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Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Seeing how bad the situation was turning out, Susanna Yang stood up and pointed at Edward Sun,saying, "The main members of our family have made greater contributions to the family. Naturally, ourinterests should be guaranteed first. As for the unimportant members, they have lived by the generosityof the Sun family for so long. Isn’t it normal for you to repay us now?" "Normal?" Edward sneered. "Idon’t deny that the Elder has made outstanding contributions to the development of the family. But Iwould like to ask you, are the so-called contributions of the important members of the family really thatbig? ‘Isn’t Yannie twenty-six years old this year ? Ever since she graduated from college, has sheworked in the family’s company or even help deal with the family’s internal affairs ? No. Aftergraduation, she returned home. She ate, drank, and was waited on by the servants every day. Shepurchased truck loads of cosmetics and skin care products, spending millions of yuan." ‘My littleShinnie, who hasn’t even graduated yet, is already helping out in the family company. Even if she isn’tan official employee, she tries not to trouble the servants at home, and tend to her own matters. I wishto ask you, is your contribution really greater than ours ?‘ Yannie Sun heard him and her face suddenlyturned pale. She quickly explained, ‘You’re just spouting nonsense, didn’t act this way!" Nathaniel Sunimmediately got up and tried to explain, ‘Yannie has been helping me to do business. She is one of myprivate secretaries. You may not see her contribution, but there is no denying it." Edward sneered andsaid, ‘Your secretary? Let’s not talk about Yanni first. What have you done yourself? Three years ago,with his position, Harvard gave you 50 million yuan for you to start a company. In the end, you lost allthe money. After just one year, you took out 30 million yuan again to make an investment. However,you still lost everything.‘ ‘As for the other relatives and members of the family, such as Sammie, whoworked hard in the family’s company and won the top position three times, he only got the position ofdeputy director. Don’t mention investments of huge amounts, even his application for prioritizing hiswork in the family was rejected as well.‘ ‘Is this the business you are talking about? Is this yourcontribution to the family ?!‘Edward said. Nathaniel’s face fell, and he wanted to defend himself. But atthis time, Harvard Sun shouted directly, ‘That’s enough, Edward. I know that you have a grudge againstnovelbin

the family, but you have to stop making up nonsense." He directly ordered him to stop speaking on thistopic, because the more Edward went on the more unstable the people in the family would become. Ifhe didn’t control this, it would very likely cause internal conflict in the end. Edward was speaking thetruth. No one had called out these matters before, as perhaps they were used to it, so it seemednormal to them. But at this moment, when he exposed these facts directly, many family members andrelatives felt that it was indeed unfair, so they started to think about the matter. ‘Tell me, what are yourintentions here?’ Harvard stared at Edward and said coldly. ‘Are you changing the subject? Have I hit anerve, and are you afraid now?" Edward sneered and said disdainfully. Then he looked on as Harvard’sexpression darkened and he said coldly, ‘Well, since I have decided to leave, there is nothing more tosay. Your Sun family can do whatever you want! Your lives have nothing to do with me anymore. Ideclare now that our family will officially leave the Sun family." Many people knew that Edward wantedto leave the Sun family. But at that moment when he officially announced this, many were still shocked.The moment Edward finished his sentence, he felt relieved and relaxed. He turned around, smiled atShinnie and said, ‘Let’s go!" With this, they turned around and were about to leave. But at this moment,Harvard shouted coldly, ‘Wait, are you going to just leave like this ?‘ Edward stopped and looked backat Harvard. He sneered and said, ‘Master of the Sun family, what’s wrong? I can’t even leave the Sunfamily now?" Harvard said in a deep voice, ‘You can leave the Sun family, but Shinnie must stay." ‘Whatare you talking about?" Edward’s face changed and he said in a low voice, ‘That is impossible!"Harvard pounded the arm of his chair and said in a deep voice, "The marriage of Shinnie and Quintushas been decided. This marriage can’t be changed. It must go on." "This matter is what you’ve plannedand tried to accomplish. Little Shinnie and I have never agreed to this," Edward shouted. "This is thedecision of the family. It’s not up to you to disagree," Harvard shouted. Edward was so angry that hischeeks turned red. He said coldly, "We won’t agree to this. Are you going to force us then?" With this,Edward took his daughter’s hand and was ready to leave. But Harvard shouted, "Hurry! Stop Shinnie!"Suddenly, with a loud sound, many family servants rushed out and stood in front of Edward andShinnie with stern expressions. "You.. you’ve gone too far." Edward said. He turned around and glaredat Harvard angrily. Harvard was expressionless and he said coldly, "The rules of the Sun Family will not

be violated! Get Shinnie!" As soon as he finished speaking, several servants suddenly rushed towardShinnie, At this moment, a faint voice sounded. "Such a large family,trying to bully a young girl.Where’s your shame?" While they were talking, a figure appeared out of nowhere." Pap, pap". Heknocked down several servants and then appeared in front of Shinnie. The crowd was shocked whenthey saw the figure, and their faces were filled with shock. Nathaniel, Yannie, and Harvard hadextremely resentful expressions on their faces. Nathaniel gritted his teeth and said, "Fade, it’s you!"Yannie said ruthlessly, "Fade, how dare you come to our Sun Family’s residence!" Harvard’sexpression darkened and a sense of shame and anger welled up in his heart. The incident where hewas hurt by this guy at home some time ago was still vivid in his mind at the moment, like a movieappearing in front of him. At once, Harvard shouted in a deep voice, "Fade, this is our Sun Family’sbusiness. Do you want to intervene in this matter?" Fade Chen said lightly, "Shinnie has already left theSun family. She is no longer a member of your family, but my sworn sister. As her brother, you havebullied her, so I will naturally show up here." "You... you really want to go against our Sun family!"Harvard said, and he glared at Fade. At this moment, he was both angry and a little worried. After all,when he had fought with Fade the last time, he had lost. The boy in front of him was actually a Blacklevel master. But now, the Elder had not returned yet. If he really fought with him, it would be a bittroublesome. Fade sneered when he heard this. He stamped his feet and a wave of inner energyspread out, sweeping across the entire room. Then, Fade shouted in a clear voice, "Let me ask you, isthe Sun Family really planning to go against me?".

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