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Chapter 1495

I have to say that the Canglang Lantern Festival is really good. All kinds of exquisite lanterns andgorgeous performances can attract people's attention.

On this occasion, many lovers on both sides of the river bank took photos one after another, and evenknelt down to propose marriage directly. The scene was very lively and warm.

Chen Fei's wooden building is in an excellent position, and the performance is better. It can be said thatit is a good visual experience.

In the middle of them, a white haired old man came out and looked at each side. Then he said in a loudvoice, "time is almost up. In this case, the competition of this year's Lantern Festival can start."

Mu Tianhan and Cai Xiyuan gave each other a look. Their eyes were slightly sharp. Then they tookback their eyes and looked serious.

However, when the two lightboats came to the two sides in front of Hexin Island, their speed graduallyslowed down, and finally stopped in front of both sides of Hexin island. People's eyes on the three-storywooden building changed.

We all know these things, but no one points out this. But one by one pretends not to see, the corners ofthe mouth are smiling, maintaining a kind of superficial harmony.

The noisy voices came and fell into the ears of the three story wooden building.


"That's for sure. The two families fight each other every year in the Lantern Festival. It's just that itwasn't so intense before. This time, it seems that there will be a good play. "novelbin

"In that case, the shape of the towering mountain on the other side of the Cai family also shows thedetermination of the Cai family to control everything. It seems that the two families are going to fighteach other. "

"Looking at the lightboat of Mu family, the soaring dragon shape clearly shows Mu Tianhan's ambition!"

"Isn't that clear? A few days ago, Tsai Xize, the head of the Tsai family, and Tsai Han, the eldest andyoungest of the Tsai family, died, causing great damage to the Tsai family. The Mu family takes thisopportunity to rise and surpass the Cai family. "

"What do you mean?"

"The first and second families are right, but this time, it's a bit uncertain who is the first and who is thesecond."

"The Cai family and the Mu family are worthy of being the first and second families in our province. Themomentum of this lightboat is different. It's too shocking."

Ordinary passers-by discussed the delicacy and magnificence of the lightboat, while some people whoknew the situation began to analyze the situation on the spot.

With the emergence of the two lightboats, the atmosphere at the scene became more and moreenthusiastic, and all kinds of comments began to ring one after another.

The dragon shaped lightboat belongs to the Mu family, while the mountain shaped lightboat belongs tothe Cai family.

"These two lightboats should be the lightboats of the Mu family and the Cai family." Chen Fei guessed,then his eyes fell on the flag of the bow, and soon confirmed what he thought.

The other lightboat is the image of a towering mountain, majestic, giving people a kind of oppressivemomentum, it seems to be able to suppress everything.

One of the lightboats is decorated in the shape of a dragon, which looks like a giant dragon about tosoar into the sky.

On the whole, the two lightboats also spent a lot of effort.

In the degree of gorgeous and exquisite decoration, these two lightboats are obviously better than theprevious lightboats. All kinds of expensive materials and exquisite patterns are suitable for decorationon the lightboat. Combined with exquisite lighting, the lightboat is rendered into a huge mobile palace,which is stunning.

The first is the size. The two lanterns are more than 30 meters long, nearly 10 meters wide and morethan 10 meters high. The part on the water surface is three stories high, just like two tall buildings onthe Canglang river.

Just now, all kinds of lightboats are gorgeous and exquisite enough, but compared with these twolightboats, they are much inferior.

Chen Fei looked up and saw two huge lightboats coming slowly in front of him.

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of warm cheers suddenly broke out in the field, which immediatelyattracted all the eyes of the scene.

Mu Qianying nodded and said in a low voice: "my father has made a lot of preparations for this lanternfestival. So is the Cai family. "

Thinking of this, Chen Fei can't help but look at Mu Tianhan and Cai Xiyuan and ask Mu Qianying,"have mu family and Cai family prepared corresponding lightboats?"

It turns out that the Lantern Festival is not a purely fun Festival, but also a contest between variousforces.

After listening to the introduction of Mu Qianying, Chen Fei nods to understand.

"To a certain extent, these lightboats can be regarded as an advertisement of these forces and anoccasion for various forces to compete with each other."

"Because there are a lot of people participating in the Lantern Festival every year, and the number oflightboats is limited. Therefore, it is not a simple force that can build a lightboat on the Canglang Riverduring the Lantern Festival. "

Mu Qianying nodded and introduced to Chen Fei: "the lightboat is not officially unified, but arranged byvarious well-known influential units in Ze province."

"These are not official lightboats?" Chen Fei looks at Mu Qianying.

Chen Fei fixed his eyes and noticed that there was a dancing flag on the bow of every lightboat. On theflag, there are names similar to "Zesheng Huangjia", "Zesheng Changwu group" and "Zeshengbusiness association"."What's going on?" Chen Fei is feeling a little strange, next to wood Qian Yingnoticed Chen Fei's doubts, pointing to the flag flying in the bow, said to Chen Fei, "brother Chen, lookat those flags!"

As each lightboat approached, a group of guests on both sides of the Strait cheered warmly.

The lightboat is decorated into various shapes and themes, which are dazzling on the river.

With the approaching of the lights, Chen Fei also saw that the lights flashing on the river werebeautifully decorated lightboats.

The guests on both sides of the river bank were excited and cheered, and the scene became livelyagain.

"Is the Lantern Festival coming to an end? So fast? " Just when Chen Fei had some doubts in his mind,on the surface of the river, the twinkling lights slowly came towards this side.

After a visual bombing, the lights on the scene gradually dimmed down, and the scene slowly returnedto calm.

With the voice of the white haired old man, Mu Tianhan and Cai Xiyuan nodded almost at the sametime, waved their hands, and said in a voice, "it's time to start."

With their voice, Chen Fei immediately saw three figures on each of the two lightboats. These figuresare all short and dressed up. They are full of muscles, and they are full of genuine spirit. At first sight,they are powerful warriors.

"Is this a contest?" Chen Fei sees this, slightly surprised to see to wood Qian Ying.

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