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Chapter 1502

Such a situation, passers-by can see clearly, the Cai family and the wooden family above the woodenbuilding, naturally, are also very clear in their hearts.

Such a situation makes Mu Tianhan's face a little ugly. However, he turned to look at Zheng Qinshi. Hisheart was full of confidence and his face was full of a smile.

On the other side of the Cai family, Cai Xiyuan looked at Mu Tianhan with a proud look.

"This year's Lantern Festival is really exciting! Now it's a surprise for us to beat Cai wenmu's family inTiandou. "

"I didn't expect that the wooden family turned over."


"So Mr. Zheng can really beat Mr. Huang."

"The only son-in-law, this kind of relationship is closer than that of students!"

"What, is it true that Zheng Qinshi is Xu's son-in-law?"

"I tell you, Mr. Huang xuhao is really good, and he is a student of Mr. Xu. But I want to tell you that Mr.Zheng is more powerful, because Mr. Zheng is Xu's son-in-law and the only son-in-law. "

"Ha ha, no? You don't know anything

"But this one is very powerful. However, compared with Mr. Huang xuhao, who was invited by the Caifamily, Mr. Huang is still inferior. After all, Mr. Huang is about to enter the Department of Commerce,and Mr. Huang is still a student of Mr. Xu. Although Mr. Zheng is very good at this kind of position, hecan't match it! "

"President and standing committee member of the chamber of Commerce. This, this is really great

"Mr. Zheng, you don't know. I really don't know what you do. Let me tell you, Mr. Zheng Qinshi is thepresident of our three southern provinces United Chamber of Commerce, and also a standing memberof the Ze provincial industrial and Commercial Commission. Now, you know what it is

"Zezheng Qinshi, is he very powerful? Which department is it from? Is it a big position? "

Many people marveled, but there were still people who didn't know Zheng Qinshi and couldn't help butbe full of doubts.


"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it at all! Mr. Mu Tianhan invited Mr. Zheng Qinshi? "

"I thought the Cai family would win, but looking at the current situation, the situation is going toreverse!"

"The wood family invited Mr. Zheng. Is that true?"

"Well, isn't that Mr. Zheng Qinshi?"

When Zheng Qinshi's face appeared in the eyes of the audience on both sides of the Strait, a voice ofexclamation suddenly rang out at the scene, and the scene became lively.

At the beginning, we couldn't see the face of the lantern man clearly, but as the figure got closer andcloser to the lightboat, his face was clearly illuminated by the light.

Now, suddenly someone sent lanterns directly to the scene, which naturally attracted people'sattention.

The previous lanterns were all arranged by the staff of each family, placed under the lightboat, and thendisplayed.

Zheng Qinshi took it down to the wooden building. A moment later, a figure appeared with a smalllantern in his hand. He built a passage from the shore and headed for the lightboat.

Cai Xiyuan was still smiling and seemed very proud.

Thinking of this, Mu Tianhan couldn't help feeling excited. His eyes couldn't help glancing at Cai Xiyuanwith a touch of excitement.

This time, he not only arranged for Zheng Qinshi's lantern, but also specially prepared for Zheng Qinshito come out with the lantern himself. This kind of shocking power will surely surprise everyone.

Mu Tianhan's eyes sank and he stared at Huang xuhao's lantern for a long time. He was afraid. Butthen he saw Zheng Qinshi around him. He could not help smiling and said to him, "brother Zheng, it'sup to you now."

Cai Xiyuan also looked at Mu Tianhan with a proud face, with the color of the winner in his eyes.

With the spread of Huang xuhao's identity, the discussion around him became more and moreenthusiastic, and the smile on people's faces became more and more proud. In this case, it almostmeans that the Cai family will win in the fight.


"It's really incredible. The Cai family is so powerful. They will win this fight. "

"Now, you know Mr. Huang's strength! It's incredible to know that Mr. Huang can be invited by the Caifamily to deliver lanterns

"Xu Linping, Xu Lao, is - is he the deputy director of the Department of Commerce of Ze province whohas just retired. Mr. Huang turned out to be Xu's student. It's so -- "

" ha ha, what is this. I can also tell you that Mr. Huang xuhao is also a student of Xu Linping. "

"What, to work in the Department of Commerce, that's really powerful!"

"I don't think you know anything! Although Mr. Huang is only a teacher now, I tell you that he will betransferred to the Department of Commerce of our province to take an important position soon. "

"Well, I know. However, although Nanze university is a well-known and good university, and Huangxuhao is a dean of the college, he is only a scholar after all. Compared with the director of Mu familyjust now, it seems that he is not so good! ""Huang xuhao is the dean of School of economics, NanzeUniversity. Have you ever heard of him?"

"Is Huang xuhao very powerful? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"I didn't expect to invite Mr. Huang. The Cai family is still worthy of being called the Cai family. It'samazing."

"It's Mr. Huang xuhao. It's amazing."

But all the people at the scene were shocked, and their faces were surprised. Then they clattered andtalked noisily.

The name of the person who sent the lantern was read out. The introduction was very simple. Therewas no position, only a few simple words, "Mr. Huang xuhao, Nanze University!"

Then, in the eyes of people's attention, a white crane flying exquisite lantern was sent up. The lanternsare very beautiful, but the focus of attention is the people who send them.

On the side of the Cai family, Cai Xiyuan seems to be surprised at the director's sending flowers, andhis eyes change slightly. But then Cai Xiyuan raised his mouth, showed a smile, clapped his hands andsaid, "please come up with Mr. Huang's Lantern!"

If this is the case, it is really possible for the Mu family to bring up some unexpected surprises in thisyear's Wendou.

At this time, the wooden family sent a lantern from the director of a department of InvestmentPromotion Bureau of Zejiang Province, which caused people's exclamation at the scene. After all,China Merchants Group is not an ordinary department, and this director is the red man in front of thedirector. He sent a lantern to the wooden family, does it mean that the director of the bureau isoptimistic about and supports the wooden family.

"This year, the two families have just exchanged with each other, one win and one lose. However,according to the saying that fighting is better than fighting, the wooden family, to some extent, won. Inthe future, I'm afraid the first family in Ze province will belong to Mu family. "

"It's really unexpected. We can't think of such a result!"novelbin


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