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Chapter 1795

Black shadow smell speech, the body obviously shakes for a while, obviously is some surprised,"unexpectedly, you unexpectedly know our organization."

Then, the voice of the shadow lowered down, with a cold sense of killing, "however, the more youknow, the faster you die."

"Come here and die!" Dark shadow's voice, with an unquestionable sense of oppression, grabs atChen Fei with his big hand in the air.

Geng Hua said, "Chen Fei calls them skeleton society?"

"The murderer? The ones with the skull masks? " Geng Dong Lin Road.

"At that time, I invited a lot of experts and spent a lot of time and money. Although it was very difficult, ittook three years to find the clue to the murderer. "

When Geng Qingshan heard the speech, he could not help sighing and said: "in fact, there was aninside story about your elder brother. Donghai suddenly changed his temperament and eventually diedstrangely. Of course, I'm sad and unwilling. I swear to find out the real killer. "

"Dad, what's going on? Elder brother, how did he end that year? "Asked Geng Donglin in a voice.

Seeing this, Geng Qingshan looked at the two humanitarians: "what happened just now is all true."

On the other hand, Geng Hua and Geng Donglin are still in a trance. They feel that what happened justnow is not true.

Geng Hua and Geng Donglin also quickly follow up, yesun three people a car, followed Chen Fei theircar, quickly drove out.

With that, Geng Qingshan rushed out immediately.

Hearing the speech, Geng Qingshan awoke in a flash and quickly nodded: "of course, Geng Jie is stillin their hands. We must go there."

When Geng Qingshan was still feeling, Geng Hua reminded him: "grandfather, they have all left. Shallwe follow them?"

Now I think of it, Geng Qingshan can't help but feel cold on his back. He's very afraid. At the sametime, he sighed in his heart, "ah Jie, he made a good friend!"

When he thought about how they satirized Chen Fei when Chen Fei visited Geng's last time, GengQingshan shivered. If Chen Fei's temper was a little more violent, he would have been angry andslaughtered Geng Jie.

Geng Qingshan's strength is beyond imagination.

Because he has been in contact with the shadow for more than ten years, he knows very clearly howpowerful the other side is and how terrifying it is. And such a terrorist existence that has deterred theGeng family for more than ten years has been knocked down by Chen Fei.

If Geng Hua and Geng Donglin are just confused and surprised, Geng Qingshan is shocked at themoment.

"Chen Fei, he defeated shadow? It's - "

" here, what's going on? "

When Chen Fei walked out of the hall, the stunned and dull Geng family members recovered from theshock and looked at the direction of the gate in surprise.

And Chen Fei took the shadow and walked out with great strides.

Chen Fei takes a look at Kang Shu. Kang Shu understands and immediately rushes out to prepare forthe car.

Immediately, the shadow reported an address.

Feeling Chen Fei's terrible killing intention, Heiying could not help shivering at the moment, holdingback the pain and saying in a voice, "I said, I said everything."

"My patience is limited. If you don't, you will die." Chen bingfei's voice is cold and his eyes are cold.

Chen Fei is not polite to him at all. He uses his right leg to make a force, and a force blows down. Hedirectly smashes the dark shadow's elixir field and makes him make a loud howl.

"I, I won't --" black shadow is still hard mouthed.

Then, as if throwing rubbish, Chen Fei threw the howling shadow to the ground, stepped on hisabdomen, and asked coldly, "where is Geng Jie?"

But Chen Fei didn't let him succeed. With a slight step, he rushed out, banged several punches, andquickly broke his left arm and two legs.novelbin

The dark shadow let out a scream, and the figure retreated in a hurry.


In the voice, a strong breath of Zhenyuan came out of Chen Fei's fist face and went directly to the armof Heiying. The huge impact force made the shadow unable to bear at all. A click came from the boneof the right arm, and it broke in an instant.

But at this time, Chen Fei's fist face was slightly shocked, and he said in a cold voice: "is that thestrength? Then don't waste my time any more. "

"How can - you -" the dark shadow was shocked, and then clenched his teeth.

But under the power of the dark shadow, he suddenly found something wrong. He grabbed hard, evenChen Fei's skin could not be broken, let alone the flesh and blood.

The dark shadow made an instant effort. His right hand was as hard as steel. With sharp nails, hegrabbed Chen Fei fiercely. It seemed that he wanted to take off Chen Fei's flesh.

"Touch", Chen Fei's fist and shadow's paw collided together.

At the same time, Chen Fei sneers and blows out with his right hand.

"How dare you fight back!" The black shadow cold hum way, in the hand fierce spirit strength morefierce.However, Chen Fei was not afraid of this move. Instead, he gave a cold hum and steppedforward to meet him.

The attack was extremely fierce, almost with the intention of killing.

As he spoke, the shadow flew down from the main seat. With his right hand like a ghost claw, hegrabbed Chen Fei's throat and wanted to kill him.

For this result, shadow obviously did not expect. Leng for a while, then angry, voice with anger to kill,"looking for death of the boy, see I crush you."

However, the scene of Chen Fei's arm being scratched and broken by the shadow in people'simagination didn't happen. On the contrary, the arm of the shadow was shocked, and Chen Fei's fingerbounced back.

Suddenly, the tip of Chen Fei's index finger touched the palm of dark shadow's hand, and his strengthcollided with each other.

During the conversation, Chen Fei pulled Kang Shu back with his left hand. His right hand bounced outand moved forward slightly.

Seeing this, Chen Fei felt warm in his heart and said with a smile, "Uncle Kang, don't worry. He can'thurt me yet."

On the contrary, it was the bodyguard, uncle Kang, who bit his teeth and appeared in front of Chen Fei.He wanted to block Chen Fei's grasp. "Mr. Chen, run away!"

Seeing this, Geng Qingshan's eyes flashed a look of impatience. His mouth moved and he wanted tosay something, but he didn't open his mouth in the end.

Geng Qingshan nodded and said, "yes, it's the skeleton society. At that time, I found on the head of theskeleton meeting and knew that Donghai died because of them. So he invited a group of experts to goin and take revenge for the East China Sea. "

"But what I didn't expect was that I hired more than 20 experts, but I couldn't defeat three of them, andthey killed all of them."

"Then they came up to me and threatened me with destroying the Geng family, asking me not toinvestigate their affairs any more and to work for them secretly. They are so powerful that my Gengfamily can't fight against them, so I have to give in - "


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