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Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Klaude's shameless words immediately caused the sound of hissing at the scene, especially fromDouglas's fans. Some of them couldn't stand it anymore and they began to throw things directly at thestage. However, on the Internet, the netizens who were watching the live broadcast were fighting at thismoment. A group of people cursed Klaude in anger. They asked him to get out of the country, andresolved to boycott the new product On the other hand, the other group of people still chose to believeKlaude in this situation. They even took the initiative to find various excuses for him. I still believe inKlaude. He's so handsome and polite. How could he lie and create false rumors ?" Klaude's supporterssaid." If he was a local Chinese man, I would believe that he did such a thing. But Klaude is fromMicovia. I don't believe he would resort to such shameless behavior," they said. "Klaude is backed byKeele Corporation, which is the largest beverage company globally. They are better than the smalldomestic factories. They are definitely not the problem. If there's a problem, the small factories in Chinaare probably involved," they argued. "I support Klaude. Let's boycott the evil small factory!" Klaude'ssupporters said again. "I'm a Marvel fan, and I support the heroic effects of the wine. I like TheIncredible Hulk the most, and I hope there will be special bottles of wine based on him!" they said. "I'malso a Marvel fan. The heroic effects of the wine are extremely cool. It's not at the same level comparedwith the old-fashioned Life Elixir Wine," they said again. It was very lively at the scene

and on the Internet. Although Klaude came under fire, he still stuck to his guns and denied resolutelythat he had any involvement with these issues. At this moment, Fade Chen snorted coldly. He looked atKlaude and said, "It seems that you won't shed a tear until you see the coffin! You leave me no choicebut to expose all of your scandals. Is that what you want?" When Klaude heard this, he felt anxious.However, his face still had the expression of self-righteousness. He said, "I don't have any skeletons inthe closet. Just try attacking me, if Mr. Chen wants to target me. I, Klaude, have never been afraid.""Really ?" Fade said, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing a sneer. Then heshouted, "Come down!" "Come down!" Everyone looked up instinctively as they heard this command.novelbin

They thought to themselves, "Who is coming down? Is that person coming down from the sky?" Wheneveryone raised their heads to look around, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Everyone lookedon, and all of them gazed at the person who was coming down, in amazement. At this moment, theperson who was coming down was actually Klaude's managing partner, Mike. He had been smiling andstanding beside Klaude all this time. Mike walked down from the press conference stage and cametoward the reporters. Only then did the crowd understand why Fade had said "come down" just now."Mike, what are you doing ?" Klaude asked in shock. His face was filled with horror as he stared atMike. He shouted, "Mike, come back now." Mike didn't bother to listen to Klaude at all. Facing thereporters cameras, Mike said, "This is the truth of the matter. Half a month ago in Micovia, Klaudepulled me.." Then, Mike reported directly, without hiding anything, on how Klaude had discussed withhim the take over of the Life Elixir Wine company, and how they had created rumors with maliciousintentions. Finally, they had set up a new company to destroy the Life Elixir Wine company. When thewhole story came out of Mike's mouth, everyone was shocked, and the reporters swarmed to thestage. Klaude's face was pale. He knew that he could do nothing to save the situation. He immediatelyordered the security guards to stop the reporters and turned around to run away However, at thismoment, there was a siren outside, and Klaude was caught as he was running out of the building, Atthe same time, the Internet was also in an uproar. The people who had supported Fei EnterprisesHoldings Inc suddenly gained the upper hand and achieved victory. They yelled in glee and attackedKlaude's supporters. "Haha, did you guys enjoyed the slap in your faces ? You crazy fans were still soproud just now!" they teased Klaude's supporters. "Didn't someone say just now that someone fromMicovia wouldn't do such a thing? Let's continue to discuss that!" they shouted. "I wonder who hasintegrity now, the corporation, or the evil small factory?" they said.

"Haha, those people who supported Klaude just now, come out and show yourself now!" they yelledagain. The scene was chaotic, and the press conference concluded after an announcement. Manyreporters surrounded Fade and his companions, and they were bombarded with many questions. Fadewas not used to being in the public eye, so he allowed his wife and the others to stand in front of him.

He squeezed out of the crowd quickly and ran away. The fat man, Mike, somehow came over to himwith a nervous and ingratiating expression. He said cautiously to Fade, "Mr. Chen, I, I did what youasked me to do. This, this last treatment, when will you.." Fade took out a pair of silver needles andsaid, "Let's do it now, I have time anyway." "Ah, here ?" Mike questioned. He looked around the parkinglot they were in, and there were people walking through it. "Forget it then!" Fade said. Mike gritted histeeth, took off his pants, and said, "I'll do it. i'll do it." Unexpectedly, Fade looked confused. "Why didyou take off your pants? For the last treatment, all I need to do is pierce a few needles into your back,"he said. Mike was speechless and felt awkward. He pulled up his pants immediately and began to takeoff his clothes. Some people were snickering nearby. Soon, Fade pricked a few needles into Mike andsaid, "Okay, it's done!" Mike put on his clothes, frowned and tried to move his junk. He felt much betterand was instantly overjoyed. "Alright, finally, it's better. Thank you, Mr. Chen," Mike thanked him. Aftersaying that, Mike almost wanted to rush back to the hotel immediately, call a few girls, and celebrate.He was so bored during this period of time as his junk couldn't be used. Subsequently, just as he wasabout to leave, Fade's faint voice could be heard behind him. He said, "By the way, I forgot to tell youthat although you are cured now, I'm afraid that your junk will be ruined again if you exercise it rightaway." "What! This... Mr. Chen, you promised to cure me, I.." Mike whined and looked bitter. Fade hadan innocent expression, and he said, "Yes, you've been cured! However, you have just recovered. Thenumber of times you can use it is limited. You can't use it too much For example, you can only use it forfive times at most this year, and you can double it to ten times next year. In this way, you can onlyrecover fully after five years." "What, five or ten times a year!" Mike yelled in shock. He felt as thoughthe sky was about to collapse. This was insufficient to satisfy his lust for women. "Mr. Chen, can you.."Mike requested. "No!" Fade declined firmly and he said, "This is the best therapeutic treatment for you.If you are not happy with it, 'll help you return to your previous state." "No, no, I am happy with it, I amhappy with it!" Mike said. He was truly terrified, and quickly gestured his hand. Then, he left helplesslywith a bitter look on his face..

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