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Chapter 193

Chapter 192

"Mr. Chen’s strength is beyond your imagination." Hubert Qian spoke slowly. His words caused DominicGuo to react in shock. However, he still felt doubtful regarding this matter. It was clear that he felt thatHubert Qian was exaggerating. After all, a young kid in his twenties might have some strengths andskills, but how high of a level could he have attained. The twin martial- artists under his service hadreached the late Yellow Level, and if they combined in force they could match any peak Yellow levelmartial artist. Hubert Qian’s expression darkened as he continued, "You don’t believe me?" DominicGuo quickly gestured his hands in denial. But his expression could not completely conceal his doubts.Hubert Qian glanced at Fade Chen, making a cordial gesture, saying, "Mr Chen, you have always beendiscreet in your actions and dealings, it is truly unfortunate that while you are here at Hanover City youhad to encounter people who confront and offend you. We as citizens of Hanover City would like toapologize on their behalf." Upon hearing this, the crowd was even more baffled and taken aback. Theylooked at Fade Chen in confusion and began to whisper and mutter amongst themselves. "Is it true,what Big Brother Qian is saying ? Is Fade Chen really that powerful ?" " I don’t think so! After all, BigBrother Qian himself reached the late Yellow-level, and we haven’t even mentioned the other martialartists." "In my opinion, Big Brother Qian deliberately said all of this to pacify Fade Chen whilethreatening Dominic Guo at the same time." As the crowd continued with their chatter and gossip, FadeChen couldn’t help but appreciate the fact that most elders had reached their high leadership positionin society due to their wisdom, and there were not many who were foolish or incompetent. Showing upat the scene, Hubert Qian had made the first move to greet him in deference, relying on his high socialstanding to threaten and subdue Dominic Guo. This was a direct warning to Dominic Guo. Thereafter,sensing the dissatisfaction and discontent of the crowd, he shifted his approach to a more diplomaticand gentle one, clarifying to them that the reason behind his behavior was that he did not wish furtherharm to come upon Dominic Guo. This helped in lowering the level of resentment Dominic Guo hadtowards Hubert Qian by a few notches, while shifting the focus and target onto Fade Chen. Finally, hehad characterized Fade Chen as a man of discreet action and dealings, who by mischance had

encountered people who wanted to confront or offend him. These roundabout words of elucidation wasa veiled attempt to spur him into action, allowing Dominic Guo and the crowd to witness his greatstrength and skill. By doing this, Dominic Guo and the others would be completely awestruck andimpressed by his might, and they would be grateful to Big Brother Qian for warning them in advance.Another reason would be that this would give Hubert Qian the opportunity to size up Fade Chen, lettinghim have a clearer idea of Fade Chen’s abilities. After all, his deference to Fade Chen was merelybased on his trust in Jimmy Wei and he had never personally witnessed Fade Chen in battle. FadeChen could read between the lines. He gestured at the twin martial- artists and said rather abruptly,"Come at me then!" The two bald martial artists were stunned, and they looked towards Dominic Guo.Dominic Guo’s expression shifted slightly, and he looked quizzically at Hubert Qian. He had everyintention of continuing the attack, but he had to take into account Hubert Qian’s thoughts on this matter.Noticing Fade Chen’s resolute expression, Hubert Qian spoke in a clear tone, "Mr Chen is acceptingyour challenge, so you can go ahead if you wish. Your men can’t harm him or match his strength andskill." He continued to extol Fade Chen, lauding his abilities. Since Hubert Qian had agreed to it,Dominic Guo would not let this opportunity pass him by. He nodded to the two martial artists and said,"Since Big Brother Qian has given his blessings, you can both go ahead with the challenge and let Mr.Chen enlighten you with some good moves." Even though Dominic Guo had used the word ’enlighten’,his darkened expression was a hint for the martial artists to attack cruelly and without mercy. Evidentlyhe wanted them to defeat Fade Chen and teach him a lesson. Fade Chen realized this but wasunconcerned. He did not move from where he was standing and said to the two martial-artists, "Let’sbegin and not waste any more time." The twins narrowed their eyes and flared their nostrils, their furyrising. In an instant, both roared and rushed toward Fade Chen in unison. When the crowd saw themmove forward, they knew it was no-holds-barred. They were putting in maximum effort and it did notseem like they were treating this as just some challenge Seeing this, Dominic Guo could not helpgrinning contemptuously, as he relished in the retribution of Fade Chen. Hubert Qian still seemed calmand collected. As he glanced at Fade Chen, he was prepared to pay attention to Fade Chen’s allegedskill and strength. If Fade Chen lived up to his reputation as Lunatic Chen, there would be nothing to be

worried about, as the two martial artists would not stand any chance against him. However, if FadeChen did not possess the might and power attributed to the infamous Lunatic Chen, then he would beforced to lend him assistance due to his friendship with Jimmy Wei. However, this assistance wouldmean that his respect and reverence of Lunatic Chen would be diminished. Everyone has theirconsiderations and reservations. At this instant, Fade Chen was bearing the ferocious attack of the twinmartial-artists head on. He moved his body gently, shrugging his shoulders. As he raised his right hand,he bent his fingers and flicked them lightly at the two incoming men. Instantly, one could hear thesound of two invisible bullets propelling through the air, hurtling towards the two men with great forceand high speed. The twins were caught off guard, as they wondered what this sound was. "Poof, poof."The sound of the invisible landing on the two targets rang out clearly. Both men felt an excruciatingpain in their bodies, and their expressions changed as they clutched their bellies and fell to the ground.They started spluttering blood, and their faces grew pale in agony. Seeing this, the crowd wascompletely rattled. Dominic Guo in particular, who had an expression of satisfaction from thevengeance he was about to exact, immediately trembled violently. The expression on his face turned tothat of incredulity and shock. Even Hubert Qian shrank, his eyes narrowing. Glancing at Fade Chen,who was looking impassive, he felt his stomach churning in fear. This Mr Chen was truly the infamousLunatic Chen of Bay City who had attacked and slain Old Wan of the Wan family. People had said thathe was a Black level martial artist, a young man in his twenties who had already reached this level.Was this the extent of his capabilities ? It was not surprising that Jimmy Wei would say that he wouldfollow Mr Chen to the ends of the earth. As he felt a whirlwind of emotions, Hubert Qian came forwardto Fade Chen, looking respectful and ingratiating, He said, "Mr Chen, you really live up to yourreputation. Your power and might is truly an eye-opening revelation for all the people of Hanover City!"After that, Hubert Qian admonished Dominic Guo and the two martial-artists, "Chief Guo, Mr Chen isbeing merciful. He has not shown the two men the full force of his wrath, shouldn’t you be thankful tohim?" Dominic Guo shuddered violently and he looked absolutely perplexed and dumbfounded. He bithis lip and walked towards Fade Chen. In front of Fade Chen, he lowered his head respectfully andsaid, "Thank you for showing us mercy, Mr Chen. I am to be blamed for the previous issues. Please

forgive me." Fade Chen glanced at him without emotion and said, "Alright, from now on, the Guo familywill remove themselves from the Hanover City entertainment industry." Upon hearing this, DominicGuo’s face fell. He looked as though he wanted to speak up. However, Fade Chen’s actions had lefthim in shock and in abject terror. For him, Fade Chen’s request was crossing the line, as the Guofamily enterprises were deeply anchored in Hanover City’s entertainment industry. If they removedthemselves, they would lose their wealth and revenue. "Mr Chen, this." Dominic Guo tried to speak up.Before he coul(novelbin

Chapter 193

Hubert Qian quickly went with him, making arrangements for Fade Chen and his companions. At theyleft the mansion, it could be considered that the curtains have fallen on the banquet. It was an event fullof unexpected twists and turns, and the final act was unpredictable indeed. Hanover City’sdistinguished Guo family, was totally browbeaten by this foreign young man till they had to surrender tohis demands, handing over their founding enterprises and removing themselves from the entertainmentindustry of the city. And speaking of Fade Chen, who was just some mysterious stranger, how did heacquire such power and influence? Not only did he attain skills and strength of a high level in themartial arts, he managed to get the support of Big Brother Qian. These were all facts that the guestscould not wrap their head around. They proceeded to leave in confusion and shock. Mikael Xu’s facewas green, and his expression was full of anxiety and apprehension. He had spoken to Fade Chen in arude manner, provoking him and his companions. If they wanted to seek vengeance, he would be inabsolute trouble. After all, the Guo family was now ruined, and the Xu family would not be able tosurvive if faced with such a threat. As for Chesca Tan, she walked out of the mansion in a daze. Herface reflected a whirlwind of ever-changing emotions. She was puzzled and astonished that FadeChen, who seemed the most inconspicuous amongst Momo Soo and the others, possessed such greatpower. She was anxious and fearful, worried that Fade Chen would retaliate against her due to theprevious events. Finally, she felt a sense of regret. If she had not been so quick to fawn over Mikael Xuand Haldon Guo, and instead tried to build a good relationship with Fade Chen and his companions,

she might be in a great position right now. Each guest had their own thoughts and feelings, but DominicGuo felt absolute despair at the fact that he was dealt the worst hand in this situation. He sat in the car,livid, unwilling to leave. He didn’t want to give up the family business so easily, which he had pouredmuch effort and energy into. However, he was concerned that Hubert Qian would pressure him to doso, not to mention using sinister plots to make sure he did follow through " Shall we really obey thatfellow and hand over our Guo family enterprises ? Or should we gather the collective strength of ourfamily and friends and fight against him ? Hanover City is our territory, and we have influence andownership over this land. No matter how powerful that guy is, we have the home ground advantage. It’snot like our Guo family doesn’t stand a chance." Dominic Guo felt himself vacillating between bothoptions. He gradually began to lean towards the latter solution. Gritting his teeth,Dominic Guo resolvedto prepare for battle. After all, he would not be willing to give up his enterprises, which he had laboredon with great effort throughout the years, in tribute to others. As he reached this decision, DominicGuo’s eyes lit up. He nodded to the driver and said, "Let’s go!" But just as the car engine started,Hubert Qian appeared in front them. Dominic Guo quickly stopped the car, got off and walked towardsHubert Qian in deference,saying, "Mr Qian!" have to warn you, don’t try to come up with any tricks.You’d better follow Mr Chen’s instructions." Hubert Qian looked at Dominic Guo, who was forcinghimself to smile, and his face sank. He said, "Dominic Guo, "Oh, will follow Big Brother Qian’s advice, Iwon’t dare to disobey." Dominic Guo spoke, however, he was boiling with rage inside. Hubert Qianglanced at Dominic Guo and snorted. He said, "I know what your feelings are. You are disgruntled,resentful and unwilling to hand over the Guo family enterprises." Dominic Guo was silent, but he bit onhis lip till blood appeared When Hubert Qian saw this, he grunted loudly and said, "I know that youwould like to try your luck in going against him. But let me tell you, if you give in to his request, you andyour family can still live a comfortable and steady life. However, if you try any shenanigans and end upoffending Mr Chen, you and your family will be destroyed!" He articulated the last word ’destroyed withsuch a heavy tone, that Dominic Guo shuddered violently. He stared at Hubert Qian with a look ofconfusion and disbelief. After considering this matter for some time, he finally spoke, "Big Brother Qian,are you exaggerating

Fade Chen’s skill and strength ?" "Exaggerating ?" Hubert Qian sneered and shook his head. "Youhaven’t seen the real extent of Mr Chen’s might and power." Dominic Guo frowned and looked evenmore puzzled. He said, "Fade Chen may be a warrior of great ability and power, but in the end he isjust another martial-artist. As long as I’m willing to invest my wealth, I can hire someone whosestrength and capabilities exceed that of his. Also, in modern society, there are alternate means to anend other than warfare." As Dominic Guo spoke, his words were laced with a murderous intent Uponhearing this, Hubert Qian froze and said, "It is fortunate that you told me all this. Otherwise, you wouldbe already dead." "Big Brother Qian, you..." Dominic Guo could not grasp why Hubert Qian, who wasone of two elders of Hanover City. was so intimidated by Fade Chen. Hubert Qian grimaced as hecontinued, "Have you ever thought, if Mr Chen possessed only those resources and strengths as youmentioned, would I be so deferential? Do you think you are stronger and wiser than me?" Dominic Guoquickly shook his head and said, "Of course not just that." Hubert Qian sighed and said, "We haveknown each other for many years, so I will tell you the truth. After that, I will leave it to you to decide.""The truth!" Dominic Guo was filled with curiosity. Hubert Qian lowered his voice and said to DominicGuo, That Mr Chen is the infamous Lunatic Chen." "Lunatic Chen? This... how could it be that."Dominic GuO was dumbfounded at first, then he came to his senses. His expression was that of shock,and then he seemed doubtful and incredulous. "How.. how could this be possible? Lunatic Chen wasthe one who annihilated the Wan family. How could he be so young?" Hubert Qian continued in a lowvoice, "Have you heard of Bay City’s Jimmy Wei?" Dominic Guo nodded. "He called me personally totell me that he will follow Mr Chen to the ends of the earth. You know what this means." After sayingthis, Hubert Qian turned and left. Dominic Guo was completely astounded. His body felt stiff, and theexpression on his face seemed frozen. Some time passed, and he came to his senses and sighed. "Iwas not expecting to face someone of such identity. It’s no wonder." Ultimately, Dominic Guo’s face fellin disappointment. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number, saying, "Prepare to emigrate!" Thenext day, news of the strange events at this banquet started spreading amongst the elite, the rich andthe famous of Hanover City The details of the rumors became convoluted and the information wasslightly modified as it spread, but two main points of the news remained unaltered. The first was that

Hanover City’s Guo family, one of the most prominent family of the town, had completely relinquishedthe family enterprises in the entertainment industry and emigrated away from Hanover city. The secondwas that Hubert Qian had welcomed a special guest, whom he treated with utmost respect anddeference. With the complete retreat of the Guo family, Fatty Huang naturally would not let go of thisgolden opportunity. He immediately contacted his father at Bay City, and proceeded in full force withthe expansion of the Huang family’s entertainment industry enterprises in Hanover City. Over the nextfew days, a dutiful Hubert Qian brought Fade Chen and his companions for a fun-filled tour aroundHanover City.

Momo Su and Yuri Zhang could finally relax and have a good time. After the tour, both girls familiescontacted them by phone, so they didn’t remain much longer in Hanover City. They returned together toBay City and then went their separate ways. Fade Chen and Scott Huang, on the other hand, had todeal with some business matters, so they continued their stay at Hanover City..

d say a word, Hubert Qian yelled fiercely at him from the side," Mr Chen is already being soaccommodating, what else do you have to say!" As Dominic Guo looked at Hubert Qian, who wasfurious and savage in expression, he was completely dumbfounded. He hesitated but had to nod incompliance, saying reluctantly,"), Dominic Guo, will honor Mr Chen’s wishes." Fade Chen nodded,gestured his hand and said, "Good." Then he turned around and left with Scott Huang, Momo Su andthe others.

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