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Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Quintus Zhan was stunned by the slap. He held his face, looked at Shinnie Sun, and looked at FadeChen. He said, ‘Your sister? She, she is from the Sun Family, you..." At this moment, Shinnie wasabsolutely petrified. When she saw Fade there, she couldn’t help but cry. She threw herself into Fade’sarms and held him. Her body trembled and she sobbed, saying, ‘Brother Chen, you are here. I, I..‘Fade patted Shinnie’s back and comforted her softly,saying, ‘Shinnie, don’t be afraid. I’m here. No onecan hurt you anymore? Subsequently, Fade looked at Quintus coldly and said in an icy tone, ‘ Do youwant me to take action, or you do it on your own ?‘ Quintus was so frightened that his body trembled.He quickly waved his hand to explain, ‘She, she is my fiancee. I didn’t force her. Hearing this, Shinniequickly denied his words and shouted, ‘ I am not your fiancee. I, I was just here to meet you. My cousinsaid that if you are not suitable for me, then I can forget about it. I said that I don’t agree to you, but youtricked me into going into the hotel room and want to .." Quintus quickly explained,"), I did it because Igot the hint from your Sun Family, I.." Fade snorted and said, "You don’t have to explain anything tome. Since you have done such a thing, you have to bear the consequences!" As he spoke, a brightlight appeared in Fade’s hand, which was aimed between Quintus’s legs. The light surged out and wasabout to shoot out. Seeing this, Quintus was frightened and panicked. He trembled and covered hisimportant body part in a hurry. He shook his head desperately and said," No, don’t. I admit that I waswrong, I was wrong. Please, I beg you, don’t do this!" Fade pressed Shinnie’s head with his left handand buried her in his arms. Then, his right hand shook gently, and with a swish, a ray of light burst outand hit the important part of Quintus accurately. Immediately, he let out a miserable howl. He fell to theground, rolling and said intermittently, "You, you crippled me. We, the Zhan Family, will not let you go.We won’t.." Fade was too lazy to listen to this guy’s nonsense so he kicked Quintus and knocked himout. Then, he held Shinnie, who was sobbing, and walked out of the room. Ten minutes later, EdwardSun and Quin Lin also arrived at the hotel. They gathered around Shinnie who was crying andcomforted her Shinnie calmed down and told them what had happened. It turns out that in the morningwhen Shinnie was packing up and preparing to leave the Sun family, her cousin Yannie Sun had come

to Shinnie’s room. She said that she had something to talk to her about. Yannie often bullied Shinnie,so when Shinnie saw her, she was naturally a little vigilant. But this time, Yannie’s attitude was verygentle, and she even deliberately tried to please her. She indicated that she already hat was going toleave the Sun family. Now that she had thought about what had happened in the past, she apologizedfor her behavior of bullying Shinnie, and said that she hoped to be forgiven by her. Shinnie, who hadalways been kind, immediately became softhearted after hearing her cousin’s apology. Later, Yannietook the opportunity to talk about the meeting. Shinnie naturally would not agree to this ridiculousmarriage However, Yannie said that the people from the Zhan Family had arrived. If they learned thatShinnie was unwilling to marry into their family and left directly, they might hold a grudge against theSun Family. So she hoped that Shinnie could meet the other party and make things clear beforeleaving the Sun Family so that the sense of hostility from the Zhan Family would not be so strong.Hearing this, Shinnie felt that this was quite reasonable. After all, she was also a member of the SunFamily. It was best to clarify the situation with a meeting and avoid any misunderstanding between thetwo families. Therefore, Shinnie agreed to Yannie’s request. Hence, she came to the hotel with Yannieto meet with Quintus. As a result, when she came to the meeting, Yannie’s words had changed. Shedid not mention anything about cancelling the engagement. Instead, she enthusiastically matchedShinnie and Quintus together. Quintus was also very generous at the table, showing that he was veryfond of Shinnie. Shinnie thought that the other party was too enthusiastic at the moment, so her cousinwas too embarrassed to mention about the cancellation of the engagement She wanted to make thingsclear in order to avoid any misunderstandings. Hence, after lunch, she promised to go into the roomwith Quintus. As for her safety, Yannie promised to wait for her outside the door. But to her surprise,Yannie was totally in cahoots with Quintus. Quintus did not change his old habits at all. When he sawShinnie’s beautiful face, he couldn’t help but try to force himself on Shinnie as soon as she entered theroom. As a result, that’s how everything happened. After learning about what had happened, Fade,Quin and Edward were so furious that they were about to burst into rage At this moment, Edward hadmade up his mind to leave the Sun family In this case, Fade simply decided to take them directly to theSun family to clarify the situation. He would also bring up the matter of Yannie, Nathaniel Sun and the

others that were trying to bully Shinnie. Therefore, Fade and Quin brought Edward and Shinnie all theway to the Sun family. As they approached the Sun family’s residence, Shinnie couldn’t help but feelnervous. Her eyes flickered, and her hands and feet were also trembling slightly. Seeing this, Fadepatted Shinnie’s head and said with a smile, "Don’t worry, Shinnie. Don’t be afraid. With Brother Chenhere, they won’t dare to do anything!" "Alright!" Shinnie said and nodded. There was a hint of firmdetermination in her eyes. Many people were sitting in the living room of the Sun Family’s residence asFade and the others moved toward them. Everyone was deep in discussion, and the atmosphere wasvery lively. Harvard Sun, the patriarch of the Sun family, sat in the seat of honor, and Susanna Yang,his wife, sat beside him. Nathaniel, Yannie, and the other members of the Sun family sat below them.Harvard looked at Yannie with a smile on his face and praised her saying, "Yannie, you’ve done a goodjob this time!" Susanna smiled and said, "Yannie has a detailed mind and planned well. She hassucceeded in causing Shinnie to meet with Quintus. As long as they get to know each other more, themarriage will be settled. This time, she has achieved success." Yannie smiled and said, "Thank you foryour compliments, uncle and aunt. It’s just a small matter, and it isn’t worth mentioning." Nathaniel saidat this moment, "We have dealt with Shinnie. What should we do withnovelbin

Edward then?" Hearing what he said, Harvard sneered and said, "Edward is a descendant of the Sunfamily, and he was well respected for so many years in the family. Now that we are asking him for somefavors, he wants to leave our Sun family. He is simply ungrateful." Susanna snorted, and there was astern look in her eyes. She said, "Such an ungrateful person can’t remain with us for a long time. AfterShinnie’s matter is settled this time, Edward will be driven out directly, and all his properties under theSun Family’s name will be taken back." "Yes, that will be the case!" Harvard said and nodded. Headded, "We no longer need a family member who is unwilling to contribute to the well-being of our SunFamily to remain with us.".

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