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Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Harvard Sun’s face lit up when he heard that. But when he saw that Fade Chen was still standing at thedoor, he didn’t dare to say anything. He could only say, "Alright then!" At this time, Edward Sun andShinnie Sun were stunned and looked nervously at Fade. Fade’s eyes darkened and he said coldly, itseems that haven’t given Quintus Zhan enough lessons yet." "Let’s go, I’ll go outside and meet himnow!" Fade said. He strode out, with Edward and Shinnie following him closely behind. In the livingroom behind him, Harvard and the others saw Fade leave and heaved sighs of relief. Then, when theythought of Quintus’s appearance, they couldn’t help but smile and whispered to themselves, "MasterZhan has brought some people here. That fellow is finished." Some of the family members were still alittle worried and said, "Fade seems to be very strong. Can Master Zhan defeat him?" Before Harvardcould speak, Susanna Yang’s eyes were full of resentment, and she said, "Master Zhan is no ordinaryperson. His ancestors all come from the military, and they practice authentic assassination skills. Evenif they are now separated from the military, they have a profound relationship with the army , and theirstrength is not weak." Hearing this, the Sun family members heaved sighs of relief and seemed to be inbetter states. Harvard added with a gloomy face, "Besides, even if the people brought by Master Zhanare not strong enough, they have high statuses, and Fade can’t do anything to them. They are peoplewith military backgrounds or bureaucratic backgrounds. No matter how strong he is, he wouldn’t daremess with officers, would he ?" Hearing the master’s words, the Sun family members, who wereimmersed in great shock and fear, felt relieved at this moment, and their moods seemed much better.Harvard gritted his teeth and said, "Count the number of people here. Let’s go out and have a look."Susanna said fiercely, "After Master Zhan has won, we must beat him to death. We must avenge Nate."While they were talking, Fade walked out of the door of the Sun family’s residence with Edward andShinnie, only to see that forty or fifty people were gathered at the door. Although these people werewearing casual clothes, their neat queue, fierce eyes, and motionless postures all showed that theyhad undergone rigorous military training, and at a glance, they were all people that had trained in realcombat. In front of this group of people, Quintus was sitting in a wheelchair, with a bandage on his

lower body and his eyes full of resentment. He stared at Fade fiercely .gnashed his teeth and said,"You left me less than a man. Therefore, I will take your life!" Fade looked at him coldly and said in anicy tone,"It seems to me that the punishment that I gave you before this was too light. I have to removemore from your body!" His words struck a nerve with Quintus, causing him to become instantly furious.He gave the order and shouted, "Go ahead! Kill him! Hit him hard!" In an instant, all these people tookaction. Looking at their movements, they were trained very strictly. They cooperated with each other ina professional manner. Almost in the blink of an eye, they formed a circular line and surrounded FadeOne of the captains shouted. In an instant, a team of five people attacked Fade. The wind coming fromtheir fists was violent, and the first blow was aimed at a vital part of his body. It was definitely a moveaimed to kill him. As soon as the attack began, the captain gave another order. A team consisting offive men with daggers in their hands rushed out and fiercely attacked Fade’s vital parts. When Fadesaw this, he stretched out his hand and patted it. Several beams of light surged out, stirring up a strongforce, which directly sent them flying. But it was obvious that this group of people had rich combatexperience. After a small team was slapped away, the rest of the teams immediately replaced them,and they launched continuous attacks on Fade. At this time, when Harvard and the others came out ofthe room and saw such a scene, they couldn’t help but smile in happiness. They gritted their teeth andsaid fiercely, "Beat him. That’s good. Strike him hard. Eliminate Fade." "The Zhan family is indeedworthy of their reputation. Although they are not from the martial arts circle, their strength is not inferiorto any other martial-arts family!" "This engagement with the Zhan Family must not be broken, The Sunfamily commented with joy. At this time, Quintus also felt the pleasure of getting revenge. He was soexcited that he wanted to go forward and hit Fade severely. At this moment, Fade looked at the peoplewho were besieging him. His eyes turned cold and he said coldly, ‘I’m going easy on all of you onlybecause you are soldiers. However, since you chose to work for these kind of people, don’t blame mefor going all out!" As he spoke, a strong gust of inner energy suddenly burst out from Fade’s body. Itroared like wind and directly blew away several attackers who were close. Before they could steadythemselves, Fade jumped up high and raised his arms. His inner energy turned into a huge curtain andfell from the sky. Then, there was an explosive crash. This huge curtain fell from the sky and pressed

down on these 50 people. It was as if they had been smashed by a heavy hammer. In an instant, manypeople felt a blast on their chests. They spat out mouthfuls of blood and their faces turned pale. Theystumbled and fell to the ground. All of them could not stand still anymore. Just like that, all of the fortyto fifty people had lost their abilities to fight Witnessing this scene, the members of the Sun Family, whowere smiling at the door, felt their emotions changing dramatically. They couldn’t help but take a fewsteps back, and some timid people even ran straight back into the house. As for Quintus who wasexcited just now, when he saw this, his expression was completely stiff, and he couldn’t believe whatwas happening in front of him. It was not until Fade walked toward him coldly that he suddenly came tohis senses and showed a horrified look. He patted the wheelchair and shouted in a hurry, ‘Hurry up,take me away, hurry!" However, before the person next to him could make a move, he was directly sentflying by one of Fade’s slaps. Then, Fade looked at Quintus coldly. He pointed his fingers into theshape of a sword, and a ray of light appeared on his fingertips. He gestured toward Quintus’s body andsaid in a frosty voice, "What do you think? What should I cut off this time?" Hearing his words, Quintustrembled and waved his hands in horror, saying," No, don’t. I, I was wrong. I won’t dare to do thisagain." Fade shook his head and said coldly, "For some people, verbal promises are not effective. Wemust allow them to see some blood. Only then will they know what powerful people they are facing."While speaking, Fade’s eyes fell on Quintus’s ears, and the light on his fingertips shook around hisears. He said, "If you won’t listen to me, it’s not very useful for you to keep your ears. I’ll help you toremove them!" Quintus was shocked and he shouted, "No, don’t!" However, by the time he spoke, thelight on Fade’s fingertips had started to move. At this time, the sound of a screeching car washaccompanied by the sound of a gunshot.

"Stop!"someone yelled. Hearing this sound, everyone turned their heads and saw a military green jeepcoming toward them. A serious-looking man in his forties leaned out of the car window, holding a gun inhis hand. He pointed it at the sky and shouted..novelbin

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