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Chapter 1430

Seeing this, Zhu Kuishan sighed, then patted Chen Fei on the shoulder and said, "the martial artsconference is over. Let's get ready to receive the prize."

"Well!" Chen Fei nodded, then leaped out with Zhu Kuishan and returned to the VIP seat.

Next, there is the award ceremony of each group competition. There is no cumbersome process, theorganizer will award directly to the winners.

"Yes, this kind of ancient array is lack of data and difficult to understand, so it is even more difficult tocrack it."

"Look at the pattern of this array. It should be an ancient array of some ages."

Some people get together and discuss with each other, thinking about the solution together.

At this moment, there are many warriors around who have been staring at the three arrays for a longtime, but their brows are locked, and there is no clue.

According to the stall owner's request, it is necessary to find out the breakthrough of these three arraysand crack them.

Under the words, there are three pieces of white cloth. On the white cloth, there are three diagrams ofeight trigrams and Tai Chi, which look very similar. But if you look closely, you can see that thearrangement and lines are different, and they cooperate and restrict each other, forming a complex andclose array.

"Break the battle!" Chen Fei showed a touch of curiosity and looked down the line.

Of course, if only one or two arrays can be broken, the stall owner will take out other things to expresshis gratitude.

His request is to break the three arrays he drew. If he could break them all, he would offer xuanshuangand red plum with both hands.

It turned out that the stall owner did not sell xuanshuang red plum directly, but had exchangeconditions. And his exchange conditions are also very special, not to barter for the same level ofprecious herbs or martial arts weapons.

On the other side of the linen cloth, there are a few lines written in ink. Chen Fei takes a close look. It'sthe rules set by the stall owner.

Although in the heart excited incomparably, but Chen Fei is quite calm, on the face does not have thebig expression change, continued to look.

Therefore, at the first sight of seeing the plant, Chen Fei almost made up his mind to buy thexuanshuang red plum.

Although it's not xuanshuang Chimei fruit, it's just xuanshuang Chimei words, it's something of thesame origin, which is also of great benefit to Chen Fei's cultivation.

You can also learn a unique skill in addition to "red flame fire pupil" and "ice lotus fire".

This xuanshuang red plum fruit belongs to the same level of existence as the Jiuye bingluo flower andJiuyou binglian that Chen Fei had found before. If you can find xuanshuang red plum refining and

taking, Chen Fei's strength can be further.

This xuanshuang red plum is a kind of precious plant with cold property. And the fruit of xuanshuangred plum blossom, xuanshuang red plum fruit, belongs to one of the extremely cold materials that ChenFei needed to practice Jiuyang burning heaven.

But when Chen Fei's eyes just came over, his eyes were suddenly choked. His eyes could not helpnailing on the branch, and his heart beat fiercely. "This is the branch and flower of xuanshuang redplum."

This is an ordinary booth. There is a piece of linen on the ground. On the linen, there is a witheredbranch. There are several withered red flowers on the branch. It doesn't look special.

When people see Chen Fei coming, they naturally make way for Chen Fei to go in smoothly.

"Heaven level herb!" Hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly and came to the stall.


"Ha ha, you'd better untie that array first!"

"If I could get that herb, I would be very happy."

"Just now a few experts have identified, did not find traces of counterfeit, should be true."

"Heaven level herbal medicine, that's too precious. is that true? It can't be a fake to cheat people. "

"It's a big deal to take out a heaven level herb for trading!"

Chen's voice came to the booth.

Just as he was thinking, a lot of people gathered around a stall in front of him. The lively voice rang outand attracted Chen Fei's attention.

Thinking about this, Chen Fei's heart is a touch of strange emotions.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei thought of his younger martial sister Chen Ziling, if the information he hadlearned before was right. That Chen Mochi is probably Chen Ziling's father.

Some people even compare Chen Fei with Chen Mochi, who rose abruptly more than 20 years ago.They say that they are both very lucky to rise abruptly and win the championship as dark horses.

As a result of winning the championship in the competition, more and more people know Chen Fei andtalk about him.

The three walked along the Bank of Yangui lake, mainly looking at the stalls of the roadside warriors,hoping to see if they could find something good.

As for Wei Tian's so-called "friends", after seeing that Chen Fei won the championship, he immediatelyleft, and didn't dare to stay any longer.novelbin

So, Chen Fei stayed, and Zhuo light language and Weitian together, began to walk up.Chen Fei hadplanned to take Zhuo light language back for treatment as soon as possible, but Zhuo light languagesaid that he was not in any serious trouble, but became interested in the wuzhe store.

After all, there are not many opportunities to gather the national elite fighters. It's a good time forpeople who want to learn from their teachers, learn from each other, or buy or sell goods.

The whole Yangui lake has become a shopping mall full of martial arts people. Many of the warriors didnot leave and stayed at the scene. There are even martial artists who come here after the martial artsconference in order to participate in this bustling shopping mall.

The audience and many competitors were not in a hurry to leave. In some cases, they gather to talkabout the old things and exchange their feelings. In other cases, they start to exchange theirexperiences.

So far, this martial arts conference is officially over, but the end of the host's official activities does notmean the end of the whole martial arts conference.

"We understand!" Everyone nodded, and then put away the black card.

In everyone's attention, Zhu Kuishan personally took out a piece of palm sized black cards and issuedthem to the top ten players. Then he said in a voice: "this black card is the pass to explore the Dragontomb. When the time comes, we will inform you of the opening time and place of the Dragon tomb.Then, you can go by yourself. Do you understand? "

Among them, the most concerned nature is the result of prefecture level realm. After all, this group isthe strongest and gets the most rewards. Moreover, one of the awards is the long-awaited qualificationfor exploring the Dragon tomb.

"These three arrays should belong to the defense type. And one by one, it's more and more rigorous,and one by one, it's more and more difficult to crack. "

"Sure, if it's not suffering. People will take out xuanshuang red plum as a reward? "


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