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Chapter 303

Chapter 303

"Inner Energy Acupuncture Technique, how is that possible?" " Master Du has only reached thebeginning of this level!" " How old is he only? How could he have such strong inner energy?" All thesenior and junior doctors began to talk about this matter, and their faces were full of shock anddisbelief. Seeing this, Caesar Du smiled and said, "Don’t doubt this fact. Brother Fade is not only ahighly skilled doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, he is also a master of martial arts. It’s notsurprising for him to have strong inner energy." "Martial-arts master!" "Training in both medicine andmartial arts at the same time, that’s amazing!"" He is such a great talent. At such an age, he could trainin both the fields of medicine and martial arts at the same time and reach such a powerful level."Caesar smiled at Fade Chen and encouraged him,saying, "Brother Fade, look at their respectfulexpressions. Show them what you are capable of!" Fade nodded and asked Haider Dong to stretch outhis right arm. Then, he took out a silver needle and pierced Haider’s hand at a certain pressure point.Then, he rotated the silver needle slightly and injected a stream of energy into his hand at the sametime. The energy force spread along the silver needle and penetrated Haider’s internal organs. "Howdo you feel?" Fade asked with a smile. Haider was surprised and he said, "I, I feel a warm currentpassing through my body along the position of the silver needle. Now, I feel as though my internalorgans are soaking in a hot spring, and the feeling is soothing." "You’ve been using up a lot yourenergy recently and have stayed up late, so your heart and liver have been damaged. My needle hassolved the problems of your internal organs," Fade explained. Haider immediately tried to press hisabdomen and then said with a surprised expression, "It’s true. There’s really nothing wrong with menow. I felt a slight pain before and was ready to take a prescription after work today. I didn’t expect thatBrother Fade could cure me with just the prick of a needle Seeing this, the surrounding senior andjunior doctors couldn’t help but reveal extremely surprised expressions, and they all looked at Fade inshock. "It’s, it’s really the Inner Energy Acupuncture Technique!" "He’s too powerful!" "I can’t imaginehow powerful he must be!" At this moment, Caesar patted Haider and said with a smile, "How do youfeel? Are you convinced?" Haider nodded repeatedly and said, "I’m convinced. I’m completely

convinced. Brother Du is right. My medical skills are nothing in front of Brother Fade!" Fade laughedand said, "Don’t think too little of yourself. You are also very good now, but you still need to have a solidfoundation." "I’ll definitely remember your teachings, Brother Fade," Haider said, nodding seriously. Atthis moment, Old Mr. Du’s eyes were also filled with shock and joy. He wanted to ask Fade to have agood talk about traditional Chinese medicine with him, and he was enthusiastic. At this moment, therewas the sound of a horn at the door, and then a man in his thirties, dressed in a suit and leather shoes,walked into Du Medical Center. The man went straight to Old Mr. Du and said, "Old Mr. Du Old MasterQin is not feeling well again. Officer Qin wants to invite you to take a look." Hearing this, Old Mr. Du’sface fell. He said helplessly. "Young Liu, I have seen the Old Master’s illness for no less than five times.To be honest, I don’t have a good way to treat it. I can only barely maintain his health in his currentcondition for now. Moreover, I still need the cooperation of Old Master and Old Madam. But with OldMadam’s character, I can’t do anything about it." The man in the suit, Young Liu said, "Old Mr. Du, thistime, Officer Qin asked me to invite you personally, Old Master’s illness is serious this time, and OldMadam is very anxious. Officer Qin needs you to pay them a visit." Old Mr. Du still wanted to reject hisoffer, but when he saw Fade next to him, his eyes lit up and he said, "Fade, do you have time ? Wouldit be convenient for you to go with me to see a patient. Since Old Mr. Du had asked him, Fade naturallywould not refuse. He nodded and said, "Old Mr. Du, I have time." "Alright, Fade, please come with me,"Old Mr. Du said. Then, he said to Young Liu," I can go, but this time I want to go with Fade." "This..."Young Liu said. He was in a dilemma, but when he saw the solemn look on Old Mr. Du’s face, henodded and said," Please get in the car!" The two of them sat in the back seat, and Old Mr. Duimmediately explained Old Master Qin’s condition to Fade. It turned out that Old Master Qin was thefather of Officer Qin, who was in charge of the Industry and Commerce Bureau in Long City. The OldMaster was 76 years old this year, and he had a stroke before. Now he had mild Alzheimer’s disease,which is commonly an early symptom of dementia. There was no good way to cure this kind of disease.They could only slowly use drugs to control the symptoms. But Old Madam Qin was a little stubborn.She didn’t trust traditional Chinese medicine very much. When she saw that the treatment had noeffects, she wanted to change methods. So every time there was a little effect, the results were for

nothing after Old Madam Qin caused trouble. Instead, Old Master Qin’s condition worsened gradually.After hearing what he said, Fade figured out the situation. Speaking of this disease, it was not a bigproblem for him to cure it. He could inject some inner Energy into Old Master’s body to help him easehis illness. It seemed that the most troublesome thing about his illness was Old Madam Qin. However,he will figure out what was going on after he obtained more information. Soon, the car drove into thecourtyard surrounded by red walls. After driving for more than ten minutes inside, they finally stopped infront of a courtyard that looked like a quadrangle courtyard. Then, Fade and Old Mr. Du got out of thecar. Officer Qin, who was in a suit, came out and gave a warm welcome to Old Mr. Du and Fade. WhenFade and Old Mr. Du followed Officer Qin to the Old Master’s room, the room was a little lively at themoment. Many people had already arrived. Several people were standing in white coats by the OldMaster’s bed, carrying all sorts of conspicuous medical equipment. There was an old doctor, who wasin his 60s or 70s. He was wearing a white coat and he stood out in particular. When Old Mr. Du sawhim, he couldn’t help but let out a cold snort as his expression darkened. Seeing this, Fade couldn’thelp asking, "What’s wrong, Old Mr. Du? Old Mr. Du said in a low voice, "This guy is called Alex Liu,the principal of the City Medical Center. He has always claimed that traditional Chinese medicine isfeudal superstition and pseudoscience, which goes against my

principles." Fade nodded. At this moment, Officer Qin explained apologetically, "Old Mr. Du, I’m sorry.Principal Liu was invited by my mother. I didn’t know about it." Speaking of this, Old Mr. Du looked atthe edge of the Old Master’s bed. He saw an old woman in luxurious clothes who was wearing a lot ofgold, silver, and jade. The old lady also saw Old Mr. Du. She snorted softly and did not intend to sayhello. Officer Qin knew that his mother’s impression of traditional Chinese medicine was not very good.At this moment, he quickly apologized, "Old Mr. Du, please don’t mind her. My mother is worried aboutmy father’s illness, that is why her expression is a little unfriendly!" "I understand!" Old Mr. Du saidflatly. Officer Qin apologized again and left. Only Old Mr. Du and Fade stayed and watched from theside, waiting for Principal Liu to lead the group of Western Medical doctors to examine the Old Master’scondition..novelbin

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