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Chapter 1707

With the sound, a heavy fist, with the whir of the wind, hard hit down.

Although the month fox tries to dodge, but just now the action of the rapid impact, let her at the momentof adjustment is extremely difficult.

So, she felt a mountain from the sky general sense of oppression, hard hit on her back. The moment'shuge force, boom hit her on the floor.

At the moment, Chen Fei stepped in front of him and looked down at him. With a sharp air in his palm,he took a picture and shot at the heart of the wolf, killing him directly.

"Pa", wolf heart hit the splint, and then rolled forward out. At last, it hit the side of the ship, covered withblood and unable to move.

Wolf heart just escaped less than ten meters, he felt a strong wind behind him. Without waiting for himto look back at what the situation was, a force of Qi directly penetrated his back heart and shot out withblood.

Almost at the moment when he turns around, Chen Fei also leaves the moon Fox and the lion in hishand. His body is like electricity, and he rushes out quickly.

However, how can Chen Fei escape from him.

Therefore, when wolf heart saw this scene, he immediately knew that he was not Chen Fei's opponent.So, before the arrogance, at this moment, the moment dissipated, the heart is only one idea, that is toescape, quickly escape.

Under such circumstances, such two people, unexpectedly all defeated, life and death do not know byChen Fei in the hands.

On the strength of wolf fox, at least not in the heart of the opponent. Fierce lion and his wolf heart fight,the outcome is not easy to say.

Even if the wolf heart is cynical and arrogant. But he is not a fool. He knows what the strength of themoon Fox and the lion is. Especially the month fox, can become his superior person, absolutely not sosimple.

Aware of this, a strong sense of crisis suddenly rushed to wolf heart, let him face changed, no longerthe arrogance just now, turned to help escape.

Wolf heart quickly recognized that the two were moon Fox and lion.

Because, the person coming across is Chen Fei, whom he thinks is impossible. What's more terrifyingis that Chen Fei is holding two bloody humanoid creatures in his hand.

But when he turned around and saw the scene, the expression on his face became stiff.

"No way, it must be their trick." Wolf heart shakes his head and denies his thoughts. Then, he turnedhis head and prepared to continue to hunt down Hu Yu and Huang Xi.

Wolf heart was slightly surprised and frowned, "how could it be that guy's voice? Is the fierce lion andthe moon fox defeated? "

Hearing the sound, Hu Yu and Huang Qian were glad to know that Chen Fei was coming. They quicklystepped back and ran in the direction of Chen Fei.

At this time, a thick voice sounded, "next, leave it to me."

Just when Hu Yu and Huang Xi feel more and more pressure, they are almost unable to carry it.

"It's good that you can carry it up to now. It's your honor to die in the hands of the wolf heart I see onthe moon night. " Wolf heart makes a sound while attacking.

Suddenly, the pressure of Hu Yu and Huang Xi is greater, and the resistance is more and more difficult.

With that, wolf heart rushed over with a smile. The attack is a little more fierce than just now.

"Forget it, it's too late to continue playing with you." Wolf heart took a look at the roaring and deformedcockpit, and then said in a voice, "I have to solve you quickly, otherwise, that guy will be killed by afierce lion, and I won't have to play."

Wolf heart smell speech, smile way: "you still expect that Chen Fei can come to save you, need notexpect.". Do you hear the loud voice over there? It must be the rough guy of fierce lion. I'm afraid yourMr. Chen has become a mass of meat sauce in his hands. "

Seeing this, Hu Yu reminded him: "don't be impulsive. Hold him down. When Mr. Chen comes, we'll beOK."

"You --" Huang Qian looked down and gritted her teeth with anger.

Wolf heart saw this, can't help whistling, said with a smile: "good figure! But for that, I would like to playmore with you. Such a small and lovely woman is quite to my taste

The sharp blade easily cut Huang Xi's clothes open, and a bloodstain oozed out, revealing a piece ofwhite skin at the same time.

And this time, it's just the place in front of Huang Qian's chest.

"Yi La" once, the blade from Huang Qian's body across, leaving a bloodstain.

The two sides have been fighting for more than 20 moves. The flexible blade in Langxin's hand, like anelf, left a lot of bloodstains on Hu Yu and Huang Qian.

Although Hu Yu and Huang Qian have great strength and fight hard, they are still very hard to face thewolf heart that is higher than their realm.

At the moment, he is fighting with Hu Yu and Huang Xi.

Meanwhile, on the splint outside the cruise ship, wolf heart has caught up with Hu Yu and them.

Because, after Chen Fei smashed her to the ground with one fist, he immediately took another fist andhammered her on Yuehu's back, breaking her heart and completely losing her breath.At this point, shedoesn't have to imagine.

The fierce lion has been regarded as the top group in the moon night, but Chen Fei's impact can hit thefierce lion hard. This kind of impact force, fall to the ground how big, month fox has been unable toimagine.

Judging from his condition, it should be the result of the impact of the impact just now.

At this time, she fell to the ground, and finally saw, in the corner of the cabin. At the moment, the lion'seyes are full of blood. His strong arms are full of blue veins. Even in some places, his skin has crackedand blood gushes out.

The moon fox felt that his internal organs were broken, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, and thepain came quickly.


In an instant, there was a loud noise. The hard alloy floor directly twisted and even cracked a huge gap.

After solving the problem, Chen Fei quickly disposed of their bodies. Then he treated Hu Yu and HuangQian.novelbin

Originally, the captain and a group of crew were all killed by the people who met on the moon night,and there was no one on board who could sail. But fortunately, after the training of special forces, HuYu knew something about this kind of ordinary passenger cruise ship, which is not too complicated. Sohe took over the cruise ship.

On the other hand, Chen Fei and Huang Qian get rid of the fighting and blood traces on the ship, anduse Huang Qian's official identity to stabilize the ordinary tourists on the ship. As the fightingapproached, many ordinary passengers were aware of it.

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