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Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Fade Chen was walking right behind them. Although there were separated by some distance inbetween, he could still hear their conversation loud and clear. It was nothing more than to encourageMomo Soo to seize the opportunity of meeting with the rich and powerful of Hanover City and leavethem with a lasting impression of herself. At the same time, Chesca Tan repeatedly insinuated the goodchemistry between their families, hinting that there could be a possible joint venture underway once anopportunity arose. Momo Soo was never a fan of these events, but after a brief consultation with FadeChen that this was a societal norm, she went with it anyways. They made their way into the venue afterchatting for a while. Chessca Tan started introducing Momo Soo as a member of the Soo Family inSouth Bay City to the various millionaires of Hanover City. Moreover, with Momo Soo’s sweet andlovely appearance, she quickly became the center of attention, with a lot of people butteringthemselves up to her. Chesca Tan was able to find some time in between and she walked towards theother two, her face blanketed by dark clouds as she looked at Fade Chen and Yuri Zhang who wereeating. She growled at them and spoke in a low tone, "Come with me." Both Fade Chen and YuriZhang were feeling a little displeased, but they followed her to the corner of the room anyways. WithoutMom Solo with them, Chesca Tan get rid of her sweet disguise as she looked at them with a straightface and said, "I’ll just tell you the truth. Attendees of this gala are the rich and powerful of HanoverCity. Their net worth is at least in the ten millions. If it weren’t for the fact that Momo had insisted, Iwould’ve never let people like you come to a place like this." "People like us!" Fade Chen’s eyesnarrowed, his expression darkening Chesca Tan peeked at him indifferently and she added, "Thatwasn’t an insult, this is how society works. If you don’t belong to one of the higher ups, the gap wouldonly get wider from here." "Be mindful of your actions and be careful of what you say tonight. Don’tcause any trouble, because you won’t be able to afford the consequences." Chesca Tan said, her voicemixed in with a hint of warning. "Also, be mindful of your image when you’re eating to not exposeyourselves as bumpkins. You’re embarrassing me." "Senior, we.." Even the well- tempered Yuri Zhangwas starting to get a little pissed off. However, Chessca Tan’s condescending attitude didn’t stop there

as she said, "Don’t call me your senior. Know your place. Hide in a corner at best, don’t show up andhumiliate yourselves." Chesca Tan stole a glance behind her when she heard footsteps and saw that itwas Momo Soo walking in her direction, so she said hastily, "Sure, it’s also an opportunity for peoplelike you to be able to attend a gala like this. Have yourselves a little self- consciousness and seize theopportunity. Maybe that rich young lady over there’s in a good mood and she’ll sponsor you thousandsof yuan. Itll be enough for your spending in the next couple of years." "No, we..." Yuri Zhang chimed in.But before she could finish, a smile crept its way onto Chessca Tan’s face as she turned around tocome face to face with Momo Soo. Still beaming brightly, she asked, "Momo, how is it going ? Thoseare the young and talented men of Hanover City. I can help you set up a meeting if you’re interested inany of them." Momo Soo smiled politely and said, "I’ll pass. Also, senior, they seem to be talking aboutyou, so why don’t you join them back there ? "They’re talking about me!" Chesca Tan face lit up withastonishment as she smoothed the creases on her dress and made her way back to the group ofpeople. Momo Soo stuck her tongue out at Chesca Tan behind her back, then smiled at Yuri Zhang andFade Chen as she said, "I can finally breathe. They’re just a group of people smiling fakely and talkingendlessly about stocks, corporations, funds, capital markets and what not. It’s so boring." "By the way,senior didn’t do anything to you guys, right?" Momo Soo couldn’t help but ask when she noticed thedefeated expression on Yuri Zhang’s face. Yuri Zhang didn’t want to put Momo Soo through the trouble,so she just smiled and said, "It’s fine. Brother Chen and I were just eating, everything’s just fine." "Good then!" Momo Soo nodded and came closer as she took a slice of apple from the plate that FadeChen was holding. She stuffed it into her mouth and started chewing noisily. "These people, I can’tseem to figure them out. They said it was a dinner, but there’s nothing to eat at all. I can’t believe Iskipped dinner for this! To stand there just talking to them for so long has made me both mentally andphysically exhausted." Fade Chen and Yuri Zhang’s moods changed for the better upon landing theirgaze on Momo Soo who was chewing up the fruits with one hand covering her mouth. Instantly,Chessca Tan’s words flew out of their minds as they laughed out loud together. The three of themcontinued eating and chatting on one side, while the conversation in Chesca Tan group graduallyheated up. Among them, a tall and handsome man wearing a suit seemed to be leading the

conversation, with several other young men and women surrounding him as they chatted awayenthusiastically. The same couldn’t be said for Chessca Tan though, she could barely get herselfinvolved in the conversation with that ingratiating look on her face. Evidently, she was not as high-up asshe thought she was. The few of them seemed to have come across an interesting topic, with theirvoices getting louder by the second. Among them, a woman in a red dress said, "Have you guys heardthat Master Guo got beaten up ?" "I did. I heard it’s quite serious too. What happened? I would neverhave expected that someone’s daring enough to land a finger on Master Guo in our Hanover City." Aman answered. The woman dressed in red rolled her eyes and said, "I have some details." "What sortof details ? Tell us!" The others were beginning to get intrigued and the crowd became increasinglyeager. The woman in red answered mysteriously, "So this was how it went. Master Guo went on a tripat the hot springs, and he met a rookie actress from Bay City who was filming for an advertisement.She must’ve been a pretty one, because Master Guo took a liking in her." "So, Master Guo asked theactress to dinner, and hinted some things along the way. You guys should know what they are."Everyone nodded in response. It was evident that they had already gotten used to such unspoken rulesin society. The woman in red continued, "You guys would never have guessed the ending. Not only didthe actress refuse Master Guo, she also asked her boyfriend to go with her, which ended up with himbeating the hell out of Master Guo." "No way, how dare they beat up Master Guo. Do they have a deathwish?" Someone exclaimed. The woman in red said, "He wasn’t just beat up for fun, he was seriouslybeat up. I also heard that Master Guo was forced on his knees to apologize." "What? They madeMaster Guo apologize on his knees? How did that happen ?" People were shaking their heads indisbelief." Don’t they know that Master Guo’s father, Dominic Guo is the hotshot of the entertainmentindustry in Hanover City? Have they lost their minds? Not only did they lose the opportunity, they evenhad his son beat up ?" " She was probably not local and unaware of Master Guo’s reputation. Thiswhole thing was just huge misunderstanding." "Hmph, it could be a misunderstanding. Just you waituntil Master Guo wraps his head around it. The actress can forget about making it big entirely, she’sjust waiting to be banned from the industry." "The actress is a complete fool, if you ask me. It’s pureluck to have yourself fancied by Master Guo as a rookie. Who’d knew that she didn’t have good taste.novelbin

This is simply, tsk, tsk." "True, speaking of unspoken rules, we have so many female celebrities inHanover City waiting in line to get close to Master Guo. Yet, none of them even stood a chance." "If youask me, her innocence is just an act to play hard to get

with Master Guo. She just didn’t think that she’d hit a snag. I mean, she could be in tears, regrettingabout it so much right now!".

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