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Chapter 1415

Among them, each contestant, according to their own strength level, has a one-to-one competition inthe corresponding group. Finally, the top three of the low level group are qualified to participate in thecompetition of high level.

The top players in each group will be rewarded accordingly.novelbin

The first is the competition of the lowest level of Huang level. Although the strength of the competitorsin this level is average, in the eyes of many audiences, it is not enjoyable at all.

The opponent was surprised to see Zhuo light language's appearance and said with a smile: "MissZhuo, I will be merciful to you. After all, it's not a gentleman's job to hurt a beautiful woman. "

In this case, with the announcement of the referee, the competition between Zhuo Qingyu and hisopponent officially began.


Pei Hu's eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes shifted to other places. Pay attention to those morepowerful opponents, obviously, he looks down on the strength of Zhuo light language.

Xu Hai's eyes glowed, he licked his tongue and said, "I hope she can go further. In the next round, if wecan meet, we can have a good time."

GUI Lian, who was eliminated, frowned and said, "it's just a vase. What's worth paying attention to. Inmy opinion, she can't take the three moves of her opponent. She must be defeated. "

"That girl is the one who followed Feige!" Wei Tian whispered.

Wei Tian, who finished the first round, naturally noticed Zhuo's light words on the stage at the moment.He was stunned and then looked at Chen Fei.

After all, at any time, beauty is a magic weapon to attract attention. What's more, on such a hotoccasion, how could Zhuo Qingyu, a beautiful woman, stand in the challenge arena, attracted people'sattention and curiosity.

However, with Zhuo light language on the stage, the eyes of the people at the scene, almost all of themwere attracted.

Against Zhuo Qingyu, he is a middle-level monk. He is not well-known, but his strength is pretty good.

The competition went on very fast. Before long, it was Zhuo Qingyu's turn to appear.

Among the other three, GUI Lian in the initial stage of Xuan level was not so lucky as Wei Tian, andshe was defeated in the first round. However, Xu Hai in the middle stage of Xuanji and Pei Hu in thelater stage of Xuanji were successfully promoted to the next round.

Finally, after a fierce battle, Wei Tian barely promoted to the next round.

Wei Tian has just entered the initial stage of Xuan level, and his strength is only average. But in the firstround, he was lucky. His opponent was also a warrior who had just entered the initial level of Xuanji.

Looking at the process, Chen Fei also pays attention to the results of Wei Tian's competition.

According to Chen Fei's estimation, Zhuo Qingyu's current strength and his ability to defeat someordinary Xuan level later martial arts players is a sure thing. I'm afraid I'll be defeated only when I meet

some of the most powerful men in the later stage of Xuanji and the highest level of Xuanji.

Chen Fei roughly swept the results of each challenge arena competition. Zhuo light language is moreconfident, because the strength of these people can only be considered in general. Although ZhuoQingyu's realm is not high, he practices the skills taught by Chen Fei, and is also a rare spirit ofQingmu, which is not comparable to that of ordinary martial arts.

And the audience around, also aroused by the atmosphere, excited to shout. Some people cheer forthe people they know, and some directly bet on the roadside gambling stand to win or lose.

A shout, the whistling sound of Zhenyuan's breath, the collision sound of the body, and even thescream of injury, constantly sounded on the lake. Let the scene into a slightly noisy atmosphere.

At the beginning of the competition, several challenge arenas started at the same time.

Soon, the result was drawn. Zhuo Qingyu draws the No. 88 sign, but it's relatively backward. You cansee the competition of other people first, and explore the strength of others, which can also beregarded as a little bottom in your heart.

Meanwhile, on Wei Tian's side, they are also going down the stage at the moment, ready to draw lotsto participate in the game. The four of them are all martial artists in the metaphysical realm. Theysigned up to participate in the contest of this realm.

"Well, go!" Chen Fei nodded.

Zhuo light language turns head, looking at Chen Fei, solemnly nodded, way: "Chen teacher, Iunderstand!"

Seeing this, Chen Fei patted his back and said in a soft voice, "speak softly, don't have pressure. Yourstrength is very strong. Don't be afraid of any opponent. Because you are my disciple. You should beconfident. Do you understand? "

She took a deep breath, got up from her seat, and walked to the challenge arena on the lake. The girl'sface is tight, a pair of jade hands clenched into a fist, it seems a little nervous.

Zhuo light language is now in the initial stage of Xuanji level. Naturally, it's the competition of this groupthat you sign up for.

At the beginning of the competition, the contestants who signed up for the competition came to thestage to draw lots, and then, according to the order of the drawing numbers, the contestants with thefirst and the second numbers played each other for two years.

Compared with the competition just now, the audience's interest in the competition has obviouslyincreased a lot. After all, most of the audience were in this realm, and many people signed up for thecontest.After a rest, the competition of Huang level is over, and the next is the competition of Xuanlevel.

Eight of them were young children of big families and clans. The other two black horses were recruitedby wudaomeng and a big family immediately after they came to the fore.

Several arena competition at the same time, the Yellow level realm group competition is very fast, twohours later, the top ten experts all decided to come out.

Of course, many of the competitors themselves are young disciples of big families and big schools.Taking part in this competition is not only an opportunity for them to practice themselves, but also anopportunity for them to show themselves to the outside world and prepare for their fame in the future.

At the scene, many clans and big families will directly throw their olive branch to recruit them to thepast and cultivate them as their future talents.

Because, this kind of low level competition, the main function is to select outstanding talents andseedlings. If you can be at the top of the Yellow level realm competition and show your potential.

But some big families and forces are still interested in it.

Zhuo light language disgusted of frown, cold voice way: "this is a contest arena, you go all out!"

"Miss Zhuo, I --" the other party wanted to say something else, but at this time, Zhuo light language hadalready moved his body and attacked him.

The player didn't like it at first, so he clapped his hand to meet Zhuo Qingyu's attack. But when Zhuolight language with real yuan breath attack in front of him less than a meter distance, the player wassurprised to find that Zhuo light language's breath pressure momentum is full, even more powerful thanhimself.

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