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Chapter 282


Chapter 282

But right at this moment, a huge stone rolled down from a nearby slope and landed on the road. ErikYin, who was chasing after Master Xie, was shocked by this. He quickly turned the steering wheel toavoid the stone, However, the village road was very narrow. Now, the rain was so heavy and the roadwas wet and slippery. The car swerved violently, and the tires slid on the ground. Erik lost control of thecar and it began to tilt sideways. They were about to go off course from the road. Although there wasno cliff here, there was a trench there, and the depth was more than one meter. If they turned over andfell into the trench, someone would definitely get hurt. At this time, Erik and Lara Yin panicked, andthey cried out in horror. At this critical moment, Fade Chen leaned forward from the back seat. Hegrabbed the steering wheel firmly with both hands. He began to fight back with all his strength, and heregained control of the car. Therefore, in the heavy rain, the Jeep, which was almost slanted at 45degrees, made a perfect turn on the wet slippery ground with two wheels. Finally, it passed the stoneand returned smoothly to the ground again. Lara and Erik could not help but heave a sigh of relief.They almost shouted till their throats were hoarse, but now they stifled their screams. They wererelieved, but they immediately discovered that the situation was perilous. Master Xie’s car was in frontof them, and it might have hit a stone or fell in a pothole. the car was swaying and sliding around theroad. It was about to lose control. Their Jeep was just behind Master Xie’s car. At this time, it was toolate to slow down. They were about to hit Master Xie’s car. Immediately, the siblings were scared again.Fade steadied the steering wheel with both hands and stared at the luxury car in front of him. Then hemade judgements on the speed of the car and did not slow down at all.

Instead, he slammed on the accelerator. Seeing this, the Yin siblings were shocked, and their heartsalmost jumped out of their chests. Erik couldn’t help shouting for him to be careful. Lara also shouted,"Don’t crash into Master Xie’s car. Turn the steering wheel. Stay away, stay away from it! Otherwise, we

will all be in trouble." Fade didn’t know what Lara was thinking. If he turned the steering wheel, wouldn’the go off the highway into the field below? At such a life-and-death moment, she was still thinkingabout how to please Master Xie, and completely ignoring herself and her family members. IgnoringLara’s cries, Fade’s eyes were like torches, and his hands were steady. He controlled the steeringwheel and aimed at the tracks of Master Xie’s car. In a moment, the Jeep raced along in a straight line,rushing straight toward Master Xie’s car. Unexpectedly, he overtook Master Xie’s car on the narrowvillage road. Moreover, when he overtook the car, the Jeep gently scraped the side of Master Xie’s car.The force was not strong, but it gave Master Xie’s car a push, which caused the car to become stable.Therefore, while the Yin siblings were in shock, the two cars that were in danger were stabilized. Erikimmediately heaved a sigh of relief. He looked excitedly at Fade and said, "Brother Chen, your skillsare amazing! In such a situation, you actually stabilized our car and overtook the other car. At such ahigh level, you are almost as good as a professional racer. Brother Chen, do you usually drive racecars?" This group of rich young people, including Erik, did not have much enthusiasm for auto racing. Ifthey were fond of cars, they would not drive out for a barbecue and camping. Realizing Fade’s skills inauto racing, Erik became excited. Fade smiled and said nothing. But Lara clutched her younger brotherand shouted, "That wasn’t skills! Do you know how dangerous that was just now?" Fade was a littlespeechless."You forced your own brother to speed up just now! If he had driven slowly, you wouldn’t bein this type of danger," he thought to himself. Erik also felt a little embarrassed and quickly said to hissister, "Sister, I was out of control just now and almost overturned the car. What does that have to dowith Brother Chen? On the contrary, Brother Chen saved us. If we didn’t let him do that, we might havebroken our bones. Her younger brother’s words caused Lara to be rather dissatisfied. She frowned andsaid, "That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about him overtaking Master Xie." "You know whothat was, that was Master Xie. He’s the eldest son of the Xie family. Are you doing as well as him ?Why did you overtake him and show off your skills ?" Lara scolded him. Hearing what she said, Fade’sface fell. Erik quickly tried to clarify the situation. Lara interrupted her brother and glared at him, saying,"Don’t speak. I’m worried for you. Don’t you know what’s good for you ? Are you aware of Master Xie’sstatus ? You overtook him, which is a slap in his face. If you don’t show him some respect, you won’tnovelbin

be in his inner circle in the future. We won’t get along well with the Xie family then. Didn’t you see thatother people didn’t overtake him? Are they really not good at driving? They were showing respect toMaster Xie, allowing him to be the first car in line. This was the right thing to do." Erik wasn’t thinking somuch about these matters and he was stunned by his sister’s words. "Sister, it’s just a matter ofovertaking his car. It’s not as serious as you think!" "Not as serious as I think? If you don’t think of suchthings, how can you be in his inner circle This social circle is built on respect and honor. For rich peoplelike Master Xie, you have to pay attention to them all the time. Don’t cause them to be angry, don’tshow off in front of them, and don’t even.." Hearing Lara’s words, Fade was speechless. Lara acted likeshe was possessed by the devil. Just for the so-called relationships and flattery of the rich andpowerful, the safety of her family had become a secondary matter. Instead, she thought that the firstthing they should consider was whether they had offended the rich young master. This was quiteridiculous indeed. Therefore, Fade coughed and explained, "The reason why! overtook him was that itwas too late to slow down. If I slowed down the car, it was very likely that it would slid and this wouldcause the car to topple over, and it would also cause a chain reaction with the cars behind us.Therefore, at that time, the only way for us was to overtake him. Doing that, the car would be stableand safe." Hearing Fade’s explanation, Erik nodded quickly and he said, "Sister, you see, BrotherChen’s words are reasonable indeed. He is also thinking of our safety. Besides, nothing happened toany of us right?" Lara’s face fell, and she said unhappily, "What do you mean nothing happened? Whenyou overtook him just now, you hit Master Xie’s car. If this isn’t a serious matter, I don’t know what is.Immediately, Lara looked at Fade and said coldly, "There is a hotel in front of us. Stop the car therelater. Please go and apologize to Master Xie, and tell him that you were the driver. Don’t get us intotrouble.".

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