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Chapter 1558

But this shameless words will only make Chen Fei more angry. He yells angrily, "go away!"

At this time, security also dada came upstairs, surrounded a few people, covetous to drive them away.

In such a situation, Meng Feng knew that they were invincible, and they did not dare to say anythingmore. They could only turn around and prepare to leave secretly.

There's still no movement.

Worried, Chen Fei knocked on the door again and said in a voice: "Xiaoyu, are you there? Open thedoor for brother Chen. "

Suddenly, Chen Fei can't help but feel nervous, "is Meng Yu in danger?"

However, the office was quiet. Chen Fei didn't notice any movement or cry.

After another quarter of an hour, Meng Yu still didn't come out. This time, Chen Fei can't help but be alittle worried. He comes to the door and listens to it closely, trying to find out what's going on inside.

Of course, even if there were many jobs, Chen Fei sent them all back. After all, no matter howimportant work is, no one matters.

Seeing this, Chen Fei can't help feeling that Meng Yu's working ability has exceeded his expectation.Now she is an important pillar of the company.novelbin

During Chen Fei's half-hour waiting, more than ten staff members came to find Meng Yu one afteranother. They were all work related matters that needed to be handled by Meng Yu, the Secretary ofthe manager.

Chen Fei is waiting for Meng Yu outside the office, ready to take her out to have a good meal, and thengo home to have a rest.

As for Meng Yu's mother, although Chen Fei said it seriously. But the charge of robbery will not beconvicted, but it is at least necessary to make trouble and detain. This time, it's a lesson for those whoplay the rogue.

He knew that when he met this kind of thing, and for himself or his relatives, Meng Yu must be very sadin his heart. She needs time to release her emotions.

Therefore, Chen Fei did not continue to knock, but just stood by the door.

When Chen Fei follows him, Meng Yu has already closed the door of the office. Chen Fei knocks, butthere is no response inside. Only Meng Yu's sobbing can be heard.

Meng Yu can't help it any more. Tears in her eyes come down and she turns back to the office.

"Light rain, light rain --" in the voice of Meng Yu's mother, several of them were taken away by thepolice.

Meng Yu saw this, the body gently trembled a few times, but finally shook his lips, did not shake, coldturned around and turned away.

At this time, she looked at Meng Yu with a crying voice and begged, "Xiaoyu, mother is wrong, motherknows she is wrong. I'll give you the money back. Don't call the police or catch your brother. Mom,please

When the cold handcuffs on his skin, Meng Yu suddenly scared legs weak, almost paralyzed to theground.

The police are unmoved and want to torture Meng Yu's mother.

Seeing that her son and daughter-in-law had been handcuffed, Meng Yu's mother was really scared.She handed out the luggage with money in her hand and said: "money back to you, money back toyou. Let go of my son. Let go of people. "

Police will not listen to her explanation, take out the handcuffs, is about to arrest, "is not a robbery, withus back, a good investigation."

Seeing the police in such a posture, Meng Yu's mother began to realize that things were a little seriousand said in a voice: "I didn't rob. The money is mine."

Soon, the police came. It was said that it was a robbery and the amount was huge, so many peoplecame to the police. And one by one, armed with guns pinned to their waists, came in bulletproof vests.

But Meng Yu's mother regards money as her life, holding her luggage to the death and unwilling to letgo.

Thinking of this, Meng Feng and Wang Ju can't help being timid and persuading Meng Yu's mother.

And with Chen Fei's identity background, if they really start a relationship and commit robbery, it's over.

On hearing this, Meng Feng and Wang Ju are a little nervous. They are young people and know thatrobbery is a big crime. If convicted, it's possible to spend decades in prison.

When Chen Fei saw this, his eyes were cold and he said, "you guard them, then you call the police andsay that someone has entered our company to rob money. The amount is huge. Let the police handleit. "

In the face of such a shrew, the big armed security guards, there is really no good way for a while.

Meng Yu's mother suddenly got excited. She was holding her luggage. The whole person was lying onthe ground, shouting and struggling. "My money, this is my money. Go away, you are robbers. Don't robme of my money."

"Yes The guards clattered around.

And Chen Fei, at the moment in the face of Meng Yu their cry, completely unmoved, waved: "themoney back, people out."

This kind of family completely broke the last touch of affection in Meng Yu's heart and made her softheart cold. The decision to sever the relationship was made.

Meng Yu has turned around at this time, completely unmoved. What happened just now completelybroke her heart and made her understand that no matter how much she thought about the family, it wasuseless. They just regarded themselves as a tool to exchange money. As long as they could makemoney, they could use themselves."No, you can't. You were born to me. You can't --" Meng Yu's mothersaid excitedly.

Meng Yu was unmoved and said coldly, "I don't have a mother like you. As for our relationship, I'll getrid of the parent-child relationship and leave the family. "

"Xiaoyu, you can't. I'm your mother, we -- "Meng Yu's mother said excitedly.

Chen Fei looks at Meng Yu. Now, Meng Yu looks serious and cold. He says in a cold voice, "I don'twant to give you the money now. So give me the money. "

"You lent the money to Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu gave it to us, not to you. " Meng Yu's mother said.

"That's my money. Leave it for me!" Chen Fei cheered coldly.

On hearing that she wanted to leave her money, Meng Yu's mother suddenly got excited. She held herbag tightly and didn't want to let go. "This is our money. You can't take it away."

Chen Fei coldly looked at the bag in Meng Yu's mother's hand, and said in a cold voice: "the 150000 inthe bag, leave it to me, you are not qualified to take it away."

"What's the matter, Mr. Chen has figured it out?" Meng Feng turned around and wrote a smile on hisface.

But just as they were about to go out, Chen Fei suddenly thought of something and said in a cold voice:"wait a minute!"

Chen Fei pushed the door and said, "Xiaoyu, brother Chen is really coming in. Are you all right? "

There was still no movement.

Chen Fei's brow sank and his expression became serious. Then the right hand slightly forced a push,bang when, the door was immediately directly pushed open.

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