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Chapter 242

Chapter 242novelbin

When Little Luna noticed that the adorable little girl had attracted the attention of her audience, shesmiled immediately. Out of the view of the cell phone camera, she winked at the little girl. Then, shesaid in a low voice, "Act cute now, and ask for presents." The little girl tried to act cute but her mannerwas slightly stiff. She said hesitantly," Brothers and sisters, if you like me, give me a present, give mesome likes, press the hands up button... Uh..." The little girl had forgotten some of the words she hadrehearsed, and she was stuck. Little Luna felt a little anxious. She stared at the little girl and whispered,"Thumbs up button, not hands up button, also, don’t forget to ask for donations..." However, the littlegirl was so nervous that she couldn’t say anything at this moment. Little Luna had to force a smile andcame forward herself. "Everyone, today all of you must donate more gifts! I have discussed this matterwith the principal of this orphanage. The gifts and donations I receive in the live stream today will begiven to the children in the orphanage,"she said. "Kind Little Luna, you are truly my favorite person!""For the children in the orphanage, I would be willing to buy them an airplane." "I’ll eat instant noodlesfor a month and give them an airplane!" "I will give them ten yachts!" "This person is a vulgar richperson, how generous is he!" Looking at the gifts that were being donated on the screen, Little Lunasmiled. Then, she turned her eyes and looked at several girls on the other side. When she saw thatthey were sneezing, she felt annoyed. She put her cell phone aside and reprimanded them in a lowvoice, "I told you to put your hands in the water. What are you doing?" "Sister, the water is too cold." Agirl said, and she stretched out her hand, which was red. She had several frost bites even. "My hand isfrozen. I can’t.." "There is nothing you can’t do. Hurry up and soak them in the water," she said. Whilespeaking, Little Luna grabbed the girl’s frozen hand and placed it under the running water from the tap.The cold water aggravated the little girl’s frost bite. She felt a painful sensation in her hand, and shestruggled. She said, "Sister, please don’t do this to me, it is painful." "Painful? Just tolerate the pain fora while! If I haven’t moved my phone, you’re not allowed to remove your hand from the water,do youunderstand?" The woman threatened her in a cold voice. The little girl was frightened and she feltcontinuous pain in her hands. However, she did not dare to remove her hand from the cold water. At

this moment, Little Luna pretended to cry and acted sad. She picked up her phone and walked towardthem. When Quin saw this, she was so angry that her pretty face turned cold. Her chest started to riseand fall as her fury increased. She strode over directly and pulled out the little girl’s hand from the coldwater. Then, she took off her coat and put it on the girl who was frozen. Just as Little Luna was about toshift the cell phone camera toward that little girl, she found that something unexpected had happened.She quickly turned the camera away and glared at Quin. She yelled, "What do you think you are doing?" Quin raised her voice and said coldly," I should be the one asking you that question. What do youthink you are doing ? How dare you use the pain of these children to garner attention for yourself." Hervoice was rather loud, and question marks began to appear on the screen. Little Luna’s face turnedpale. She explained quickly, "An accident has happened. I’ll be ending the live stream for now." Then,she immediately switched off the live mode on her phone. Once the live broadcast was off, she didn’tneed to hide anything anymore. She walked toward Quin in anger and yelled in a displeased tone, "Oldwoman, what are you doing ? You have ruined my live stream." "I won’t allow you to use these childrenhere to gain profit," Quin said angrily Little Luna was furious, and she said, "Who are you anyway ?Who are you to tell me that it’s not allowed ? Do you know that you just ruined my live stream? I’ll losemore than 100,000 yuan. Can you afford that?" Quin could not be bothered wi She turned to theshivering children and said," Everyone, return to the house and put on some warm clothing. Don’t catcha cold." Then, Quin shielded the little girl, whose hands had frost bites, from the cold. She turned toleave. But Little Luna didn’t want Quin to leave just like that. She blocked her and said, "You have topay me a compensation for ruining my live stream today. Don’t even think of leaving." "Get out of theway!" Quin said coldly. "No! Unless you pay for my loss!" Little Luna bared her arms.

Quin’s eyes glinted, and she tried to bypass Little Luna. However, Little Luna acted as though she wasfilming some action sequence and she pounced on Quin. She even grabbed Quin’s cheek with onehand. At this critical moment, someone shouted loudly behind her, "Get off her!" Little Luna suddenlyheard a loud voice, like the sound of thunder near her. Her eardrums vibrated, and her head wasspinning as she felt dizzy and stunned. She turned around and spotted Fade walking toward her with a

darkened expression on his face, and her eyes shrank in fear. She was so frightened that shestaggered a few steps backward. "Who are you? How dare you shout at me this way ? Do you knowwho I am? What’s more, you must pay for my loss!" Little Luna shouted, as she looked at Fade. "Payfor your loss ?" Fade’s eyes were cold and he sneered. "We didn’t ask you to pay us, and you shouldbe thankful for that. You want us to pay for your loss ? Who allowed you to use these children for yourlive stream in order to cheat others of their money ?" "I didn’t cheat anyone!" Little Luna retorted. Shecontinued, "Besides, it was the children who volunteered to be in my live stream. "Volunteered?" Quinsaid. Hearing her words, she felt herself losing her temper. Pointing at the little girl’s frozen red hand,she shouted, "This girls’s hand has frost bites, and you still forced her to put it under cold water. Do youthink she volunteered for that?" Little Luna’s expression changed slightly, but she straightened her neckand said, "My live stream was approved by the Principal of this orphanage. He gave me permission towork with these children." Quin gazed at the children with a puzzled expression. Since she had visitedthis orphanage before, they all recognized her, so they started to speak up. "Our Principal asked us tocome here." "Yes, our Principal told us to listen to this sister!" "Our Principal also told us to be obedient.He said that sister will give each of us fifty yuan for New Year if we listen to her." "Did you hear that?My live stream is legal, and I am following the rules" Little Luna spoke loudly with a confident attitude.When Fade heard her words, he slapped her and said coldly, "How dare you argue with us. You usedthe children for your live stream, and you earned more than one hundred thousand yuan. Now, youonly give them a few hundred yuan as reward. Aren’t you a cheater?" "How dare you slap me! I’mgoing to attack you! I’m going all out!" Little Luna yelled, and she acted like an insane person andpounced on Fade. Fade did not show any mercy. He slapped her hard, and she fell down on theground. He spoke in a cold tone, "I am not one of your fans who always flatters you. You are looking fordeath if you throw a tantrum in front of me!" His cold voice, with an incomparably icy tone, caused LittleLuna to shudder. She sat on the ground and did not dare to speak At this moment, Quin took out herphone with a gloomy expression and dialed a number. She spoke coldly, "Mr. Hu, where are you?Come to the activity room right now and meet me there." "I said right now. Did you hear me ?" Quin

said coldly. She glared at Little Luna, who was on the ground. Then, she brought the children back tothe activity room..

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