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Chapter 167

Chapter 167

The fact that Shancus Wan was the senior of the Third River Clan’s leader as well as the head of theSun family came as a great shock to everyone.

They couldn’t help but gasp in surprise, then turned their gaze towards Fade Chen.

Everyone wanted to see what decision Fade Chen would make in such situation. He was already quitepowerful having the strength of a Black Level martial artist. However, he wouldn’t stand a chance if hewent up against a clan full of Black Level martial artists.

For a moment, everyone sighed. Fade Chen would be forced to stop.

Even Tom Wei and Jimmy Wei’s expressions turned grave as they looked at Fade Chen.

They knew that letting Shancus Wan go was definitely not a good choice. This old fox would never begrateful to someone for letting him go. On the contrary, he would hate them even more. It was likelythat he would think of all kinds of ways to get revenge.

But when it came to killing Shancus Wan and making an enemy of a Black Level clan like the ThirdRiver Clan, Jimmy Wei couldn’t help but worry about Fade Chen.

At this moment, Shancus Wan saw Fade Chen pause and noticed the shocked expressions of thepeople around them. He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that he had managed tosave his life.

As long as he could survive this ordeal, he would immediately rush to the Third River Clan and ask hisjunior, Saga He, for help. Fade Chen would definitely meet his demise then.

Just when everyone thought that Fade Chen would stop, he suddenly raised the corners of his mouthand smiled gently. "Is a Black Level clan that powerful ?" "You..." Shancus Wan was shocked andlooked at Fade Chen.

However, Fade Chen did not give him any chance to speak. He slammed his palm hard against the topof Shancus Wan’s head.

"Crack!" The sound of bone snapping could be heard from Shancus Wan’s neck. Blood gushed outfrom the top of his head and his eyes lost its brilliance. He fell to the ground hard as his head lolled tothe side like a broken ragdoll. He was dead.

Seeing this, Aaron Wan and Horace Wan were shocked and rushed over. "Father (grandpa)! FadeChen, you killed my father (grandpa), I’m going to kill you."

Fade Chen turned his head and gave him a cold look. He scoffed, "I don’t mind massacring the entireWan family."

The two of them who were still deep in sorrow suddenly froze on the spot, not daring to move a muscle.novelbin

At this moment, the guests around him came to their senses and looked in at Shancus Wan indisbelief, who was lying motionless on the ground. Then, they looked back at Fade Chen, who was ascalm as a cucumber. They simply couldn’t believe their eyes.

"Shancus Wan is dead! A Black Level expert dead just like that!" "Fade Chen actually managed to killOld Wan. Isn’t he afraid that the Third River Clan would take revenge on him ?"

"This, this is too terrifying."

"Fade Chen, from now on, Bay City will be under his control." —

Everyone was shocked. Fade Chen glanced around and then asked in a clear voice," Does anyonehave anything to say about this wedding ?"

Howard Zhang, the groom of the wedding, was dead. As for Aaron Wan and Horace Wan who helpedhim, they were both crippled. Even Old Wan was killed by Fade Chen. No one dared to say anything.

Dead silence hung in the air and everyone didn’t dare to utter a word. Some even held their breath, notdaring to breathe loudly. They were afraid that they would startle Fade Chen by moving carelessly.

Fade Chen glanced around, then waved his hand and said, "If there are no more problems, theneveryone can leave. It’s no one’s business now."

The guests rushed to the exit as if they had been granted amnesty, running so fast that it seemed thatthere were beasts chasing after them.

Leonard Zhu and Lincoln Xie took the opportunity to mingle with the crowd and moved towards the exitregardless of their status.

But just as they moved, a loud shout suddenly sounded above the heads of the two people. "Where doyou think you’re going ?"

The two people shook in their shoes upon hearing their voice, a chill running down their spine. Theirhead pounded as the blood in their body curdled and they froze in their spot.

Fade Chen gently waved his hand, and an invisible force sucked the two over.

Standing in front of Fade Chen, the two men felt their knees buckle and they almost fell to the ground.

Fade Chen’s gaze were locked between the two of them, and his eyes fell on Lincoln Xie. He saidcoldly, "Tell me you and your third uncle’s plan truthfully and write it down on this piece of paper. Don’tthink about lying to me, otherwise, you’ll have to face the consequences."

Lincoln Xie didn’t dare to say anything. He immediately picked up the paper and wrote down the detailsof the plan.

Fade Chen picked up Lincoln Xie’s plan and scanned through it. It was almost the same as what hehad guessed. Then, he put the paper in front of them and said, "Those who have participated in thisplan, come up now."

The few people, including Dawson Zhang and Xavier Zhu, were stunned, the muscles on their facestwitched several times.

Seeing this, Fade Chen glanced at them and motioned at them slightly with his right hand, saying, "Ifyou don’t want to, I’ll make you."

The few of them were so frightened that they felt a chill all over their bodies. They did not dare to defyand quickly rushed over to write their names. Just a few simple actions had already made them breakout in a cold sweat.

Looking at the names of these people, Fade Chen swept his eyes over them and said, "You haveconspired together to exploit benefits of the Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc. Now, it’s time to pay theprice."

When they heard the words, their faces turned pale. Xavier Zhu was the first to react, thinking that Zhufamily was the least involved and most likely to withdraw from the plan. So he hurriedly offered, "Weare willing to transfer 40%, no, 51% of shares of Shang Enterprises Holdings to Fei EnterprisesHoldings Inc.

With that, Xavier Zhu looked at Fade Chen uneasily.

Fade Chen glanced at Quin Lin, then nodded and announced, "You can go now."

Xavier Zhu and Leonard Zhu quickly took their leave. Although they had given up 51% of shares ofShang Enterprises Holdings enough to hand over ownership of Shang Enterprises Holdings to FeiEnterprises Holdings Inc, it was already a good deal to them since their lives were still intact.

Noting that the offer worked, Lincoln Xie followed suit and said, "I am willing to transfer 50% of sharesof Xie’s Wine Enterprise to Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc."

Dawson Zhang quickly added, "The same goes for Hans Real Estate. I will transfer 51% of the sharesto Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc."

Fade Chen waved his hand, signaling them to leave.

In the end, there were only Aaron Wan and Horace Wan left in front of Fade Chen. They also wanted totransfer 51% of their properties to Fade Chen. However, the assets of the Wan family were not asattractive as the companies before them. Moreover, Fade Chen had just said that if he killed them, hecould also get the Wan Family nevertheless.

Fade Chen had no intention of asking money from the Wan Family. He asked coldly, "A few monthsago, Howard Zhang drugged Quin. The Guanyin Drunken medicine that he used was given to him byHorace Wan, wasn’t it? Where did that come from?"

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