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Chapter 1477

In an instant, a thin gas burst out from Chen Fei's fingertips, like a thin line into the air.

Under the contrast of the huge and majestic cloud mountains, this thin line is particularly small andfragile, which seems to be negligible.

But when the thin line touched the cloudy mountain like a dragon, a shocking scene happened.

Chen Fei smell speech, nod a way: "OK, you leave."


"Mr. Chen, you are our life-saving benefactor. We will never bite the hand that feeds us."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen. Even if I die, I won't leak the news."novelbin

"I understand! I will keep my mouth shut. "

Chen Fei's eyes swept and said in a deep voice: "you can leave now. However, today's events are allburied in my heart. See what I mean? "

However, they all look at Chen Fei, and none of them dare to leave without Chen Fei's permission.

In the valley of the Dragon tomb, all the people of the hidden family withdrew, and the rest of thewarriors were relieved.

Think of this, his escape steps faster, almost forced out all the true yuan breath, play life style run up.

On the other hand, Huang Feihu, who fled ahead of time, felt the terrible pressure coming from behindhim, as well as the exclamations and screams. His heart was pulled up and he was glad that he ranfast. Otherwise, he might have died.

Thinking of this, the young and the old of the hermit family became more and more dissatisfied with theJiang family, and they all hated each other.


"Not only that, the Presbyterian Council will certainly be dissatisfied with the exposure of this incident."

"As a result, we didn't get anything and were almost killed by experts!"

"That's it. It's the Jiang family who calculated for Chen Mochi. But he took us to build momentum for theJiang family. "

"What Jiang Han and Jiang Rulong have done! They said, "let's share the treasure together, but theytook us for granted."

Now when he thought of talking back to Chen Fei just now, he was sweating and scared. At the sametime, the resentment against the Jiang family has deepened.

Think of this, many rich and young back exude a cold sweat, spine feel a chill. Among them, Pei Yongis the most arrogant one.


"He's less than 30 years old. He has such strength. It's terrible. Fortunately, we didn't fight with him justnow, otherwise -- "

" more than that, his strength has at least reached the middle stage of the celestial pole, or even thelate stage of the celestial level. "

"That guy, his strength is terrible. He must have reached the heaven level. He is a martial arts master."

When they left, a group of people could not help but have a lingering fear.

Immediately, Pei Yong, a group of hermit families, left with his own people.

Pei Yong and others, who were very arrogant before, were completely wilted at the moment. SeeingChen Fei's eyes looking at him, they couldn't help shivering. Then they waved their hands and said:"no, no, no need. We're leaving now, now

Give Jiang Han to Chen Mochi. Chen Fei turns his eyes and looks at Pei Yong and others on the otherside. He says in a cold voice, "do you still need me to do it?"

When Chen Fei hears the speech, he immediately understands Chen Mochi's idea. He should want toinquire about his wife and daughter. Then he nodded his hand, and the gesture of his right handchanged, and the giant palm in the air changed into a slender rope of Zhenyuan breath, which tiedJiang Han up.

Chen Mochi explained to Chen Fei: "I have some questions to ask him, very important questions. Sohope - "

at the last moment, Chen Fei stopped and looked at Chen Mochi with some doubts.

But Chen Mojiang almost closed his eyes and cried out, "he's going to die."

But Chen Fei fingertips gently, a force of gas shot into Jiang Han's body, immediately let him not move,can only stand in place, waiting for the arrival of death.

Jiang Han suddenly felt the terrible pressure, his face changed greatly, and he was about to run away.

"Nothing is impossible!" Chen Fei cold voice way, immediately palm move, toward river cold clapped tocome over.

Jiang Han, who had just driven Chen Mo chi to no retreat, turned his head and looked at the situationaround him. He was shocked and trembled, and his eyes were full of wonder. "How can it be? Jiang

Rulong, he was killed by you, this, this is impossible - "

the result was unexpected by everyone. They all looked at Chen Fei in a daze, shocked and stagnatedin the same place.

With one move and one palm, he killed a heaven level master.

Full of doubts, when Jiang Rulong has no chance to know the answer. The terrible giant palm in the air,directly roaring down, flattened Jiang Rulong into a blur of flesh and blood.

Now, however, this power appears in such a young man as Chen Fei. He is really surprised andpuzzled, "who are you? Where does your power come from? "

He had only seen the great power from the top old monsters of the hidden family before.But when thegiant palm touched him, Jiang Rulong knew how naive his idea was. He was not able to resist thatterrible pressure.

Jiang Rulong can't avoid it. He quickly runs Zhenyuan breath, condenses on his arms, and raises hishand to carry the terrible pressure.

The giant palm in the air, thundering down, is like a huge five element mountain falling from the sky,which wants to press the monkey Jiang Rulong under the mountain.

"I'll show you what a real master of martial arts is." Chen Fei has a strong voice.

Feeling the terrible pressure, at the moment, Jiang Rulong was really surprised, and his eyes were fullof surprise, "well, how can it be? What did you do? "

In an instant, a layer of horrible Zhenyuan breath condensed and formed a huge palm in the air. Itthundered and shot down the river like a dragon.

Just when everyone was surprised, Chen Fei kept moving, stepped forward, raised his right hand ontop of his head, and then shot it in the air.


"What did Chen Fei do?"

"What happened? Why did Jiang Rulong's offensive burst? "

"How could that be?"

The majestic power of Zhenyuan mountain was directly penetrated by thin lines, and then burst intopieces in the air, turning into raindrops all over the sky.

All of a sudden, this group of warriors left excitedly. Although many people died, almost all of them whocould be here were those who had entered the dragon's tomb and got the treasure. At this moment,they were very excited to leave with the treasure.

Mixed in the crowd of wood Tianhan and wood Qianying, at the moment full of shock, look at ChenFei's eyes appear very complex.

If they had underestimated Chen Fei's strength and identity before. Chen Fei's strength is beyond theirimagination.

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