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Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Fade Chen was aware of their extraordinary skill and strength, which was of even higher level thanScarface. However, Fade Chen did not break a sweat, as he felt he had the situation under control. Hisarms were still raised. Fade Chen slightly shifted his gaze towards the two, adjusting the directions ofhis arms. He gathered up as much inner energy as he could, and prepared to launch it towards them.At this moment, a voice like thunder rang outside the mansion. Everyone was stunned and quicklyturned their heads towards the entrance of the mansion. They saw a stout middle-aged man with apotbelly walking in, accompanied by another thin middle-aged man. No one else was with them. But assoon as he stepped into the courtyard of the mansion, the rows of guards clad in black became tense,lowering their heads. They did not dare to move, remaining still and silent. Even Dominic Guo’sexpression changed drastically when he saw the potbellied man. He was extremely taken aback, butquickly came forward and said, "Mr. Qian, what brings you here ?" Mr. Qian, or Hubert Qian, wasnicknamed Big Brother Qian. He was one of two highest ranking elders of Hanover City. Most of theguests, who were younger in age, were stunned. This was just a party for the youth and young adultsof Hanover City to gather, celebrate and have a good time. They were not expecting importantpersonages or major leaders. Big Brother Qian, who was of higher social standing than Dominic Guo,wielded absolute power and authority over Hanover City. The fact that he would deign to come to thisevent left the crowd feeling perplexed. At once, everyone began to speculate about this matter. "BigBrother Qian is here to support Dominic Guo, right?" "Are you kidding me ? Just to fight against thatsmall fry ? Chief Guo can deal with him by himself. Does he need Big Brother Qian to hold his hand ?"" Maybe he’s here not to support Chief Guo but to back up the other guy! Could he be in cahoots withthat thug?" "Nonsense, it’s impossible. You might as well say that he is here to support us, that may besomewhat possible." As the crowd came up with their theories and conjectures behind Big BrotherQian’s sudden appearance, Dominic Guo was just as puzzled. He plastered on a smile and wentforward to greet him, speaking rather cautiously. "Mr. Qian, may I ask..." Big Brother Qian did not replyDominic Guo, he walked towards Fade Chen, roaring at the two bald men, "Get back!" The two martial

artists blinked, looking at Dominic Guo. Dominic Guo was also confused. He could not imagine whatwas the relation between Big Brother Qian and Fade Chen. But it was better not to go against BigBrother Qian’s order, so he nodded at the two men who immediately retreated. As they cleared thepath for him, Big Brother Qian continued to walk forward, stopping right in front of Fade Chen. Hegreeted Fade Chen with a respectful gesture, "I am Hubert Qian, Mr Chen." Hearing this, the crowdwas completely dumbfounded. They looked on in disbelief, not being able to process what washappening. "What, what the heck is going on ? Big Brother Qian took the initiative to come greet thatfellow." "Big Brother Qian really came just for that guy. This..." Chessca Tan was staring at Fade Chen,absolutely baffled and stupefied. She could not believe what she was seeing. Fade Chen and ScottHuang’s apparent friendship had already left her in shock. And now, Hanover City’s top elder BigBrother Qian had arrived to meet Fade Chen. She was not just surprised, she was agog over this newturn of events. Mikael Xu was just as confounded. His good-looking face twitched, as he tried tocomprehend the situation. He immediately tried to hide his resentment towards Fade Chen. DominicGuo was probably the most astonished of all. It never crossed his mind that Big Brother Qian, who wasof such high authority and social standing, would personally come to meet Fade Chen. They seem tobe on intimate terms as well. As befuddled as the crowd was, Fade Chen remained calm. He lightlynodded at Hubert Qian, saying, "I’m sorry to trouble you, Big Brother Qian." "No trouble at all, JimmyWei is my comrade. Mr Chen, you are his senior, therefore you are my senior as well." Hubert Qianreplied gently Fade Chen nodded and remained silent. Before the arrival of Haldon Guo, as ChesscaTan and Mikael Xu were carrying out their plot against Momo Soo, Fade Chen had already contactedJimmy Wei on the phone as he wanted to know more details on Hanover City Jimmy Wei, who was theelder of Bay City, had a good relationship with Big Brother Qian of Hanover City. They even viewedthemselves as brothers. Jimmy Wei had immediately requested Hubert Qian to intervene as soon ashe became aware of Fade Chen’s situation. At first, when Hubert Qian received Jimmy Wei’s call, hedid not take the issue too seriously. He was prepared to make another phone call and just send somemen to deal with it. However, Jimmy Wei added this statement on purpose,". Jimmy Wei, will follow Mr.Chen to the ends of the earth." As soon as he said that, Hubert Qian was astounded, but henovelbin

immediately grasped its hidden subtext. After the downfall of the Wan family, Jimmy Wei had united thewhole Bay City. He was now the sole elder of Bay City, and wielded power and influence greater thanHubert Qian at Hanover City Even as Jimmy Wei’s social status rose to great heights, he remaineddeferential towards Fade Chen, putting him on a pedestal. This was probably due to the superior skillsand strength of Mr. Chen, whose reputation as Lunatic Chen preceded him and struck fear in men.Coming to this conclusion, Hubert Qian was amazed, and instantly made his way with some men to thescene. He had heard stories from his interactions with Jimmy Wei of the awesome might and power ofthis "Lunatic Chen." There was a dead silence. One could almost hear a pin drop. After some time haspassed, people started to recover their senses. Dominic Guo looked at Hubert Qian in disbelief andsaid, "Mr. Qian, this.." Before Dominic Guo could complete his sentence, Hubert Qian snorted and said,"Mr Chen is my esteemed guest. What were you going to say ?" Hearing this, Dominic Guo wasstunned. He was completely speechless. "What’s wrong? Weren’t you going to attack Mr. Chen?"Hubert Qian spoke sternly. Dominic Guo began to sweat profusely, and he felt under fire and underpressure. He quickly shook his head, saying, "He is Mr Qian’s guest, I would not dare to!" "You wouldnot dare?" Hubert Qian sneered. "Does that mean, if he was not my guest, you would dare ?" "No,that’s not what I meant. I just." Dominic Guo was starting to drip with sweat from fearfulness. "Justwhat?" Hubert Qian barked. Dominic Guo didn’t dare to continue speaking, but kept bowing to HubertQian and apologizing. Seeing this, Hubert Qian’s expression softened. He helped Dominic Guo up, andspoke more gently, "I know your son has been injured by Mr Chen.

However, your son deserved it too. Mr Chen was right to teach him a lesson." "Yes, agree, Mr Qian isright." Dominic Guo quickly nodded, but there was still resentment in his eyes which he could notcompletely hide. Hubert Qian sighed and said, "I know you are still upset, also want you to know, thatI’m trying to help you by preventing you from taking action." but I "Help me ?" Dominic Guo frownedslightly. He was sceptical of this, but lowered his head to conceal this..

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