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Chapter 1585

"You -" Zhao Zhenhong's words in her throat got stuck. Her face turned red quickly. Her hands trieddesperately to break Chen Fei's right hand, but it was useless. She could only feel the strength of ChenFei's right hand gradually increasing, squeezing her breath out a little bit.

Slowly, Zhao Zhenhong felt a little confused, the time around seemed to slow down, and the scenery infront of her eyes also slowly blurred.

"Is that the feeling of death?"

Hearing the speech, mu ningbian couldn't help looking down. He took a look at Zhao Donglin and saidin a cold voice, "it's not our style to catch people casually before we have a clear investigation. In myopinion, it's better to make things clear. "

But at this time, one side of Zhao Donglin directly opened his mouth, "deputy director mu, the villain isin front of you, you don't start to catch people, but talk with him, what do you mean?"

"Xiao Chen, what's going on? Ding family and Zhao Zhenhong, how can you -- "Mu ningbian wants toknow the details.

Hearing this, Chen Fei has roughly guessed what happened. It should be Zhao Zhenhong, the leaderof the rainstorm operation, who sent out the message, so the high-level decision-making committeemembers of the rainstorm operation came together to fight Chen Fei.

At this time, mu ningbian saw Chen Fei's doubts and said: "that's Zhao Donglin of the Zhao family,Zhao Yue's father. This time, he came as a member of the rainstorm Action Committee. We're all herefor the storm. "

Next to Shao Donghua is the middle-aged man who helped up Zhao Zhenhong. Chen Fei didn't knowhim, but it can be seen from his eyebrows that the man's appearance is somewhat similar to Zhao


Therefore, at the moment, Shao Donghua looks at Chen Fei with undisguised dissatisfaction anddisdain.

Shao Donghua didn't deal with Zhu Kuishan, and in the martial arts conference, Chen Fei defeatedJiang Bufan, which made Shao Donghua dissatisfied.

In addition to Mu ningbian, there is only a middle-aged man with a good momentum and standing onhis back. Chen Fei has an impression. It's no one else. It's Shao Donghua, the master of ZhongjiangBufan in Wudao League.

While seeing mu ningbian, Chen Fei's eyes swept toward others. There are many people here, butmost of them are unknown to Chen Fei.

When he was in Linglong, deputy director Mu took good care of Chen Fei. Now he comes out to speakfor Chen Fei again, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to Chen Fei.

This middle-aged man, whom Chen Fei knows, is the second leader of Linglong headquarters, muningbian, deputy director.

Immediately, the man looked at Chen Fei and said in a voice, "Xiao Chen, don't be impulsive. Tell mewhat happened

However, when the two sides were on the verge of fighting, a middle-aged man rushed out and said,"don't be impulsive. It's not too late to understand what's going on."

Chen Fei sees this, his eyes are cold, his body is alert, and his Zhenyuan breath is surging up.

In an instant, behind the group of people, there was a loud crash, and a group of warriors were surgingup, and they were about to attack Chen Fei.

The man smell speech, immediately face gloomy incomparable Dynasty Chen Fei, face coldincomparable, immediately waved: "such a villain, still don't take."

Zhao Zhenhong managed to catch her breath. Then she pointed to Chen Fei angrily and gritted herteeth: "he, he wants to kill me."

"Zhenhong, are you ok?" A 50 year old middle-aged man rushed over and helped up Zhao Zhenhongwith a concerned look on his face.

Of course, in this way, Zhao Zhenhong in his hand also fell to the ground, flapping to the ground,gasping, and his mouth looked like a fish out of the water.

In the face of such an offensive, Chen Fei can't help frowning slightly. He has to free his hand, take outseveral breath, and block all these attacks.

These true yuan breath momentum is not vulgar, absolutely is the attack which the heaven level mastersends out. And it's much better than Zhao Zhenhong's early days.

In the whirring sound, Chen Fei sees several people move fast and directly moves Zhenyuan's breathto shoot himself.


"What are you doing?"

"Bold maniac, let go

"Stop, let go of Captain Zhao."

At this time, the people who rushed into the courtyard changed their faces and cheered one afteranother.

"Help, help me --" Zhao Zhenhong tried to squeeze a few words out of her throat.

All of a sudden, Zhao Zhenhong is full of vitality. She suddenly opens her eyes and sees a group offigures pouring into the yard.

Among them, there are several voices that Zhao Zhenhong is very familiar with.

But just then, there was a loud bang. Then the voice of shouting came close to this side with the soundof footsteps.

He closed his eyes to welcome the moment of despair.

The feeling of suffocation came, and Zhao Zhenhong felt that death had cut him with a sickle.

"I, I --" Zhao Zhenhong opened her mouth hard, and wanted to say something more. But Chen Fei'sright hand increased its strength and pinched Zhao Zhenzhong's neck with a click, making himspeechless.Chen Feixing shook his head and said, "do you think these nonsense will be of any use tome? When Ding Haiyang thinks that he will support you one day. "novelbin

"You, you kill me. We Zhao family, wudaomeng and senior leaders will not let you go. " Zhao Zhendaoused his last strength.

Chen Fei is holding Zhao Zhenhong's neck, and there is no extra expression on his face. Hearing ZhaoZhenhong's words, he said faintly: "is that right? In my eyes, Zhao family is no different from mole ants."

In the heart of unwilling and strong anger, let Zhao Zhenhong efforts to open his eyes full of blood,gritted his teeth to squeeze out a few words, "I, I am the son of the Zhao family, you, you can't kill me --"

"I Zhao Zhenhong, will I die here? In the hands of such a nameless boy. No, I'm not reconciled -- "

" so many people died, and when we came in, we saw him do something to Zhao Zhenhong. What elseis not clear! " Zhao Donglin said in a cold voice, "is it possible that deputy director Mu and the prisonershave anything to say that they can't do?"

"Zhao Donglin, pay attention to what you say. I am one of the members of the rainstorm operation, andI have the right to investigate the whole incident in detail. " Muningbian was a little angry.

Zhao Donglin seemed to be angry too. His eyes glared fiercely. He gritted his teeth and said, "you areone of the committee members, but don't forget that I am also one of the committee members.Moreover, Zhao Zhenhong is the leader of the operation brigade. Our team members are attacked andthe prisoners are in front of us. If you don't arrest them, you say you want to investigate. What's thereason for that? "

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