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Chapter 1498

In the sound of heated discussion, Mulong's face was serious, his breath burst out, and he was full ofconfidence.

The man in the hood opposite, seeing such a situation, grinned with a sneer and said in a voice, "areyou confident?"

Mulong glared at the hooded man and said in a deep voice, "if I have self-confidence, you will knowimmediately."

"It's bad for the wooden family. The strongest wooden dragon has been replaced by the second oneand lost. Now there's only one last man left. That man can't be the opponent of the hooded man! "

"Who is the hooded man and how can he be so powerful? Where on earth did the Cai family invite himout? "

"Is it true? Mulong is defeated, and it's so miserable! "

All of a sudden, the scene was silent. After almost three seconds, the crowd came back to their senses,and then burst into bursts of discussion.

And at the moment, I'll take a closer look at the rest of the people in the air. People can clearly see thatit's a hooded man.

In the three moves, among the two people fighting in the air, a fierce cry suddenly sounded. Then afigure fell from the air and crashed heavily on the wooden lantern deck, directly breaking a big hole inthe deck and falling into the cabin.

It's just that this collision didn't go through more than ten rounds of fighting and couldn't separate theupper and lower parts as it did just now.

At the moment of speaking, they jumped again and collided in the air.

The wood dragon hears speech, the facial expression is serious, grits teeth ruthlessly way: "don't bearrogant, you haven't won yet!"

"But I have just given you the chance to choose. You have no choice. No wonder others, so next,prepare for your tragic futurenovelbin

At the moment, on the deck of the wooden lightboat, the hooded man said again, "there's still somestrength. You're really good. I'm thinking, it's really a pity if I abandon you. "

"Does the master have no faith in Mulong?" This idea emerged in the heart of the Mu family martialarts, one face can not help but show the color of worry.

However, although Mu Tian spoke Chinese firmly, his hands on the wooden building railings wereholding the railings tightly, and his finger joints were white because of the force.

But at this point, Mu Tianhan has no other choice. The only choice is to continue to believe in Mulong,and believe or expect him to win the battle for the Mulong family.

After hearing this, Mu Jiawu was shocked and shut up. He can see the difference of Mulong, and MuTianhan, who is more powerful than Mulong, can also see the difference of Mulong.

Without waiting for him to finish, Mu Tianhan looked at him and said in a deep voice, "I know! But Ibelieve in Mulong! "

Aware of this, Mu Jiawu's face sank and worried. Looking at Mu Tianhan, he said in a voice: "master,Mu long, he -"

but if you look closely, you can see that his muscles are tense and he can't relax at all. Moreover, hisarms trembled with a very slight frequency.

The hooded man relaxed slightly and stood in the same place as before. It seemed that he didn't fight.But the wooden dragon on the opposite side, although his face was still cold and serious, his body wasstill upright.

They seem to be calm as usual, but their situation is different at the moment.

However, some powerful warriors still find something unusual at the moment.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the two fast flashing figures finally separated and landed on the deck.Looking at each other with a serious face, his body was still, as if the fierce battle just now did not exist.

"Hoo Hoo

Two people action strange fast, flicker between, bang bang bang of collision more than ten moves. Thesound of collision and the burst of Zhenyuan's breath mixed together, which almost burst people's ears,but their eyes could not catch the trace of their fighting.

Mulong snorted coldly, and then moved up to meet the attack of the hooded man.

As soon as the voice fell, the hooded man jumped, pulled out a remnant shadow, and quickly attackedthe opposite wooden dragon.

There was a sound of discussion. The hooded man raised his mouth and said in a cold voice,"arrogant? Hum, you will see soon what is the real arrogance. "


"If it's not psychological warfare, the hooded man's words seem arrogant."

"It wasn't psychological warfare. I was embarrassed because I thought so much just now."

"Damn, that guy, he really means that!"

Hearing this from the hooded man, people at the scene were stunned, and then a more heateddiscussion broke out.

"My idea is very simple, that's what I mean in my words. This Mulong, if he does not surrender now, hewill have no chance. "

The hooded man turned his mouth and sneered, "ha ha, so much analysis, it's really decent!Unfortunately, I don't have that many ideas. "

However, when people are full of emotion and expectation.

Now, the battle between the two sides has already begun before the battle begins. This is somethingthat ordinary people don't think of. It's amazing. At the same time, they are eager to know who will winthe battle between the two prefecture level masters.When people say this, many people suddenly havea sudden understanding of the expression, one after another feeling that it is so. There are so manydetails to ponder in the battle between prefecture level experts.


"You're all mistaken, hooded man. It's psychological warfare. Deliberately say so, can bring pressure toMulong, let his psychological condition change. If Mulong is really afraid and admits defeat, he willmake a lot of money. If he didn't give up, the hooded man didn't lose anything. This is calculatedpsychological warfare. "

"But the hooded man is also a prefecture level master! Who wins and who loses, it's possible! "

"Mulong is a warrior at the beginning of the prefecture level. He is very powerful."

"If people have arrogant capital, it's not arrogant, it's normal. Do you understand?"

"The hooded man of the Cai family is too arrogant! It's a joke to let Mulong admit defeat

As soon as the words came out, the people at the scene immediately burst into a brawl, and the soundof discussion began to ring.

"Is it?" The hooded man's voice was a little skeptical. Instead, he advised Mulong, "I don't think it'seasy for you to practice, and it's even more difficult to reach such a state. I don't want you to regret allyour life. If you admit defeat now, maybe it's still time. "

"In this way, the last member of the Cai family really has to wear three clothes, turn defeat into victory,and win for the Cai family."

"For the first time in more than ten years, the Cai family is better than the Mu family in fighting."


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