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Chapter 231

Chapter 231

At this instant, Brett Han was infuriated, trembling in anger. He pointed to Fade Chen, roaring, "Youkilled my dogs, and it will cost you your life." "According to what you said earlier, these are wild dogs.How can you suddenly be their owner?" Fade spoke coldly. "These dogs are mine." Brett insisted. "Arethey really yours ? Do they have any tags with your name on it?" Fade replied, repeating his earlierwords. He then walked past him dismissively. Brett was boiling with rage, but he did not dare takeaction against Fade. Fade paced a few steps, seemingly thoughtful. He suddenly stood still, grabbedthe tails of the three dogs, and dragged them away. "By the way, I heard that dog meat is excellent,especially wild dogs. It’s an acquired taste, and must be savored." "How dare you.." The sight of hisdead dogs, who had been struck down by Fade, was already of utmost distress to Brett. Hearing thatthey would end up as an exotic dish to be consumed, caused his fury to increase greatly. However, hecould only suppress his anger and did not dare take any action to stop him from doing this. He had nochoice but to look on helplessly as Fade dragged away the three wolf dogs that he had raised fromyoung. Although Fade had killed the three wolf dogs, Xenia Xu’s family had suffered heavy losses inregards to the pheasants they were rearing. Xenia’s mother still had a gloomy expression on her face,and Xenia continued trying to console her Seeing this, Fade had a brainwave. He called Xenia overand said, "Xenia, I think auntie is very fond of rearing these pheasants. How about directly building apheasant farm for her to breed them? Auntie seems to enjoy doing this, and she should be able to earna good income from it as well!" Xenia’s eyes immediately lit up when she heard this. She said, "It’s agood idea.

However, I’m afraid it will require a large amount in terms of start-up fund for us to open a farm." Fadethumped his chest and said, "I will cover the start-up fund. I will sponsor auntie as much as she needs."Xenia shook her head quickly and said, "Doctor Chen, that’s your money. How can we just ask you forsuch a favor ? think it would be better if I took a loan from you ?" Around the time, opening a farmwould require a start-up fund of around a hundred thousand or more, and Fade did not consider this anovelbin

huge amount. Initially, he intended to turn her down. However, when he saw the earnest expression onXenia’s face, he nodded and said, "Alright, I will loan the money to you." "I will still need to seek mymother’s approval. After all, I am tied to my working hours, and don’t have the time or energy to beresponsible for these matters." Xenia said. "Sure, you can discuss this matter with auntie." Fade said.Xenia nodded. She then went into the house and began a discussion with her mother. When hermother heard the idea of opening a pheasant farm and expanding her current business, she wasnaturally interested. When the topic of the start-up funds was broached, her mother insisted that sheshould take a loan from Fade with interest. She could not take advantage of Fade’s generosity Afterauntie had agreed to these terms and conditions, Fade immediately rushed to take action. He made afew phone calls to Tom Wei,asking him if he knew anyone who had some knowledge of these matters.Fade also made a request to Tom Wei if he could send a few of them over to help out. After about threehours, Xenia and her mother, who had just agreed to the plan, noticed a group of people coming intothe village. They were farm owners, construction workers, architects and engineers. As they arrived,they wasted no time, immediately beginning with a survey of the land. They also examined and studiedall the relevant issues involved. An hour later, a general plan had been drafted. Xenia and her motherwere astonished by this efficient way of doing things, and were more than delighted. After all, they weregoing to be owners of a pheasant farm, a total upgrade from having just a small home business. In thefuture, the Xu family’s profile would become higher in the village. When the villagers heard the newsthat the Xu family was opening a farm, they rushed over to observe all that was going on. Some peoplewanted to ask in advance if they could have a job at the farm, while some people wanted to gain someknowledge for their own future plans. There were also those who wanted to network and buildrelationships. Xenia’s mother did not reject anyone who had the potential to help out, and agreed totheir requests. But just as the Xu family was occupied with these matters, Brett returned home ingloom. In front of him, sat a middle-aged man around his fifties. The man was thinking carefully and hisface was quivering. At this moment, he was listening intently to his son’s words, with an expression ofsternness. "Father, Xenia crossed the line. Not only did she get involved with some barbarian,she gothim to beat me up and kill my dogs. I must seek revenge." This middle-aged man was Wyman Han,

Brett’s father. After listening to Brett’s words, he frowned and said, "She’s just some petty woman.Don’t be so useless, complaining all the time. Don’t let others look down on the Han family." Brettpouted and said, "Father, I’ve been in love with Xenia for a long time, you are aware of this fact. Butnow..." He wanted to continue, but when he saw the change in his father’s expression, he immediatelychanged the topic and said, "Father, the Xu family is rising in prominence. I heard that they are startinga farm now. They are going to rent a piece of land behind the mountain and directly build their farmthere. If the Xu family succeeds, our Han family will not be able to maintain our status as the richest inthe village. Moreover, we were going to rent that land and mine for precious stones!" Wyman did notspeak after hearing his son’s words, but his heart sank. His son was right, he had been eyeing the landbehind the mountains for a long time. He had always wanted to acquire it and do something with it.However, his business profits were not enough then, so he had to delay his acquisition plan.Unexpectedly, someone had made the move to acquire it now, which caused him to feel ratherresentful. Seeing the change of expression on his father’s face, Brett continued to stir the pot. "Dad, wehave to act quickly. I heard that the Xu family has hired people to come and settle all these issues.They are about to meet with the village committee and sign the contract. Once that is done, they canimmediately begin with construction." Wyman slammed his hand down on the table, exclaiming in acold tone, "Sign the contract? It won’t be that simple. Please make a trip to the home of the villagehead and inform him of my views on this matter. I will go to town and ask a few people to come over tohelp us." Hearing this, Brett couldn’t contain his glee,and quickly said, "Alright, I will go right now. Bythe way father, don’t forget to invite a few highly skilled martial-art fighters to come over. That fellowneeds to be taught a lesson." "I know. We can’t allow anyone to pick on members of the Han family."Wyman said coldly. As for Xenia’s family, after being occupied with a lot of work, the general plan wasfinally drafted by evening. The next important step would be the signing of the acquisition contract forthe land behind the mountains. Thus, Xenia and her companions proceeded to the home of the villagehead, ready to sign the contract. But as they entered the home of the village head, they spotted Brettsitting next to the village head. Xenia’s face fell instantly, asking, "Why are you here ?" Brett repliedwith a dubious smile, "I am visiting the village head as guest. Am I not allowed to do so?" Xenia

snorted, ignoring Brett. She walked forward with her mother to the village chief and said with a smile,"Good evening sir, you had agreed to our acquisition of the land behind the mountains. Let’s proceedwith the signing of the contract.".

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