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Chapter 329

Chapter 329

There was resentment in Shaquil Xu’s eyes. He whispered to himself, "So what if you’re richer than me? In front of a noble young master like Master Zhan, you’re just a piece of trash." Winnie Huo’sclassmates also sighed at this moment. Although they didn’t want to admit it, they had to admit thatwhat Norman Ning said was very reasonable. Although Fade Chen was rich, he was irrelevantcompared to someone like Quintus Zhan. After that, Norman and Quintus looked down on Fade, with aproud expression, as if they were waiting for him to hand over the bracelet. Looking at this group ofself-righteous guys, Fade shook his head. When he was about to punch them and send them flying, hiscell phone suddenly rang. Fade saw the caller ID, and it was Donny Liang. Thus, he picked up thephone and said, "Hello, this is Fade!" "Fade, it’s Donny here. I’ve prepared the money that I owed youlast time. Where are you now? I’ll send it to you!" Donny spoke to Fade cautiously. "Oh, just in time.Please bring me the money. I’m..." Fade said. He immediately told him the name of the hotel and theprivate room they were in. In the private room, after hearing what Fade said, Norman immediatelysneered and said," Mr. Chen, do you think that it is necessary for you to show your financial struggle infront of Master Zhan? If you ask someone to send money to you, how much can they bring? Fivemillion or ten million? This is a small amount only, and with Master Zhan’s situation, it’s just a matter ofhim snapping his fingers to produce this amount. But for you, it’s almost necessary to tighten your beltto acquire this amount." Fade ignored Norman’s sarcastic words and waited there quietly. He also gavethe bracelet to Winnie, and helped her to put it on. Shortly after that, Donny, came over, and he waspanting. When Norman heard the sound of someone approaching, he shook his head and sneeredsaying, "The person who is bringing the money is here. I want to see how much money this personbrought." As a result, when Norman turned around and saw the person who was bringing the money,he was shocked and asked, "Master Liang, why are you here ?" Donny glanced at Norman, nodded,and didn’t greet him. Then he trotted over to Fade and said respectfully," Mr. Chen, I’ve brought themoney here." While speaking, Donny handed a bank card to Fade and said respectfully, "This card willlet you access the account containing 90 million yuan. This is the account number and password. Mr.novelbin

Chen, you can log in and check out the details on the website." Fade gestured his hand and said, "Thatwon’t be necessary By the way, shouldn’t it be 40 million yuan?l lent 50 million to Old Mr Do, right?"Donny quickly said, "Mr. Chen, in regards to Mr. Du’s 50 million yuan, my grandfather has already lentthat amount to Mr. Du. These 90 million yuan are all yours." "Oh, I see!" Fade replied. He knew thatShawn Liang had deliberately acted this way to show his goodwill. In this case, he accepted the olivebranch. Fade was speaking lightly about this matter, but Norman and the others, who had beenmocking Fade for having no money, were dumbfounded at this moment. He was just comparing Fade’snet worth and Master Zhan’s. He assumed that at most, Fade would be given a few million yuan. Hedidn’t expect that Fade would be sent 90 million yuan in the twinkling of an eye, and it seemed thatFade really didn’t take this 90 million seriously. Facing such a rich man,

Norman and the others couldn’t help but change their facial expressions. As for Shaquil and thoseother classmates, they looked at Fade in disbelief at this moment. They almost couldn’t believe that thisguy in front of them, who was shabbily dressed, would be so rich. At this moment, Quintus’s face was alittle gloomy. He wanted to buy something, but he didn’t get it. This situation was humiliating for him. Ashis facial expression darkened, he snorted coldly, saying "What if you have 100 million yuan? I havenever failed to get what I want." While speaking, Quintus directly took out a bank card and placed it infront of Fade. He said in a cold voice, "My offer remains the same. 40 million yuan for this bracelet."Fade didn’t even look at the bank card. He said coldly," Do you want to take my amulet by force ?"Quintus said coldly, "The Zhan Family doesn’t need to grab or snatch anything from anyone. I ’ll giveyou one last chance to give me the amulet. Otherwise, you won’t be able to hang on to it, and youwon’t get any money for it." Norman seemed to acknowledge Fade’s wealth at this moment and cameforward to persuade him, saying, "Mr. Chen, the hint that you are sending us is received loud and clear.I understand that you are quite rich, and your assets are estimated to reach billions in yuan. However,in front of the Zhan Family and in the face of absolute power, your wealth is like rubbish. It will have noeffect at all. I hope that you can think about this matter carefully. Do not act in a way that will anger theZhan Family. Hearing his words, Winnie and Yoko Xie, who cared about Fade’s well-being, could not

help but feel nervous. They had just figured out the situation and knew that Master Zhan had a highstatus in South Hanover City. The Zhan family’s ancestor was a senior member of the army. After beinginjured and retiring from service, he established the Zhan Family.

With the previous relationships and connections that he had, together with his own powerful strength,he quickly established a firm foothold in South Hanover City and continued to develop and growstronger there. Some people said that the Sun Family in Dragonville and the Zhan Family in SouthHanover City were on par with each other. Some even said that the Zhan Family had a militarybackground and were even stronger than the Sun Family. Whether these rumors were true or not, onething was certain. The Zhan Family was indeed very powerful. The two of them gently informed Fadeabout this. Fade smiled faintly and was unfazed. He looked at Norman and Quintus and said in a lowvoice, "If I don’t sell what the Zhan family wants, will this be considered as provoking the Zhan family?It seems to me that the behavior of bandits are not as overbearing and domineering as yours right now.Is your family a family of bandits ?"" Brat, you are courting death. How dare you insult the ZhanFamily!" Quintus said. His eyes were cold. He waved his large hand and shouted, "Let’s teach him alesson!" Suddenly, two tall men came out of nowhere and rushed toward Fade. At the sight of their swiftand deft movements and gestures, Fade knew that they had received military training, even if theywere not from the army. The two men’s movements were ferocious and powerful, and the sound ofwind whistling could be heard. Winnie and Yoko were shocked when they witnessed this. Shaquilsmiled at the corner of his mouth, and he was gleeful. But at this time, Fade faced the two men andpatted their chests gently with his palms. The two men seemed to be hit with a heavy hammer and theyflew backward directly. Their bodies were launched more than ten meters away and they finally struckthe pillars. Then, they stopped moving. Thereafter, Fade waved his hand, looked at Quintus, and saidcoldly, "Do you still want to fight?" Quintus’s face changed, and his expression revealed a sense of fear.As the Zhan Family originated from the military, the descendants of the family had to learn martial artsfrom an early age, and they all practiced the neat and deft fighting moves from the military. In thebeginning, the requirements for the family members were strict. But with the expansion of the Zhan

Family, the competition between members, and the comfortable life, many juniors didn’t pay muchattention to the martial arts. Martial arts training was done in a perfunctory manner and not done withfull focus..

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