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Chapter 259

Chapter 259

The businessman clutched his belly and he begged. "President Lin, I’m really sorry. I’m here toapologize to you and Mr. Chen. May I know if Mr. Chen is at home ?" Before Quin Lin could respond,the sound of many cars could be heard, and they were coming toward this direction. Then, manybusinessmen and women came out of the cars quickly with pleading looks on their faces. "Is Mr. Chenat home? I know that I was wrong. I would like to apologize to Mr. Chen." "Mr. Chen, I am aware of mymistakes now. Please, cure my sickness!" "I’m dying. Mr. Chen, I’m begging you on my knees. Please,please spare my life!" Looking at these arrogant businessmen who were crying and kneeling at thedoor, apologizing to Fade Chen, Quin was stunned and she couldn’t come to her senses. Then, Fade’swords came to her mind. She could not help but be surprised and looked inside the house. Fade smiledat Quin and said, "Quin, tell them, if they are here to apologize, they must show some sincerity." Fade’svoice was very loud. There was no need for Quin to tell them this as the businessmen had alreadyheard his words. They all lowered their heads and began to think of how to convince him to heal them.One of the businessman knelt on the ground and groveled till blood could be seen on his forehead. Hesaid, "Mr. Chen, I realize my mistakes now. I would like to apologize to you and President Lin. This willnever happen again." This act could be considered sincere. However, Fade didn’t move an inch in hisroom, showing no intention to help at all Then, a businessman came up with an idea and said, "Mr.Chen, our.. our company is willing to sell ten tons of raw materials to Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc at alow price." As soon as the businessman said that everyone could see that Fade, who was sitting on thesofa, seemed to react when he heard of this deal. Immediately, other businessmen tried to make dealswith Fade. "Mr. Chen, our company is also willing to sell raw materials at a low price. We’ll sell fifteentons, no... twenty tons!" they said. The man expected Fade to agree with him, but Fade gestured hishand and said, "No! Your company produces steel and iron, but my company sells cosmetic products.We are in no use of iron and steel. We don’t put iron powder on our faces, do we?" The businessmanwas confused. The other businessmen acted and quickly offered their deals. "Mr. Chen, I'm a realestate developer. Our company is willing to give Mr. Chen and President Lin a mansion for free, "anovelbin

businessman in the real estate field said. Fade rolled his eyes and said, "We are all businessmen here.You can just lower the price, we don't need a free mansion." The businessman was stunned and heasked cautiously, Mr. Chen, what price would you offer? Ten thousand or twenty thousand?" "I think100 yuan is good enough! Come on, come and take the money!" As he said this, Fade reached into hispocket and took out a stacked of crumpled small change. The write you a 90 yuan debt note?" largestnote in value among the change was a crumpled 10 yuan note. "Ahem, I usually don't have muchmoney. Can I The real estate businessman was stunned. What was the difference between ten yuanand one hundred yuan for a mansion? The businessman took the ten yuan note with both hands andsaid quickly. "No, no, ten yuan is enough. That's enough." "That won't do. I said 100 yuan, so thatmeans 100 yuan. How can I take advantage of you?" Fade said. With that, Fade pulled out a napkinand write down a note regarding the debt he owed the businessman. The businessman held the noteand looked expectantly at Fade. Fade understood what he wanted. He pointed to the other side andsaid, "Whoever has paid, wait in line over there. I'll treat you later." Then, Fade waved his hand andsaid, "Next, what do you have for me to demonstrate your sincerity?" "Mr. Chen, we run a fruitcompany. What kind of fruits do you like?" The businessman asked cautiously. "Hmm, bananas aregood, and apples too. However, I can't finish these fruits all by myself! How about this, your companywill contribute fruits for the benefits of the employees of Fei Enterprises Holding Inc group for the nextten years!" Fade said. "Okay, deal!" The businessman nodded at once. "Oh, no, we can't accept this forfree." Fade said suddenly and his attitude surprised the businessman. "We are making a businessdeal. We can't take your things for free. Well, Ill pay you. I'll pay 10 yuan for ten years of fruit supplies.I'll give you the deposit for this year. Then, Fade took out one yuan and handed it to the businessman.The businessman who sold fruit took the coin with both hands and ran to queue up behind thebusinessman from the real estate field. Then, the next businessman came forward to Fade with his"sincere suggestion and asked him to make a decision. At his side, Quin was dumbfounded as shewitnessed this scene. She could not help but shake her head. Her husband had completely takenadvantage of these businessmen who had come to apologize. Fade felt no guilt in taking advantage ofthese businessmen. Moreover, Fade had paid them, and he didn't take anything for free. After a while,

the change in Fade's pocket was almost used up. In the end, Fade estimated that he had earned morethan 100 million yuan. Then, he cured the pain of this group of business partners". In an instant, thisgroup of people were healed. They left the mansion quickly with fearful expressions on their faces. Thenext day, Fade finally had time to go to the company. Since it was not the official day to start work, notall the employees in the company were present. Only some employees who needed to come inadvance were there at the company Therefore, Fade had a relaxed atmosphere in the medical room.He had been playing spider cards for the whole morning. Just as Fade was about to switch off thecomputer and go to the canteen for lunch, a message appeared on the computer. His wife had askedhim to go to the president's office. "What's going on? My wife has asked me to meet her during thistime. Does she want to have lunch together?" Fade thought, and he came to the office while humminga tune. But as soon as he saw the frowning expression of his wife who was sitting behind the desk,Fade knew that trouble was brewing. So he came forward and asked with concern, "Dear, what's wrong?" Quin pointed at the screen of the computer and said," Look at this!" Fade leaned over to take a lookand found that it was a page of a blog. He was confused as the content was mainly written in English.There were several pictures under the text. Fade recognized those pictures. It was the pictures of theLife Elixir Wine which he produced, The number of people re-posting and commenting on this post hadreached over 70,000 or 80,000. This person seemed to be a popular blogger..

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