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Chapter 1450

"Kill me? I'm afraid you don't have that ability. " Chen Fei is really a little angry. He's innocent. He'sready to leave, but the other side has to catch him.

"Why, boy. You want to fight us. I tell you, this is the team of Mu family in Ze province. Uncle Mu is awarrior in the middle level of prefecture level, and Cai Han is also a warrior in the later level of Xuanlevel. If you want to do it, you'd better weigh your own weight! " Cai Han's arrogant voice burst out. Hewas ready to start.

"It's only in the middle of the prefecture level!" Chen Fei snorted coldly. He didn't pay attention to thestrength of the other side, and then he was ready to start.

At this time, the wolf's eyes turned and fell on Mu Tianhan's daughter. He turned his eyes, licked histongue and laughed, "this is your daughter. She's so young! If it tastes good, it should taste good. "

"I'll fight with you --" Mu Tianhan gritted his teeth and attacked hard.

On hearing this, the wolf sighed and said, "Oh, what a pity! You actually recognized me. Originally, Isaid I would have fun with you. In that case, I'll have to kill them all. "

Hearing the name of "fierce wolf", the rest of the wood family were obviously frightened, and their faceswere shocked. Then one by one gritted his teeth, ready to go all out, but his body trembledinvoluntarily.

"Qianying, this guy is a fierce wolf. If we don't resist, there is absolutely no way out. " Mu Tianhan saidin a voice, and at the same time, he yelled, "everyone, listen up, the other side is a fierce wolf. If wedon't resist, we will die. So, next, we have to fight hard, there is no other choice

The people who fell into his hands were almost lifeless, which could be said to be extremely cruel.

This fierce wolf has been famous for more than 20 years in Ze province. After murdering sevenmembers of a family, he fled into the mountains and learned martial arts. He also gathered a group ofpeople to do the work of extortion.

Because, the leader of this robber, is a fierce wolf.

Mu Tianhan can guarantee that even if he hand over the token, the other party will never let him leave.

The daughter's idea is right. If she has a chance, she is willing to hand over the token to save her andher daughter's life. But the daughter was still too naive, and underestimated the ferocity and ferocity ofthese robbers.

Although the bandit leader said so, when he attacked, he was more and more fierce, and did notweaken his weight.

Wood Tianhan smell speech, but complexion a coagulation, expression more serious.

"Tut, the bandit's daughter said with a good smile," Tut, the leader said. Now you hand in the Dragontomb's exploration token, and I'll let you go, OK? "novelbin

Behind his father, seeing such a situation of Mu Qianying, he couldn't help but feel pale and scared. Hecouldn't help but say in a voice: "Dad, you give things to them. Let's go back. We won't go to theDragon tomb. "

In this way, in the face of the attack of the bandit gang, who is also in the middle of the prefecture level,Mu Tianhan has a little difficulty in dealing with it. His injuries gradually increase and his blood gushesout.

The robber obviously took the weakness of Mu Tianhan, and constantly attacked Mu Qianying, whichmade Mu Tianhan have to distract to protect his daughter.

Obviously, this woman should be mu Qianying, the daughter of Mu Tianhan.

At the moment, behind Mu Tianhan, there is a 17-year-old girl. She looks sweet and has big eyes, butnow she is full of fear.

A steady stream of people added in, the wood family's people one by one consumption, before morethan ten people's team, at the moment has lost more than half. The rest of the people, almost all ofthem were injured, and their combat effectiveness declined little by little.

When Chen Fei arrived, the battle here was going on fiercely. However, the strength of the robbers wasnot so much as that of the dihan in the middle period.

Hum, Cai Han rushed to the other side, but didn't pay attention to it.

Chen Fei doesn't want to kill this kind of person, for fear of dirtying his hands. Moreover, if Chen Feikilled him now, I'm afraid that he will really become an accomplice of the bandit gang on Mr. Mu's side.At that time, the misunderstanding will not be solved.

This kind of guy with no backbone and two sides is a disgrace to the warrior.

Chen Fei's eyes were cold when he saw this. If it is said that the misunderstanding of Chen Fei justnow is that Cai Han is stupid and too careful, then the current backwardness directly proves his uglycharacter.

"No, don't kill me. I'll give you whatever you want. If you want me to join you to deal with the woodfamily, it's OK. I can -- "Cai Han has no backbone. Before Chen Fei speaks, he is soft.

Chen Fei stepped forward and stood in front of him, looking down at him with cold eyes.

With a slap, Chen Fei blows Cai Han out, lies in the vegetation, spits out a mouthful of blood, and hisface turns white instantly.


Chen Fei stares at Cai Han with a chill in his eyes"Boy, still arguing, kill him." Cai Han yelled, and hecame with his sword.

Seeing this, Chen Fei opened the other side with one palm and said coldly, "are you a fool? If I were amember of the bandit gang, I would have launched an attack long ago. "

All of a sudden, the person under the body directly attacked Chen Fei.

On this side, Cai Han and the rest of them, looking at Chen Fei, showed indifference and said, "you arereally a member of the bandit gang. Kill him."

In the cry, the middle-aged man with two men rushed over there.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's eyes sank down. He quickly turned and rushed to the other side.At the same time, he yelled: "protect the young lady, you must protect Qianying."


"Master, there is a sneak attack here."

"No, sir, there are robbers attacking."

Then, there was a disorderly sound, the sound of breath, the sound of trees breaking, and a scream.

Hearing this voice, the middle-aged man was shocked, turned his head and cried: "Qian Ying, are youok?"

But at this time, suddenly, a young woman's voice, "Dad, help!"

"Wolf, you dare to touch my daughter, I will kill you." Wood day Han cries a way.

The fierce wolf, hehe, blocked Mu Tianhan's hard attack, drew close to Mu Qianying and said with asmile, "kill me, you have to have this ability!"

"Don't worry, little girl. My uncle won't kill you. At that time, I want you to accompany my uncle to have agood time! " The fierce wolf licked his tongue and looked at Mu Qianying with a smile, which scared thelittle girl.

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