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Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Little Luna was a little confused. "What’s going on right now ? Why the sudden flurry of activity ? Isthere some big shot who did an advertisement for me?" She was feeling upbeat, but when she clickedon the private messages and the content that she was tagged in, her face suddenly turned pale infright. The source of these notifications was from a post by "the little assistant of Fei EnterprisesHoldings Inc". This user had published the complete story of Little Luna’s payment to the orphanage fortheir collaboration, and how she had purposely tortured the children so that they would look pitiful. Thepost also detailed how she had orchestrated the live broadcast for profits. The Weibo post wasdescriptive, and pictures were inserted. There were also some recordings and videos accompanyingthe post. It was detailed and it explained what had happened at Little Luna’s live broadcast that day.Many social media influencers and important personages in the entertainment industry were tagged inthe post. Just like that the truth was revealed and word started to spread. Everyone on Weibo began todiscuss about this matter. Fans who were puzzled by the sudden interruption of the live broadcast byLittle Luna spotted this breaking news, and they remembered that the live broadcast had some strangeaspects. They began to speculate about this matter. As a result, many of her fans left messages oneafter the other, and the messages were full of cursing and angry remarks. Some fans who had sentgifts directly asked her for a refund. Some angry fans even took action to hire lawyers to sue Little Lunafor fraud, and wanted to bring her to court Little Luna didn’t expect this to happen. She was completelydumbfounded. At this time, the live broadcast company that she had a contract with also called her,andthey scolded her in anger. "What’s wrong with you? How can you do something like this! We spentmoney to hire you. Are you aware that this scandal greatly affects the image and reputation of ourcompany? We would like to terminate our contract with you" Little Luna felt dizzy, and she almost fell tothe ground. "It was not easy for me to become a well-known influencer with one million followers. I’mafraid that I will gardner a bad reputation because of this matter, she thought to herself. Looking at thecontents of the post, Little Luna knew that it was created by both of the people she had encounteredjust now. She instantly felt resentful, and she desired revenge. At this time, her cell phone rang again.novelbin

When Little Luna saw who was calling, she had an idea. Then, she picked up the phone Without sayinga word, she started to cry. The male voice on the other end of the phone seemed stunned. Then, heimmediately consoled her, "Little Luna, what’s wrong? Stop crying, tell me what happened?" "BrotherYuan, what happened was. I." Little Luna immediately cried and she told the story. Of course, the wholestory was told from her perspective. Quin Lin and Fade Chen had purposely bullied her and humiliatedher. Mr. Yuan, who was on the opposite end of the phone, was furious when he heard her story. Heimmediately said, "Little Luna, you are at Springlight Orphanage? That must be in Bay City! I am not farfrom there. Wait for me, I will be there soon. How dare these people insult my little Luna. I must makethat hypocritical couple pay the price." "Oh, thank you, Brother Yuan. I, I am afraid, I am afraid that theywill attack me. Hurry up, you’d better bring more people to help me!" Little Luna begged him. "Alright,I’ll ask my brothers to come with me," Brother Yuan said on the other end. He felt that his heart wasabout to jump out of his chest, and he started to leave immediately. She could even hear the sound ofcars starting over the phone. Then, he hung up the phone. Little Luna’s expression became icy. Shelooked at the orphanage coldly and said angrily, "Since you tried to ruined my business, don’t blameme for retaliating." Brother Yuan, whose username on the internet was "Chief Yuan Loves Little Luna",was the No. 1 Hardcore fan of Little Luna. In the past six months, he had spent millions of yuan on giftsfor her. Later, Little Luna had contacted Chief Yuan and discovered that he was a real boss of acompany. He owned a mine and had assets of more than one billion yuan. For him, a few million yuanwas just a drop in the ocean. Therefore, Little Luna decided to get close to this rich guy. When she wasdoing her live broadcasts, she was particularly friendly toward Chief Yuan. She also mentioned himfrequently in her various fan activities.She gave Chief Yuan the respect and attention that he desired.Finally, since Chief Yuan had greatly supported her career and showered her with gifts and money,Little Luna had to meet Chief Yuan in person. She met with him in a hotel and showed her gratitude tohim. After meeting him a few times, she became Chief Yuan’s mistress. From time to time, she wouldmake a trip to the hotel to thank Chief Yuan. However, she didn’t think that this was a problem, as longas she could make money, and both parties were willing. Now,Chief Yuan would be useful to her oncemore. He owned a mine, and he had many workers under his order. If he just commanded them to

come over, they would follow him. She really needed them to teach that couple she had argued with alesson. "Hmm, when Chief Yuan arrives, you will be weeping!" Little Luna said, with malice in her heart.Half an hour later, the sound of car brakes could be heard at the gate of the orphanage. A Land Roverwas in front of the cars. A man in his thirties, who was wearing a gold chain, got out of the car. WhenLittle Luna saw the man, she sobbed and ran into the man’s arms. She said shyly, "Brother Yuan,you’re finally here. I’ve been bullied badly by those people." Chief Yuan held Little Luna in his arms andclenched his fists. He spoke in anger, "Who dares to bully my Little Luna ? They are asking to die!""They are inside!" Little Luna said, and she pointed at the activity room of the orphanage. Chief Yuangestured his hand and yelled, "Let’s go and claim justice for my little Luna." Instantly, there was a loudnoise behind Chief Yuan. More than 30 strong-looking thugs rushed in the orphanage aggressivelyFade and Quin, who were in the activity room, also heard the sound outside. The frowned, and theycame out and spotted Little Luna. Fade frowned and he spoke coldly," How dare you come back here?" Little Luna smirked as she snuggled in Chief Yuan’s arms. She said, "Both of you bullied me. Whywould I not dare to come back?" After that, she acted flirtatious in Chief Yuan’s arms and said in adelicate voice, "Brother Yuan, these people bullied me. You have to avenge me!" "Of course!" ChiefYuan answered, and he pounded his chest. He glanced at Fade and Quin, and spoke clearly. "If youdared to bully my sister, come over and kneel down right now .Apologize to her immediately.Otherwise, I will tear down your orphanage." As he spoke, Chief Yuan raised his hand and the thugsbehind him started to create a ruckus. The atmosphere became tense. Fade and Quin’s faces fell, andthey looked furious..

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