with dazzlinglight,like ice crystals. All the trees and flowers along the path seemed to be illuminated by this light.

" Pa!" With a crisp sound, a leaf suddenly burst open. In an instant, a white icy gust of air burst out fromthe leaves, spreading rapidly from the island in the middle of the lake. A gust of chilly air quickly sweptover the lake. The original sparkling surface of the lake was immediately frozen by the gust of air andformed a thick layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, the ice layer continued toexpand, and in the end, half of the surface of the lake was frozen. The people standing by the lakesuddenly felt a cold chill coming from the lake, and this chill was not any ordinary chill, but twice as cold

as ordinary ice. In an instant, many people couldn’t help but tremble and try to keep themselves warm.For a moment, many people looked extremely shocked. It was late spring and cold winter had alreadypassed, so the weather should be warm. Even in this weather, Francesca could change the climate ofthis place by herself. What great strength! However, it was not over yet. On the top of the dry branch inFrancesca’s hand, the remaining ice crystal leaf was still blooming with cold white light, and it wasflourishing more and more, as if it was about to burst open at any time. At this time, in the sky abovethe lake, a dark cloud drifted over. The raindrops fell one after another, and then the rain becameheavier. The raindrops all over the sky fell down, and when they were about to reach the ice surface,the cold air on the surface immediately caused them to freeze and turn into tiny ice balls, which thenfell onto the icy surface. Seeing this, Francesca showed a smile at the corner of her mouth and said,"It’s raining. God is really helping me." While speaking, Francesca clenched her fist, and the remainingice crystal leaf on the dry branch burst out, and a gust of white icy air rose up to the sky instantly. Thecold air immediately froze all the raindrops in the air above the island. They turned into thin ice crystalsand fell from the sky like countless needles. Moreover, these needles were much tougher than ordinaryice. When they fell from the sky, they pierced through the leaves and even the branches on the island.Francesca waved her hand, and the ice crystals in the sky suddenly increased in speed and rushedtoward Fade. At the same time, the frozen surface of the lake cracked and created a loud sound.novelbin

Icicles burst out from the surface of the lake one after another and rushed toward Fade. In an instant,countless icicles from the sky and from land attacked Fade from everywhere. When the people at thelakeside saw this, their eyes were full of incredible shock. "Is, is this the strength of a Late-stage BlackLevel master? She’s too strong!" "It’s over. It’s over. Fade is completely surrounded and has no way toescape." "The flame he used just now was powerful, and I didn’t expect that. But now, I’m sure thathe’s going to lose." Logan Huo, Naomi Ying, and the other young martial arts talents beside thegambling stall were muttering excitedly with envy and disdain in their eyes. "Is, is this the strength ofthe most powerful person in Long City? It’s too strong, and too shocking. I must reach this level in thefuture!" Logan said firmly and confidently. Naomi’s eyes were full of light, and her eyes fell on Fade.

She shook her head and said, "The strength that Fade showed just now was beyond my expectation.His potential is not bad. If it hadn’t been for this battle, he could have undergone proper training. It is apity indeed." "Humph, what is there to be pitied. He provoked the Sun Family on his own, and helooked for his own death" Logan said disdainfully. All of a sudden, a lot of voices could be heard in thecrowd. "Hum, there are many talented warriors. But before you are really powerful, you must keep alow profile. Otherwise, you will end up like this." "That’s right. Besides, Fade’s talent is just mediocre.He’s not even close to our level, yet he acts so arrogantly. He asked for trouble." In short, we didn’twaste our time here this time. It’s really worth seeing the strength of a Late- stage Black Level warriorsuch as Elder Sun." In the midst of everyone’s discussion, countless Icicles in the sky and land hadalready arrived in front of Fade. They surrounded him completely, leaving him no room to dodge them.Francesca had a grim smile at the corner of her mouth. She looked at Fade with narrowed eyes andsaid coldly, "You, you shouldn’t have provoked the Sun family. This is the consequence for doing so."But at this moment, Fade did not seem to realize the danger he was facing at all. Instead, he shook hishead and said, "Are these all your trump cards ? It seems to me that the number one master in LongCity is nothing more than just a joke." "You..." Francesca didn’t expect that Fade was so arrogant. Shesnorted coldly and reached out her hand. She said in an icy tone, "Initially, I wanted to kill you quickly.But now, I’m going to torture you and make you experience pain before you die." Francesca’s shriveledhand clenched, and the icicles suddenly changed their directions. They deliberately avoided Fade’svital organs and turned toward the places where his body would experience great pain..

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