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Chapter 1773

When Chen Fei left completely, Captain Liu looked at the middle-aged man excitedly and said, "Dad,how can you let him leave so easily? In this way, we can't explain to Xiang's family. "

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "we just promised Xiang's father to assist in theinvestigation, which is the result of the investigation now. I will inform Xiang family of the result. As forthe confession, we are soldiers. There is no need to explain anything to the Xiang family. "

"But, Dad, Xiang family --" Captain Liu was worried.

What else did Chen Fei want to say? Lin Qiuhan took Chen Fei's hand and said, "Mr. Wang, what doLin Qiuyuan's biological parents do? Why did they separate from Lin Qiuyuan in those years, whichmade Lin Qiuyuan stay in my Lin family. "

Chen Fei nodded to Mr. Wang. If you don't believe it, this is the paternity certificate of Mr. Lin Qiuyuanand his biological parents. This is the power of attorney they gave me. There are corresponding anti-counterfeiting signs on it. Mr. Chen, you can go to investigate and confirm. "

Chen Fei looked at the 30-year-old Chinese man sitting in the living room. He could not help frowningand saying, "Mr. Wang, do you mean you are entrusted by Lin Qiuyuan's biological parents to take LinQiuyuan to the United States for treatment?"

The couple haven't discussed a result yet. On this day, an unexpected visitor disrupts the plans of LinQiuhan and Chen Fei.

Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan have had enough rest these days. They are also discussing at home whatthey want to do in the new year. Is it to deal with business affairs or to concentrate on the cultivation ofmartial arts.

After the Spring Festival, we are busy, going to work, going to school. A new cycle of busyness hasbegun.

It was a pity that Su's father came back at the critical moment of business the next day.

Nearly all the friends who can be invited near Longjiang city are invited here. Su Mo, Sun Xi, Wei Tian,Huang Wei, Huo Dongwei and others were all invited. We had a very lively new year together.

In this way, Chen Feidu had the most relaxed and lively Spring Festival since he went down themountain.

After learning the unique skills, Chen Fei can be said to be extremely comfortable in the followingperiod of time. Every day, in addition to occasionally guiding Lin Qiuhan and Su Momo in their practice,they just go out for a drink with friends and acquaintances.

But for Chen Fei now, it is a very good trick. Can surprise attack the enemy, to achieve unexpectedresults.

This ring sound of blood devil is similar to the unique skill of mental power. Of course, it can't becompared with the real mental skills.

This ring sound of blood devil can make use of Chen Fei's true yuan breath to make a soul stirringsound, disturb the enemy's mind, and even achieve the effect of controlling the enemy.

In the next period of time, Chen Fei refined and absorbed the blood clotting bell grass he had got fromthe blood pool in Erlong village, and then he learned a unique skill called "blood devil bell sound".

At this time, with Sun Xi back home Chen Fei, pacify a little girl, then returned home.


"Yes, sir He changed his name and left the backyard.

The old man turned a corner of his mouth and said with a self mocking smile, "I've been a general for along time. Don't mention this name any more."novelbin

The housekeeper said respectfully, "yes, general."

"Go ahead, Han." The old man waved to a housekeeper.

"It seems that we have to deal with Dong'Er's affairs by ourselves!"

At the same time, in the backyard of Xiang's family in the distant city of Donghai, a white haired oldman put down the red phone on his desk, sneered and sighed: "it's really cool for people to go to tea!I've been out of the army for such a long time, and no one really looks at me now! "

After Liu Qing finished, he exchanged greetings and then hung up.

A moment later, the phone was connected, and the middle-aged man's tone was respectful, "XiangLao, I'm Liu Qing. We have investigated the matter of Xiang Dong's death. The matter is like this..."

After sighing, the middle-aged man picked up the phone and dialed a number.

The middle-aged man sighed and whispered to himself, "daughter, don't blame me. Chen Fei, it'sworse than Xiang family! That's the one who was named by Xu Junshen in the capital

This time, Captain Liu did not dare to speak any more, pouted and left the office.

"Three months, then!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Dad, that's too boring, two months is too long, I --" Captain Liu showed dissatisfaction.

The middle-aged man glared at her and said in a cold voice: "I think there are some problems in yourmind. The unhealthy trend has begun to spread. Starting tomorrow, I will study in the military Partyschool for two months. "

Captain Liu was afraid to speak when he saw that his father was furious.

"But for him, how could so many soldiers have died this time. You should remember that those peopleare also your comrades in arms and comrades. Their sacrifice must be remembered. "On hearing this,the middle-aged man was also angry. He clapped his hand on the desk and yelled: "what is whitedeath? This matter could have been solved if it had been carried out step by step. It was Xiangdongwho had to put his foot in temporarily. As a result, he produced this kind of moth. "

Captain Liu was not angry, "but you can't let Xiang Dong die so white!"

"Besides, now that Xiang Dong is dead, you don't have to think about that. Be a good soldier. Don't beconfused by the rhetoric of those guys. Hum

The middle-aged man looked at his daughter and said in a voice: "I know about you and Xiang Dong.He also promised you to marry into Xiang's family. But I tell you, it's not so easy to get married in such

a rich family. Even if you marry in, it's not necessarily good or bad. "

"I'm really sorry, Miss Lin? These contents are the privacy of my client. I can't tell you without hispermission. " Mr. Wang put out his hand and laughed.

Then he added, "of course, if Miss Lin wants to, she can send Mr. Lin Qiuyuan to the United States withme this time. After all, when I came here, Lin Qiuyuan's parents also mentioned that they wanted toinvite Miss Lin to the United States to meet her and express their gratitude to her. "

After all, Lin Qiuyuan is also his brother. Now that he has been in a coma for a long time, he is lucky tofind his own parents.

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