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Chapter 225

Chapter 225

This was because the large bag contained one ton of precious herbs of all varieties. Each herb wasworth at least ten million Roughly estimated, the bag of herbs was worth more than a billion yuan. Thecrowd was amazed. They could only sigh at the wealth of the Li Family Even Elder Chai and GuardianZhuo’s eyes shrank at this moment, and their faces twitched slightly. However, Elder Chai immediatelyreinstated his cold expression and said, "I’m sorry. No matter what the gift is, our rules will not bechanged." Guardian Zhuo nodded as well, agreeing with Elder Chai. Their clan had lived by theseprinciples for many years, and they would not easily change the rules. However, Sasha Li smiled andsaid, "Guardian Zhuo, Elder Chai, I think there may be a misunderstanding. This gift is not for both ofyou, but for the entire Cloud Clan." "My grandfather heard that Cloud Clan has been giving medicine forfree throughout the years and had done many good deeds. He admired your clan, but he never had theopportunity to visit you, so he sent me here to present these herbs to you." "These herbs are actuallynot considered precious. However,they are necessary items for the disciples of the clan. I don’t thinkGuardian Zhuo will reject this contribution to the disciples!" After listening to her, the eyes of thedisciples lit up. At this moment, Guardian Zhuo was a little hesitant. He didn’t care for these herbs, andhe could reject them if he wanted to. But for the entire clan which had just recovered from a crisis, itwould be a huge assistance to the disciples if they could get such a large amount of herbs. It wouldimprove their strength, and it would be a positive situation for the clan. Donovan Zhuo was at a loss forwords. As long as he nodded and agreed to accept this gift, then the strength of Cloud Clan couldincrease in a short period of time. This would help build a solid foundation for the future development ofthe clan. But on the other hand, he was unwilling to accept the gift. If he accepted the gift, he couldn’tdecline the Li family’s request. They were asking him to treat Fenrir Li. And the principles of Cloud Clanwould be lost. No matter who came, so long they had money, the disciples would refine pills and makemedicine for them. In that case, only powerful people would be able to acquire the pills, and ordinarypeople would have no chance at all. If things went on like this, the clan would completely go against theancestral teachings of Cloud Clan, which had been passed down from generation to generation.novelbin

Moreover, Fenrir was not a good person. He had taken the lives of many and became wealthy. Thiswas also one of the main reasons why Donovan did not want to refine the pills for him. Thinking of this,Donovan made up his mind. His eyes became determined. He shook his head at Sasha and said,"Miss Li, please take these herbs back. Cloud Clan will not accept gifts like this." Hearing his words,her expression changed. She didn’t expect him to reject such a magnificent gift. "Guardian Zhuo, areyou sure you don’t want to consider this matter again ?" Sasha asked. Donovan was silent. He justshook his head to express his view. Sasha’s expression on her face suddenly became gloomy. She feltthat she was disrespected. She was the granddaughter of the richest man in China. Yesterday, she hadfailed to bribe a young kid with money. Today, she had failed to convince Donovan. Sasha had alwaysbelieved in the power of money. These experiences were like slaps to her face. Moreover, everyonewitnessed these events, and she felt embarrassed. When she thought about how she would be talkedabout and mocked by others if word were to spread, she started to become furious and resentful. Sheglanced at the elder beside her and at Donovan again. Her voice was low and there was a sharp glintin her eyes. She said, "Guardian Zhuo, I’ve shown you great respect. Are you really not willing to go toPeony River ?" Upon hearing her words, Elder Chai’s voice turned cold. In a deep voice, he asked,"What do you mean by your words ? Are you threatening our Guardian ? Donovan also spoke in adeep voice," Miss Li, Cloud Clan has no intention of pursuing any relationship with the Li family. Pleasereturn home." Sasha’s expression on her face darkened. She said in a cold voice, "Guardian Zhuo, youwill come to Peony River, whether you want to or not." "How dare you!" Elder Chai shouted and raisedhis eyebrows. He glared at Sasha and stood in an imposing manner. He was ready to attack. However,Sasha was not intimidated, and she nodded to the elder beside her. "Sorry to trouble you, UncleFenrir." The elder nodded and walked out with his hands behind his back. He faced Elder Chai directlyElder Chai felt that his inner energy, which was about to erupt, was stifled. It seemed like he had beenblocked by a wall. In an instant, Elder Chai’s expression changed drastically. He looked at the elder infront of him and said in a deep voice, "You are a master beyond the Black Level!" Elder Chai himselfwas already an early stage Black Level Master. As for Uncle Fenrir, who was able to suppress hisenergy, his skills were definitely higher than the Black Level. Uncle Fenrir glanced at Elder Chai and

said lightly, "There is no enmity between Cloud Clan and myself. I do not intend to hurt anyone. Weonly request that your Guardian makes this trip." "Such arrogance! No one knows who will emerge asthe winner of this fight!" Elder Chai said with a glare, and he gritted his teeth and launched a blow withhis fist. Suddenly, there was a whirlwind. This blow sounded like a fierce tiger running down amountain, and the energy rushed ferociously toward the thin elder. But the elder didn’t move at all. Aselder Chai’s fist drew close and was about to strike him, he turned gently. His right hand twisted elderChai’s arm like a snake. In an instant, Elder Chai felt that his ferocious punch was weakened. He wasunable to exert any strength. It was as though the fierce tiger had been trapped by a giant python. Hecould not move at all. Elder Chai felt his whole arm being twisted by his opponent. His arm graduallybecame limp and numb, and he fell down helplessly. He had no strength to resist this attack.

"Retreat!" Uncle Fenrir shouted. With a gentle twist of his flexible arm, it seemed like a snake wasslamming the fierce tiger. He pushed Elder Chai backward, and Elder Chai staggered a few steps back.Blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned pale in an instant. Witnessing thisscene, Guardian Zhuo’s face fell and he shouted, "How dare you hurt him!".

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