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Chapter 1461

In the middle of the valley, you can see a two-story building suddenly on the ground.

If you look closely, you will find that the small building is made of huge bluestone blocks, which arestained with moss and stains. At first glance, it feels weathered.

In the center of one side, there is a stone gate more than two meters high, with a faint red light lingeringon the stone gate.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bufan's expression can't help but feel embarrassed and helpless.

If we really fight, the people of Jiang family will not win.

The six of his followers are the elites of the Jiang family. The strength of the prefecture level realm is amaster everywhere. But now, Xing Rui, Lin Hu and others around Chen Fei are at least the strength ofthe prefecture level medium-term realm.

Jiang Bufan didn't expect these people to support Chen Fei. He immediately lowered his head andthought. His expression was a little ugly.

Lin Lu stood up at the moment and looked at Jiang Bufan and said, "Jiang Bufan, you have passed thelast martial arts meeting. Don't go too far this time. "

"If you want to move drillmaster Chen, you should pass us first?" Xing Rui takes the lead and stares atJiang Bufan fiercely. His tone is not polite.

After Chen Fei, Xing Rui, Lin Hu and others show no weakness. Almost at the same time of eachother's action, they step out with a slap, release their true yuan breath, and confront the people of theJiang family.

All of a sudden, six of Jiang Bufan's followers behind him, all of them come out, and the breath ofZhenyuan is surging up. They are going to fight Chen Fei.

The strong hatred made Jiang Bufan's eyes full of anger. He bit his teeth and waved to hissubordinates: "give me a shot, kill him!"

With the end of the martial arts conference, these rumors have spread in the martial arts circle. Hisreputation of Jiang Bufan has also been greatly affected, which makes Jiang Bufan very unhappy andhis hatred for Chen Fei even stronger.

After all, he was defeated by Chen Fei and even nearly killed at the martial arts conference. In the end,Shao Donghua, the master of his martial arts league, broke the rules and got his life.

"You -" mention this matter, Jiang Bufan's expression can't help but be one of gloomy, the expression ismore angry.

Chen Fei smelled the speech, picked to pick eyebrow, coldly disdain a way: "you want revenge, thenjust come.". However, if you want to survive without Shao Donghua, you won't be so lucky. "

At the moment, Jiang Bufan bought Chen Fei's words, and his expression was very angry. He grittedhis teeth and said, "what do you say I want to do? I can still remember the feud at the martial artsmeeting

Jiang Bufan now with six people behind him, all wearing Jiang's uniform, the body of the real yuanbreath surging, all are prefecture level experts. Just looking at the posture, we know that the Jiangfamily attaches great importance to the Dragon tomb incident.

"It's you! What do you want to do? " After Chen Fei is slightly surprised, he looks at Jiang Bufan andsays calmly.

If Jiang Bufan at that time had just entered the later stage of the prefecture level, he might havestabilized in the later stage of the prefecture level. The breath on the body is more powerful.

However, at the moment, Jiang Bufan's breath is surging, thick and majestic. It seems that he will bemore powerful at the martial arts meeting.

Chen Fei raised his head and looked at the people. His eyes suddenly cooled down. Because, in frontof him is not others, it is in the final of the martial arts conference, Jiang Bufan was injured by Chen Fei.

Just as Chen Fei is about to get closer and observe the Dragon tomb carefully, a group of peoplesuddenly appear in front of Chen Fei and block his way.novelbin

Looking at the corner of the Dragon tomb on the ground of the valley, Chen Fei's eyes are involuntarilyattracted.

Later, the warriors in front of them all took the initiative to get out of the way and let Chen Fei and hisparty come to the middle of the valley.

However, when they turn around and see Xing Rui, Lin Hu and others behind Chen Fei, they suddenlylook silly. They quickly withdraw their fists and retreat to one side.

There are a lot of people inside, and Chen Fei's forced entry naturally caused dissatisfaction frommany people. The people at the scene were all warriors. In anger, they were going to fight.

Chen Fei left an amulet for mu Qianying, which can help her block the three moves of the prefecturelevel master. It's the end of his duty. Then he walked towards the middle of the valley.

So, the father and daughter thank Chen Fei, and then take the initiative to retreat to the back position.

After all, their father and daughter are very lucky to be able to come to this stage, or even to survive.It's not time to be greedy for more.

Wood Tianhan heard the speech, his face showed a touch of regret. However, his expression was soonrelieved.

Chen Fei explained: "master mu, I mean, with the strength of you and Qianying, if you continue to fightfor the treasure of the Dragon tomb, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. And I can't protect you on thisoccasion. So, I mean, for your safety's sake, it's best that you stop here. "

"That -" Mu Tianhan was stunned for a moment.Without waiting for mu Tianhan to finish, Chen Feiwaved his hand and said, "master mu, my words just now don't mean that."

Smell speech, wood Tianhan for one Leng, the face shows a strange color, immediately to Chen Feibow apology way, "Mr. Chen, before the thing, is we are wrong. However, Chen Fei, aware of theiractions, turned around and said, "stop here!"

And then the position behind is mu Tianhan and Mu Qianying's father and daughter. Two people see,instinct also step to follow.

Looking at the Dragon tomb inside, Chen Fei is about to step into it. After him, Xing Rui, Lin Hu andothers followed up.

Because Chen Fei arrived later, he was naturally in the most peripheral position at the moment.

At the moment, there are many warriors around the Dragon tomb, almost as many as 300 or 400. Mostof them are well-known warriors, and more of them are around the periphery, pointing at the Dragontomb and talking about it.

It's almost no need to guess. Seeing this scene, the monks at the scene can immediately guess thatthis abrupt building is naturally the legendary dragon tomb.

Xing Rui keenly caught this point, sneered and said: "don't be brave without this courage. It's just ajoke. Instructor Chen, please

With that, a group of people gathered around Chen Fei and walked directly to the entrance of theDragon tomb.

Jiang Bufan saw it behind him, gnashing his teeth, hoping to swallow Chen Fei alive. But now he hasno choice but to look at it helplessly.

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